Given a matrix of m x n elements (m rows, n columns), return all elements of the matrix in spiral order.
For example,
Given the following matrix:
[ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 4, 5, 6 ],
[ 7, 8, 9 ]
You should return [1,2,3,6,9,8,7,4,5]
class Solution {
vector<int> spiralOrder(vector<vector<int>>& matrix) {
vector<int> ret;
const int m = matrix.size();
if (m<) return ret;
const int n = matrix[].size();
const int circle = std::min(n, m)/;
for ( int c=; c<circle; ++c )
// traversal a circle
// up row
for ( int col=c; col<n-c; ++col ) ret.push_back(matrix[c][col]);
// right col
for ( int row=c+; row<m-c-; ++row ) ret.push_back(matrix[row][n--c]);
// down row
for ( int col=n--c; col>=c; --col ) ret.push_back(matrix[m--c][col]);
// left col
for ( int row=m-c-; row>c; --row ) ret.push_back(matrix[row][c]);
// if odd
if ( std::min(n, m) & ){
if ( m>=n ){
for ( int row=circle; row<m-circle; ++row ) ret.push_back(matrix[row][circle]);
for ( int col=circle; col<n-circle; ++col ) ret.push_back(matrix[circle][col]);
return ret;
1. 首先确定要绕几圈:取行和列中小的,除以2,得到绕几圈(如果是偶数正好绕完;奇数剩中间的一行或一列)
2. 按照题中给的顺序绕(上 右 下 左)
3. ‘绕’循环出来之后,判断行列中较小的那个是奇数还是偶数(位运算判断):如果是偶数则不用处理;如果是奇数,需要判断剩下的是‘一行’还是‘一列’(行列相等的情况可以归到剩下一行的情况中)
class Solution {
vector<int> spiralOrder(vector<vector<int>>& matrix) {
vector<int> ret;
if ( matrix.empty() ) return ret;
const int M = matrix.size(); // row
const int N = matrix[].size(); // column
const int C = min(M,N)/; // circle
for ( int i=; i<C; ++i )
// north
for ( int p=i; p<N-i; ++p ) ret.push_back(matrix[i][p]);
// east
for ( int p=i+; p<M-i-; ++p ) ret.push_back(matrix[p][N--i]);
// south
for ( int p=i; p<N-i; ++p ) ret.push_back(matrix[M--i][N--p]);
// west
for ( int p=i+; p<M-i-; ++p ) ret.push_back(matrix[M--p][i]);
if ( min(M,N) & )
if ( M<N )
for ( int i=C; i<N-C; ++i) ret.push_back(matrix[C][i]);
for ( int i=C; i<M-C; ++i ) ret.push_back(matrix[i][C]);
return ret;