
时间:2022-04-22 14:35:02

What I want to do is very simple but I'm trying to find the best or most elegant way to do this. The Rails application I'm building now will have a schedule of daily classes. For each class the fields relevant to this question are:


  • Day of the week
  • 一周中的天

  • Starting time
  • Ending time

A single entry could be something such as:


  • day of week: Wednesday
  • 星期几:星期三

  • starting time: 10:00 am
  • 开始时间:上午10:00

  • ending time: Noon
  • 结束时间:中午

Also I must mention that it's a bi-lingual Rails 2.2 app and I'm using the native i18n Rails feature. I actually have several questions.

此外,我必须提到它是一个双语Rails 2.2应用程序,我正在使用本机i18n Rails功能。我其实有几个问题。

Regarding the day of the week, should I create an extra table with list of days, or is there a built-in way to create that list on the fly? Keep in mind these days of the week will have to be rendered in English or Spanish in the schedule view depending on the locale variable.


While querying the schedule I will need to group and order the results by weekday, from Monday to Sunday, and of course order the classes within each day by starting time.


Regarding the starting time and ending time of each class would you use datetime fields or integer fields? If the latter how would you implement this exactly?


Looking forward to read the different suggestions you guys will come up with.


3 个解决方案


I would just store the day of the week as an integer. 0 => Monday ... 6 => Sunday (or any way you want. ie. 0 => Sunday). Then store the start time and end time as Time.

我只是将星期几存储为整数。 0 =>星期一... 6 =>星期日(或任何你想要的方式。即0 =>星期日)。然后将开始时间和结束时间存储为时间。

That would make grouping really easy. All you would have to do is sort by the day of the week and the start time.


You can display this in multiple ways, but here is what I would do.


  1. Have functions like: @sunday_classes = DailyClass.find_sunday_classes that returns all the classes for Sunday sorted by start time. Then repeat for each day.

    具有以下函数:@sunday_classes = DailyClass.find_sunday_classes,它返回按开始时间排序的星期日的所有类。然后重复每一天。

    def find_sunday_classes
      find_by_day_of_week(1, :order -> 'start_time')

    Note: find_by probably should have id at the end but that's just preference in how you want to name the column.


  2. If you want the full week then call all seven from the controller and loop trough them in the view. You could even create detail pages for each day.


  3. Translation is the only tricky part. You can create a helper function that takes an integer and returns the text for the appropriate day of the week based on local.
  4. 翻译是唯一棘手的部分。您可以创建一个带有整数的辅助函数,并根据本地返回一周中相应日期的文本。

That's very basic. Nothing complicated.



If your data is a Time then I would store that as a Time - otherwise you will always have to convert it out of the database when you do date and time related operations on it. The day is redundant data, as it will be part of the time object.

如果您的数据是时间,那么我会将其存储为时间 - 否则,当您对数据库进行日期和时间相关操作时,您将始终必须将其转换出数据库。这一天是冗余数据,因为它将成为时间对象的一部分。

This should mean that you don't need to store a list of days.


If t is a time then



will always give you the day as a string in English. This could then be translated by i18n as required.


So you only need to store starting time and ending time, or starting time and duration. Both should be equivalent. I would be tempted to store ending time myself, in case you need to do data manipulations on ending times, which therefore won't have to be calculated.


I think most of the rest of what you describe should also fall out of storing time data as instances of Time.


Ordering by week day and time will just be a matter of ordering by your time column. i.e.


daily_class.find(:all, :conditions => ['whatever'], :order => :starting_time)

Grouping by day is a little more tricky. However this is an excellent post on how to group by week. Grouping by day will be analogous.


If you are dealing with non-trivial volumes of data, it may be better to do it in the database, with a find_by_sql and that may depend on your database's time and date functionality, but again storing the data as a Time will also help you here. For example in Postgresql (which I use), getting the week of a class is


date_trunc('week', starting_time)

which you can use in a Group By clause, or as a value to use in some loop logic in rails.

您可以在Group By子句中使用它,或者作为在rails中的某些循环逻辑中使用的值。


Re days-of-week, if you need to have e.g. classes that meet 09:00-10:00 on MWF, then you could either use a separate table for days a class meets (keyed by both class ID and DOW) or be evil (i.e. non-normalized) and keep the equivalent of an array of DOW in each class. The classic argument is this:


  • The separate table can be indexed in a way to support either class-oriented or DOW-oriented selects, but takes a bit more glue to put the entire picture together for a class.
  • 单独的表可以以支持面向类或面向DOW的选择的方式编制索引,但需要更多的粘合剂以将整个图片放在一起用于类。

  • The array-of-DOW is simpler to visualize for beginning programmers and slightly simpler to code about, but means that reasoning about DOW requires looking at all classes.
  • 对于初学程序员来说,DOW数组更容易可视化,而对于代码来说稍微简单一些,但这意味着有关DOW的推理需要查看所有类。

If this is only for your personal class schedule, do what gets you the value you're looking for, and live with the consequences; if you're trying to build a real system for multiple users, I'd go with a separate table. All those normalization rules are there for a reason.


As far as (human-readable) DOW names, that's a presentation-layer issue, and shouldn't be in the core concept of DOW. (Suppose you decided to move to Montreal, and needed French? That should be another "face" and not a change to the core implementation.)

至于(人类可读的)DOW名称,这是一个表示层问题,而不应该是DOW的核心概念。 (假设你决定搬到蒙特利尔,需要法国人?这应该是另一个“面子”而不是对核心实施的改变。)

As for starting/ending times, again the issue is your requirements. If all classes begin and end at hour (x:00) boundaries, you could certainly use 0..23 as the hours of the day. But then your life would be miserable as soon as you had to accommodate that 45-minute seminar. As the old commercial said, "Pay me now or pay me later."


One approach would be to define your own ClassTime concept and partition all reasoning about times to that class. It could start with a simplistic representation (integral hours 0..23, or integral minutes after midnight 0..1439) and then "grow" as needed.



I would just store the day of the week as an integer. 0 => Monday ... 6 => Sunday (or any way you want. ie. 0 => Sunday). Then store the start time and end time as Time.

我只是将星期几存储为整数。 0 =>星期一... 6 =>星期日(或任何你想要的方式。即0 =>星期日)。然后将开始时间和结束时间存储为时间。

That would make grouping really easy. All you would have to do is sort by the day of the week and the start time.


You can display this in multiple ways, but here is what I would do.


  1. Have functions like: @sunday_classes = DailyClass.find_sunday_classes that returns all the classes for Sunday sorted by start time. Then repeat for each day.

    具有以下函数:@sunday_classes = DailyClass.find_sunday_classes,它返回按开始时间排序的星期日的所有类。然后重复每一天。

    def find_sunday_classes
      find_by_day_of_week(1, :order -> 'start_time')

    Note: find_by probably should have id at the end but that's just preference in how you want to name the column.


  2. If you want the full week then call all seven from the controller and loop trough them in the view. You could even create detail pages for each day.


  3. Translation is the only tricky part. You can create a helper function that takes an integer and returns the text for the appropriate day of the week based on local.
  4. 翻译是唯一棘手的部分。您可以创建一个带有整数的辅助函数,并根据本地返回一周中相应日期的文本。

That's very basic. Nothing complicated.



If your data is a Time then I would store that as a Time - otherwise you will always have to convert it out of the database when you do date and time related operations on it. The day is redundant data, as it will be part of the time object.

如果您的数据是时间,那么我会将其存储为时间 - 否则,当您对数据库进行日期和时间相关操作时,您将始终必须将其转换出数据库。这一天是冗余数据,因为它将成为时间对象的一部分。

This should mean that you don't need to store a list of days.


If t is a time then



will always give you the day as a string in English. This could then be translated by i18n as required.


So you only need to store starting time and ending time, or starting time and duration. Both should be equivalent. I would be tempted to store ending time myself, in case you need to do data manipulations on ending times, which therefore won't have to be calculated.


I think most of the rest of what you describe should also fall out of storing time data as instances of Time.


Ordering by week day and time will just be a matter of ordering by your time column. i.e.


daily_class.find(:all, :conditions => ['whatever'], :order => :starting_time)

Grouping by day is a little more tricky. However this is an excellent post on how to group by week. Grouping by day will be analogous.


If you are dealing with non-trivial volumes of data, it may be better to do it in the database, with a find_by_sql and that may depend on your database's time and date functionality, but again storing the data as a Time will also help you here. For example in Postgresql (which I use), getting the week of a class is


date_trunc('week', starting_time)

which you can use in a Group By clause, or as a value to use in some loop logic in rails.

您可以在Group By子句中使用它,或者作为在rails中的某些循环逻辑中使用的值。


Re days-of-week, if you need to have e.g. classes that meet 09:00-10:00 on MWF, then you could either use a separate table for days a class meets (keyed by both class ID and DOW) or be evil (i.e. non-normalized) and keep the equivalent of an array of DOW in each class. The classic argument is this:


  • The separate table can be indexed in a way to support either class-oriented or DOW-oriented selects, but takes a bit more glue to put the entire picture together for a class.
  • 单独的表可以以支持面向类或面向DOW的选择的方式编制索引,但需要更多的粘合剂以将整个图片放在一起用于类。

  • The array-of-DOW is simpler to visualize for beginning programmers and slightly simpler to code about, but means that reasoning about DOW requires looking at all classes.
  • 对于初学程序员来说,DOW数组更容易可视化,而对于代码来说稍微简单一些,但这意味着有关DOW的推理需要查看所有类。

If this is only for your personal class schedule, do what gets you the value you're looking for, and live with the consequences; if you're trying to build a real system for multiple users, I'd go with a separate table. All those normalization rules are there for a reason.


As far as (human-readable) DOW names, that's a presentation-layer issue, and shouldn't be in the core concept of DOW. (Suppose you decided to move to Montreal, and needed French? That should be another "face" and not a change to the core implementation.)

至于(人类可读的)DOW名称,这是一个表示层问题,而不应该是DOW的核心概念。 (假设你决定搬到蒙特利尔,需要法国人?这应该是另一个“面子”而不是对核心实施的改变。)

As for starting/ending times, again the issue is your requirements. If all classes begin and end at hour (x:00) boundaries, you could certainly use 0..23 as the hours of the day. But then your life would be miserable as soon as you had to accommodate that 45-minute seminar. As the old commercial said, "Pay me now or pay me later."


One approach would be to define your own ClassTime concept and partition all reasoning about times to that class. It could start with a simplistic representation (integral hours 0..23, or integral minutes after midnight 0..1439) and then "grow" as needed.
