
时间:2022-02-21 16:00:45

The basics

Right now a few of my friends and I are trying to develope a browser game made in nodejs. It's a multiplayer top-down shooter, and most of both the client-side and server-side code is in javascript. We have a good general direction that we'd like to go in, and we're having a lot of fun developing the game. One of our goals when making this game was to make it as hard as possible to cheat. Do do that, we have all of the game logic handled server-side. The client only sends their input the the server via web socket, and the server updates the client (also web socket) with what is happening in the game. Here's the start of our problem.

现在,我和几个朋友正在开发一个用node . js制作的浏览器游戏。它是一个多玩家自顶向下的射手,而且大多数客户端和服务器端的代码都是javascript的。我们有一个好的总体方向,我们想要进入,我们有很多乐趣开发这个游戏。我们做这个游戏的目标之一就是让作弊变得尽可能的困难。做到这一点,我们已经处理了服务器端所有的游戏逻辑。客户端只通过web套接字向服务器发送他们的输入,服务器用游戏中发生的事情更新客户端(也是web套接字)。这是问题的开始。

All of the server side math is getting pretty hefty, and we're finding that we need to scale in some way to handle anything more than 10 players (we want to be able to host many more). At first we had figured that we could just scale vertically as we needed to, but since nodejs is single threaded, is can only take advantage of one core. This means that getting a beefier server won't help that problem. Our only solution is to scale horizontally.


Why we're asking here

We haven't been able to find any good examples of how to scale out a nodejs game. Our use case is pretty particular, and while we've done our best to do this by ourselves, we could really benefit from outside opinions and advice

我们还没有找到任何关于如何扩展node . js游戏的好例子。我们的用例是非常特别的,虽然我们已经尽了最大的努力来做到这一点,但是我们可以从外界的意见和建议中获益


We've already put a LOT of thought into how to solve this problem. We've been working on it for over a week. Here's what we have put together so far:


Four types of servers

We're splitting tasks into 4 different 'types' of servers. Each one will have a specific task it completes.


The proxy server

The proxy server would sit at the front of the entire stack, and be the only server directly accessible from the internet (there could potentially be more of these). It would have haproxy on it, and it would route all connections to the web servers. We chose haproxy because of its rich feature set, reliability, and nearly unbeatable speed.


The web server

The web server would receive the web-requests, and serve all web-pages. They would also handle lobby creation/management and game creation/management. To do this, they would tell the game servers what lobbies it has, what users are in that lobby, and info about the game they're going to play. The web servers would then update the game servers about user input, and the game server would update the web servers (who would then update the clients) of what's happening in the game. The web servers would use TCP sockets to communicate with the game servers about any type of management, and they would use UDP sockets when communicating about game updates. This would all be done with nodejs.

web服务器将接收web请求,并服务于所有web页面。他们还将处理游说创造/管理和游戏创建/管理。要做到这一点,他们会告诉游戏服务器它有什么大厅,用户在大厅里是什么,以及他们将要玩的游戏的信息。然后,web服务器会更新游戏服务器关于用户输入的信息,而游戏服务器会更新游戏中发生的事情的web服务器(然后由谁更新客户端)。web服务器将使用TCP套接字与游戏服务器通信任何类型的管理,并且在通信游戏更新时使用UDP套接字。这一切都要用node . js来完成。

The game server

The game server would handle all the game math and variable updates about the game. The game servers also communicate with the db servers to record cool stats about players in game. This would be done with nodejs.


The db server

The db server would host the database. This part actually turned out to be the easiest since we found rethinkdb, the coolest db ever. This scales easily, and oddly enough, turned out to be the easiest part of scaling our application.


Some other details

If you're having trouble getting your head around our whole getup, look at this, it's a semi-accurate chart of how we think we'll scale.


If you're just curious, or think it might be helpful to look at our game, it's currently hosted in it's un-scaled state here.


Some things we don't want

  • We don't want to use the cluster module of nodejs. It isn't stable (said here), and it doesn't scale to other servers, only other processors. We'd like to just take the leap to horizontal scaling.
  • 我们不想使用nodejs的集群模块。它不稳定(这里说的),并且不扩展到其他服务器,只扩展到其他处理器。我们想直接跳到水平缩放。

Our question, summed up

We hope we're going in the right direction, and we've done our homework, but we're not certain. We could certainly take a few tips on how to do this the right way.



I realize that this is a pretty long question, and making a well thought out answer will not be easy, but I would really appreciate it.



谢谢! !

2 个解决方案



Following my spontaneous thoughts on your case:


Multicore usage

node.js can scale with multiple cores as well. How, you can read for example here (or just think about it: You have one thread/process running on one core, what do you need to use multiple cores? Multiple threads or multiple processes. Push work from main thread to other threads or processes and you are done).


I personally would say it is childish to develop an application, which does not make use of multiple cores. If you make use of some background processes, ok, but if you until now only do work in the node.js main event loop, you should definitely invest some time to make the app scalable over cores.


Implementing something like IPC is not that easy by the way. You can do, but if your case is complicated maybe you are good to go with the cluster module. This is obviously not your favorite, but just because something is called "experimental" it does not mean it's trashy. Just give it a try, maybe you can even fix some bugs of the module on the way. It's most likely better to use some broadly used software for complex problems, than invent a new wheel.


You should also (if you do not already) think about (wise) usage of nextTick functionality. This allows the main event loop to pause some cpu intensive task and perform other work in the meanwhile. You can read about it for example here.


General thoughts on computations

You should definitely take a very close look at your algorithms of the game engine. You already noticed that this is your bottleneck right now and actually computations are the most critical part of mostly every game. Scaling does solve this problem in one way, but scaling introduces other problems. Also you cannot throw "scaling" as problem solver on everything and expect every problem to disappear.


Your best bet is to make your game code elegant and fast. Think about how to solve problems efficiently. If you cannot solve something in Javascript efficiently, but the problem can easily be extracted, why not write a little C component instead? This counts as a separate process as well, which reduces load on your main node.js event loop.



Personally I do not see the advantage of the proxy level right now. You do not seem to expect large amount of users, you therefore won't need to solve problems like CDN solves or whatever... it's okay to think about it, but I would not invest much time there right now.


Technically there is a high chance your webserver software provides proxy functionality anyway. So it is ok to have it on the paper, but I would not plan with dedicated hardware right now.



The rest seems more or less fine to me.




Little late to the game, but take a look here: http://goldfirestudios.com/blog/136/Horizontally-Scaling-Node.js-and-WebSockets-with-Redis

这款游戏有点晚了,但请看看这里:http://goldfirestudios.com/blog/136/horizontally-scaling-node.jand - websockets-with-redis。

You did not mention anything to do with memory management. As you know, nodejs doesn't share its memory with other processes, so an in-memory database is a must if you want to scale. (Redis, Memcache, etc). You need to setup a publisher & subscriber event on each node to accept incoming requests from redis. This way, you can scale up x nilo amount of servers (infront of your HAProxy) and utilize the data piped from redis.

您没有提到任何与内存管理有关的内容。正如您所知道的,nodejs不会与其他进程共享内存,因此如果您希望扩展内存数据库,那么内存中数据库是必需的。(复述、Memcache等)。您需要在每个节点上设置发布者和订阅者事件,以接受来自redis的传入请求。通过这种方式,您可以扩展x nilo数量的服务器(在HAProxy的前面),并利用来自redis的数据管道。

There is also this node addon: http://blog.varunajayasiri.com/shared-memory-with-nodejs That lets you share memory between processes, but only works under Linux. This will help if you don't want to send data across local processes all the time or have to deal with nodes ipc api.

还有这个节点addon: http://blog.varunajayasiri.com/shared-memory-with-nodejs,它允许您在进程之间共享内存,但只能在Linux下工作。如果您不希望一直跨本地进程发送数据,或者必须处理节点ipc api,那么这将有所帮助。

You can also fork child processes within node for a new v8 isolate to help with expensive cpu bound tasks. For example, players can kill monsters and obtain quite a bit of loot within my action rpg game. I have a child process called LootGenerater, and basically whenever a player kills a monster it sends the game id, mob_id, and user_id to the process via the default IPC api .send. Once the child process receives it, it iterates over the large loot table and manages the items (stores to redis, or whatever) and pipes it back.

您还可以在node中为新的v8隔离程序提供子进程,以帮助处理昂贵的cpu绑定任务。例如,玩家可以杀死怪物并在我的动作rpg游戏中获得相当多的战利品。我有一个叫做LootGenerater的子进程,基本上只要玩家杀死一个怪物,它就会通过默认的IPC api .send将游戏id、mob_id和user_id发送给进程。一旦子进程接收到它,它将遍历大型loot表并管理条目(存储到redis或其他)并将其返回。

This helps free up the event loop greatly, and just one idea I can think of to help you scale. But most importantly you will want to use an in-memory database system and make sure your game code architecture is designed around whatever database system you use. Don't make the mistake I did by now having to re-write everything :)


Hope this helps!


Note: If you do decide to go with Memcache, you will need to utilize another pub/sub system.




Following my spontaneous thoughts on your case:


Multicore usage

node.js can scale with multiple cores as well. How, you can read for example here (or just think about it: You have one thread/process running on one core, what do you need to use multiple cores? Multiple threads or multiple processes. Push work from main thread to other threads or processes and you are done).


I personally would say it is childish to develop an application, which does not make use of multiple cores. If you make use of some background processes, ok, but if you until now only do work in the node.js main event loop, you should definitely invest some time to make the app scalable over cores.


Implementing something like IPC is not that easy by the way. You can do, but if your case is complicated maybe you are good to go with the cluster module. This is obviously not your favorite, but just because something is called "experimental" it does not mean it's trashy. Just give it a try, maybe you can even fix some bugs of the module on the way. It's most likely better to use some broadly used software for complex problems, than invent a new wheel.


You should also (if you do not already) think about (wise) usage of nextTick functionality. This allows the main event loop to pause some cpu intensive task and perform other work in the meanwhile. You can read about it for example here.


General thoughts on computations

You should definitely take a very close look at your algorithms of the game engine. You already noticed that this is your bottleneck right now and actually computations are the most critical part of mostly every game. Scaling does solve this problem in one way, but scaling introduces other problems. Also you cannot throw "scaling" as problem solver on everything and expect every problem to disappear.


Your best bet is to make your game code elegant and fast. Think about how to solve problems efficiently. If you cannot solve something in Javascript efficiently, but the problem can easily be extracted, why not write a little C component instead? This counts as a separate process as well, which reduces load on your main node.js event loop.



Personally I do not see the advantage of the proxy level right now. You do not seem to expect large amount of users, you therefore won't need to solve problems like CDN solves or whatever... it's okay to think about it, but I would not invest much time there right now.


Technically there is a high chance your webserver software provides proxy functionality anyway. So it is ok to have it on the paper, but I would not plan with dedicated hardware right now.



The rest seems more or less fine to me.




Little late to the game, but take a look here: http://goldfirestudios.com/blog/136/Horizontally-Scaling-Node.js-and-WebSockets-with-Redis

这款游戏有点晚了,但请看看这里:http://goldfirestudios.com/blog/136/horizontally-scaling-node.jand - websockets-with-redis。

You did not mention anything to do with memory management. As you know, nodejs doesn't share its memory with other processes, so an in-memory database is a must if you want to scale. (Redis, Memcache, etc). You need to setup a publisher & subscriber event on each node to accept incoming requests from redis. This way, you can scale up x nilo amount of servers (infront of your HAProxy) and utilize the data piped from redis.

您没有提到任何与内存管理有关的内容。正如您所知道的,nodejs不会与其他进程共享内存,因此如果您希望扩展内存数据库,那么内存中数据库是必需的。(复述、Memcache等)。您需要在每个节点上设置发布者和订阅者事件,以接受来自redis的传入请求。通过这种方式,您可以扩展x nilo数量的服务器(在HAProxy的前面),并利用来自redis的数据管道。

There is also this node addon: http://blog.varunajayasiri.com/shared-memory-with-nodejs That lets you share memory between processes, but only works under Linux. This will help if you don't want to send data across local processes all the time or have to deal with nodes ipc api.

还有这个节点addon: http://blog.varunajayasiri.com/shared-memory-with-nodejs,它允许您在进程之间共享内存,但只能在Linux下工作。如果您不希望一直跨本地进程发送数据,或者必须处理节点ipc api,那么这将有所帮助。

You can also fork child processes within node for a new v8 isolate to help with expensive cpu bound tasks. For example, players can kill monsters and obtain quite a bit of loot within my action rpg game. I have a child process called LootGenerater, and basically whenever a player kills a monster it sends the game id, mob_id, and user_id to the process via the default IPC api .send. Once the child process receives it, it iterates over the large loot table and manages the items (stores to redis, or whatever) and pipes it back.

您还可以在node中为新的v8隔离程序提供子进程,以帮助处理昂贵的cpu绑定任务。例如,玩家可以杀死怪物并在我的动作rpg游戏中获得相当多的战利品。我有一个叫做LootGenerater的子进程,基本上只要玩家杀死一个怪物,它就会通过默认的IPC api .send将游戏id、mob_id和user_id发送给进程。一旦子进程接收到它,它将遍历大型loot表并管理条目(存储到redis或其他)并将其返回。

This helps free up the event loop greatly, and just one idea I can think of to help you scale. But most importantly you will want to use an in-memory database system and make sure your game code architecture is designed around whatever database system you use. Don't make the mistake I did by now having to re-write everything :)


Hope this helps!


Note: If you do decide to go with Memcache, you will need to utilize another pub/sub system.
