
时间:2023-02-04 14:49:34



    1.首先下载wwwcount-2.6-6.i386.rpm。网址是http: //speakeasy.rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/PLD/dists/ra/PLD/i386/PLD/RPMS/wwwcount -2.6-6.i386.html。输入下面的命令:
    #rpm -Uvh wwwcount-2.6-6.i386.rpm


    2.接着下载wwwcount2.6.tar.gz文件。网址是http: //www.muquit.com/muquit/software/Count/Count2.6/Count2.6/download/src/wwwcount2.6.tar.gz。下载完后,就开始安装、设置与使用了。

    # cd /usr/local/src
    # tar -zxvf wwwcount2.6.tar.gz


        # ./Count-config   //开始设定……◆ cgi-bin dierctory [/usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin]: /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin  //Apache默认的cgi-bin的目录……◆ Base directory [/usr/local/etc/Counter]: /usr/local/Counter // wwwcount安装的目录You need to enter the directory of the configuration file. ◆ Config directory [/usr/local/Counter/conf]:   //默认按回车键You will create this file later by running the program “Gen_conf”. ◆ Name of the configuration file [count.cfg]:  //默认按回车键You need to enter the directory of the counter data file. ◆ Data directory [/usr/local/Counter/data]:  //默认按回车键You need to enter the directory of the Log file. ◆ Log directory [/usr/local/Counter/Log]:  //默认按回车键◆ Name of the log file [Count2.6.log]:    //默认按回车键You entered: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CgiBinDir=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin ……++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Everything looks ok [y|n]? y  //确定以上设置没问题后就按y


    6.如果想要让计数器每点击一次就增加一个数的话,在Makefile文件中找到“Makefile #COUNT_RELOAD= -DCOUNT_RELOAD=1 ”这行(大约在33行),将注解“#”符号取消,保存后退出。

    7.输入命令“make clean”,然后开始编译可执行文件。


        …… Continue [y|n]? y  //按下y确定Enter your fully qualified domain name [no default]: game1.com.cn //需要输入主机名与域名◆ Enter your IP address [no default]:  ◆ Does your host have any nickname [y|n]:? y  //如果主机有多个名称,那就按y,否则按n◆ Enter your host's nickname (FQDN) [no default]: www.game1.com.cn  //如果上面按y,才会出现需要填另一个主机名◆ Do you want to allow automatic file creation [y|n]? n  //通常不希望自动产生文件◆ Do you want the program to run in strict mode [y|n]? y  ◆ Do you want to ignore access hits from your own host [y|n]? y//用户自己访问,如果想计入其内,就按y。……


        # ./Count-installYour configuration: ……Continue [y|n]? y  //查看上面的设置信息是否正确,正确的话就开始安装◆ Do you know the user and group id of httpd' child process [y|n]:? y  ◆ Enter user id of httpd's child process [no default]:? nobody  ◆ Enter group id of httpd's child process [no default]:? nobody//如果用户不清楚,可以在httpd.conf文件中查找相关的设置




        <img SRC=“http://www.game1.com.cn/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?dd=A&ft=0&sh=T&pad=Y&df=test.dat”>


        #cd /usr/local/Counter/data #echo 1 > test.dat #chown nobody:nobody test.dat #chmod 644 test.dat