打开MP计划 - 查找循环的最佳参数

时间:2021-02-23 14:38:48

I'm having trouble understanding an assigment I'm doing for my Parallel Computing course. The problem in question is this:


Consider the following code:


for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i++){
    int arg = ...

Where the execution time of compute() is proportional to the value of its argument. We want to parallelize this loop using OpenMP, with one of the schedules static, dynamic or guided. Find an example of an expression for arg (i.e. complete line 2) so that the best schedule to use would be:


  1. static


  2. dynamic


  3. guided


Explain your answers.


I don't have any problem understanding the OpenMP Schedules, but I'm having trouble finding any sort of information that can help me decide which arguments to use, and why.

我对OpenMP Schedules的理解没有任何问题,但是我很难找到任何可以帮助我决定使用哪些参数的信息,以及为什么。

The curriculum is of no use, and I haven't had any luck with Google.


I understand if people "don't want to give me homework solutions", but a solid pointer in the right direction would be nice. Simply put, how can I evaluate which argument to use for any of the Schedules?


1 个解决方案



They are asking you to come up with 3 different things 'arg' could be to suit each of the 3 scheduling methods.


Keep in mind they have told you that the processing time is proportional to the int value of arg.


So for static scheduling, arg must always be the same number, so the processing time is always identical. Thus something like arg=10;

因此,对于静态调度,arg必须始终为相同的数字,因此处理时间始终相同。因此像arg = 10;

For dynamic scheduling, this would be when arg is changing value, so something like arg=rand(); As that would result in randomly different time for each compute.

对于动态调度,这可能是当arg正在改变值时,所以像arg = rand();因为这会导致每个计算的随机时间不同。

For guiding scheduling, maying something like arg = i / 10; because arg will remain static for a while at each value, while still dynamically changing through values.

为了指导安排,可能会像arg = i / 10;因为arg将在每个值保持静态一段时间,同时仍然通过值动态更改。



They are asking you to come up with 3 different things 'arg' could be to suit each of the 3 scheduling methods.


Keep in mind they have told you that the processing time is proportional to the int value of arg.


So for static scheduling, arg must always be the same number, so the processing time is always identical. Thus something like arg=10;

因此,对于静态调度,arg必须始终为相同的数字,因此处理时间始终相同。因此像arg = 10;

For dynamic scheduling, this would be when arg is changing value, so something like arg=rand(); As that would result in randomly different time for each compute.

对于动态调度,这可能是当arg正在改变值时,所以像arg = rand();因为这会导致每个计算的随机时间不同。

For guiding scheduling, maying something like arg = i / 10; because arg will remain static for a while at each value, while still dynamically changing through values.

为了指导安排,可能会像arg = i / 10;因为arg将在每个值保持静态一段时间,同时仍然通过值动态更改。