
时间:2022-04-05 15:03:32

I'm trying to find a way to get the execution time of a section of code in C. I've already tried both time() and clock() from time.h, but it seems that time() returns seconds and clock() seems to give me milliseconds (or centiseconds?) I would like something more precise though. Is there a way I can grab the time with at least microsecond precision?


This only needs to be able to compile on Linux.


11 个解决方案



You referred to clock() and time() - were you looking for gettimeofday()? That will fill in a struct timeval, which contains seconds and microseconds.

您提到了clock()和time()——您是在寻找gettimeofday()吗?这将填充一个包含秒和微秒的struct timeval。

Of course the actual resolution is up to the hardware.




For what it's worth, here's one that's just a few macros:


#include <time.h>
clock_t startm, stopm;
#define START if ( (startm = clock()) == -1) {printf("Error calling clock");exit(1);}
#define STOP if ( (stopm = clock()) == -1) {printf("Error calling clock");exit(1);}
#define PRINTTIME printf( "%6.3f seconds used by the processor.", ((double)stopm-startm)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

Then just use it with:


main() {
  // Do stuff you want to time

From http://ctips.pbwiki.com/Timer




You want a profiler application.


Search keywords at SO and search engines: linux profiling




Have a look at gettimeofday, clock_*, or get/setitimer.

看看gettimeofday, clock_*,或者get/setitimer。



Try "bench.h"; it lets you put a START_TIMER; and STOP_TIMER("name"); into your code, allowing you to arbitrarily benchmark any section of code (note: only recommended for short sections, not things taking dozens of milliseconds or more). Its accurate to the clock cycle, though in some rare cases it can change how the code in between is compiled, in which case you're better off with a profiler (though profilers are generally more effort to use for specific sections of code).


It only works on x86.




You might want to google for an instrumentation tool.




You won't find a library call which lets you get past the clock resolution of your platform. Either use a profiler (man gprof) as another poster suggested, or - quick & dirty - put a loop around the offending section of code to execute it many times, and use clock().

您不会找到一个库调用,它允许您通过平台的时钟分辨率。要么按照另一个海报的建议使用profiler (man gprof),要么——quick & dirty——对违规代码段进行循环,多次执行,然后使用clock()。



gettimeofday() provides you with a resolution of microseconds, whereas clock_gettime() provides you with a resolution of nanoseconds.


int clock_gettime(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *tp);

The clk_id identifies the clock to be used. Use CLOCK_REALTIME if you want a system-wide clock visible to all processes. Use CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID for per-process timer and CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID for a thread-specific timer.




It depends on the conditions.. Profilers are nice for general global views however if you really need an accurate view my recommendation is KISS. Simply run the code in a loop such that it takes a minute or so to complete. Then compute a simple average based on the total run time and iterations executed.


This approach allows you to:


  1. Obtain accurate results with low resolution timers.


  2. Not run into issues where instrumentation interferes with high speed caches (l2,l1,branch..etc) close to the processor. However running the same code in a tight loop can also provide optimistic results that may not reflect real world conditions.




Don't know which enviroment/OS you are working on, but your timing may be inaccurate if another thread, task, or process preempts your timed code in the middle. I suggest exploring mechanisms such as mutexes or semaphores to prevent other threads from preemting your process.




If you are developing on x86 or x64 why not use the Time Stamp Counter: RDTSC.


It will be more reliable then Ansi C functions like time() or clock() as RDTSC is an atomic function. Using C functions for this purpose can introduce problems as you have no guarantee that the thread they are executing in will not be switched out and as a result the value they return will not be an accurate description of the actual execution time you are trying to measure.

它将比Ansi C函数(如time()或clock()更可靠,因为RDTSC是一个原子函数。为此目的使用C函数可能会带来问题,因为您无法保证它们正在执行的线程不会被切换出去,因此它们返回的值将不能准确地描述您试图度量的实际执行时间。

With RDTSC you can better measure this. You will need to convert the tick count back into a human readable time H:M:S format which will depend on the processors clock frequency but google around and I am sure you will find examples.


However even with RDTSC you will be including the time your code was switched out of execution, while a better solution than using time()/clock() if you need an exact measurement you will have to turn to a profiler that will instrument your code and take into account when your code is not actually executing due to context switches or whatever.




You referred to clock() and time() - were you looking for gettimeofday()? That will fill in a struct timeval, which contains seconds and microseconds.

您提到了clock()和time()——您是在寻找gettimeofday()吗?这将填充一个包含秒和微秒的struct timeval。

Of course the actual resolution is up to the hardware.




For what it's worth, here's one that's just a few macros:


#include <time.h>
clock_t startm, stopm;
#define START if ( (startm = clock()) == -1) {printf("Error calling clock");exit(1);}
#define STOP if ( (stopm = clock()) == -1) {printf("Error calling clock");exit(1);}
#define PRINTTIME printf( "%6.3f seconds used by the processor.", ((double)stopm-startm)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

Then just use it with:


main() {
  // Do stuff you want to time

From http://ctips.pbwiki.com/Timer




You want a profiler application.


Search keywords at SO and search engines: linux profiling




Have a look at gettimeofday, clock_*, or get/setitimer.

看看gettimeofday, clock_*,或者get/setitimer。



Try "bench.h"; it lets you put a START_TIMER; and STOP_TIMER("name"); into your code, allowing you to arbitrarily benchmark any section of code (note: only recommended for short sections, not things taking dozens of milliseconds or more). Its accurate to the clock cycle, though in some rare cases it can change how the code in between is compiled, in which case you're better off with a profiler (though profilers are generally more effort to use for specific sections of code).


It only works on x86.




You might want to google for an instrumentation tool.




You won't find a library call which lets you get past the clock resolution of your platform. Either use a profiler (man gprof) as another poster suggested, or - quick & dirty - put a loop around the offending section of code to execute it many times, and use clock().

您不会找到一个库调用,它允许您通过平台的时钟分辨率。要么按照另一个海报的建议使用profiler (man gprof),要么——quick & dirty——对违规代码段进行循环,多次执行,然后使用clock()。



gettimeofday() provides you with a resolution of microseconds, whereas clock_gettime() provides you with a resolution of nanoseconds.


int clock_gettime(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *tp);

The clk_id identifies the clock to be used. Use CLOCK_REALTIME if you want a system-wide clock visible to all processes. Use CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID for per-process timer and CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID for a thread-specific timer.




It depends on the conditions.. Profilers are nice for general global views however if you really need an accurate view my recommendation is KISS. Simply run the code in a loop such that it takes a minute or so to complete. Then compute a simple average based on the total run time and iterations executed.


This approach allows you to:


  1. Obtain accurate results with low resolution timers.


  2. Not run into issues where instrumentation interferes with high speed caches (l2,l1,branch..etc) close to the processor. However running the same code in a tight loop can also provide optimistic results that may not reflect real world conditions.




Don't know which enviroment/OS you are working on, but your timing may be inaccurate if another thread, task, or process preempts your timed code in the middle. I suggest exploring mechanisms such as mutexes or semaphores to prevent other threads from preemting your process.




If you are developing on x86 or x64 why not use the Time Stamp Counter: RDTSC.


It will be more reliable then Ansi C functions like time() or clock() as RDTSC is an atomic function. Using C functions for this purpose can introduce problems as you have no guarantee that the thread they are executing in will not be switched out and as a result the value they return will not be an accurate description of the actual execution time you are trying to measure.

它将比Ansi C函数(如time()或clock()更可靠,因为RDTSC是一个原子函数。为此目的使用C函数可能会带来问题,因为您无法保证它们正在执行的线程不会被切换出去,因此它们返回的值将不能准确地描述您试图度量的实际执行时间。

With RDTSC you can better measure this. You will need to convert the tick count back into a human readable time H:M:S format which will depend on the processors clock frequency but google around and I am sure you will find examples.


However even with RDTSC you will be including the time your code was switched out of execution, while a better solution than using time()/clock() if you need an exact measurement you will have to turn to a profiler that will instrument your code and take into account when your code is not actually executing due to context switches or whatever.
