
时间:2022-04-16 15:01:55

I tried installing several db apis in D 2.0, but the documentation is often either lacking or missing altogether.

我尝试在D 2.0中安装了几个db api,但是文档经常缺少或者完全丢失。

Does someone know more on the subject?


1 个解决方案



You can find list of database bindings for D at http://www.wikiservice.at/d/wiki.cgi?DatabaseBindings. If you find more information on the net, feel free to update the page.


Many Database APIs for D are in alpha/beta, discontinued and poorly documented. It may be because many database systems provides C interface, which D can call directly - and bindings (translated C header files) are enough for many task, even if not so nice to use (for one - they may require handling of return error codes instead of exceptions).




You can find list of database bindings for D at http://www.wikiservice.at/d/wiki.cgi?DatabaseBindings. If you find more information on the net, feel free to update the page.


Many Database APIs for D are in alpha/beta, discontinued and poorly documented. It may be because many database systems provides C interface, which D can call directly - and bindings (translated C header files) are enough for many task, even if not so nice to use (for one - they may require handling of return error codes instead of exceptions).
