
时间:2022-06-14 14:36:44

This question already has an answer here:


Can any one say, 'How to call a particular method once every week in C# console application'


Thank you.

3 个解决方案


If you just want to start the code from an external application, the Windows Task Scheduler is an option. It allows you to start an executable automatically.



A console app feels like a fragile way of doing this. I suggest you separate the scheduling of the task from the task itself. Windows has built in scheduling support in the form of the Task Scheduler (completely different from its namesake in .Net TPL).

控制台应用程序感觉像是一种脆弱的方式。我建议你将任务的调度与任务本身分开。 Windows以任务计划程序的形式内置了计划支持(完全不同于.Net TPL中的同名)。

So build your console application and schedule it to be run weekly. If it needs to maintain state during the week then implement it as a Windows service that can keep running.


There is a nice wrapper on the Task Scheduler API here: https://taskscheduler.codeplex.com/ so you could even configure the scheduled task from .Net.

Task Scheduler API上有一个很好的包装器:https://taskscheduler.codeplex.com/所以你甚至可以从.Net配置计划任务。


You've got multiple options.


The one I use is adding the application to the task scheduler. There you can specify the interval in wchich it should be executed. The disadvantege of this method is that you cant have any other method executed in another interval unless you also add them to their own application.


The second option is using System.Threading.Thread.Sleep If you want to use it, just do something like:


//execute a method

The disadvantage here is that you have to use threading if you want to execute other methods during the sleeptime.



If you just want to start the code from an external application, the Windows Task Scheduler is an option. It allows you to start an executable automatically.



A console app feels like a fragile way of doing this. I suggest you separate the scheduling of the task from the task itself. Windows has built in scheduling support in the form of the Task Scheduler (completely different from its namesake in .Net TPL).

控制台应用程序感觉像是一种脆弱的方式。我建议你将任务的调度与任务本身分开。 Windows以任务计划程序的形式内置了计划支持(完全不同于.Net TPL中的同名)。

So build your console application and schedule it to be run weekly. If it needs to maintain state during the week then implement it as a Windows service that can keep running.


There is a nice wrapper on the Task Scheduler API here: https://taskscheduler.codeplex.com/ so you could even configure the scheduled task from .Net.

Task Scheduler API上有一个很好的包装器:https://taskscheduler.codeplex.com/所以你甚至可以从.Net配置计划任务。


You've got multiple options.


The one I use is adding the application to the task scheduler. There you can specify the interval in wchich it should be executed. The disadvantege of this method is that you cant have any other method executed in another interval unless you also add them to their own application.


The second option is using System.Threading.Thread.Sleep If you want to use it, just do something like:


//execute a method

The disadvantage here is that you have to use threading if you want to execute other methods during the sleeptime.
