
时间:2021-12-03 14:32:31

在调试STM8S的SPI时候,由于在学习板上飞线,然后发现每次读SPI FLASH的设备ID等都是不对的.





嗯,有可能, 于是在读数据前,先将SPI的数据先读出,清空缓存,具体代码如下

 --Common functions

 * Function:       Wait_Flash_WarmUp
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    Wait some time until flash read / write enable.
 * Return Message: None.
void Wait_Flash_WarmUp()
    uint32 time_cnt = FlashFullAccessTime;
    while( time_cnt > 0 )

 * Function:       Initial_Spi
 * Arguments:      None
 * Description:    Initial spi flash state and wait flash warm-up
 *                 (enable read/write).
 * Return Message: None
void Initial_Spi()

#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    WPn = 1;        // Write potected initial high
    SI = 0;         // Flash input data
    SCLK = 1;       // Flash input clock
    CSn = 1;        // Chip Select


	// Wait flash warm-up

 * Function:       CS_Low, CS_High
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    Chip select go low / high.
 * Return Message: None.
void CS_Low()
#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    CSn = 0;
    //--- insert your chip select code here. ---//

void CS_High()
#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    CSn = 1;
    WPn = 1;
    //--- insert your chip select code here. ---//

 * Function:       InsertDummyCycle
 * Arguments:      dummy_cycle, number of dummy clock cycle
 * Description:    Insert dummy cycle of SCLK
 * Return Message: None.
void InsertDummyCycle( uint8 dummy_cycle )
#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    uint8 i;
    for( i=0; i < dummy_cycle; i=i+1 )
        SCLK = 0;
        SCLK = 1;
    //--- insert your code here. ---//
    uint8 i;
    for( i=0; i < dummy_cycle / 8 ; i=i+1 )

 * Function:       SendByte
 * Arguments:      byte_value, data transfer to flash
 *                 transfer_type, select different type of I/O mode.
 *                 Seven mode:
 *                 SIO, single IO
 *                 DIO, dual IO
 *                 QIO, quad IO
 *                 PIO, parallel
 *                 DTSIO, double transfer rate SIO
 *                 DTDIO, double transfer rate DIO
 *                 DTQIO, double transfer rate QIO
 * Description:    Send one byte data to flash
 * Return Message: None.
void SendByte( uint8 byte_value, uint8 transfer_type )
	while(SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_TXE) == RESET);


#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    uint16 i;
    uint8 cycle_cnt;

    switch( transfer_type )
#ifdef SIO
    case SIO: // single I/O
        cycle_cnt = 8;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            if ( (byte_value & IO_MASK) == 0x80 ){
                SI = 1;
                SI = 0;
            SCLK = 0;
            byte_value = byte_value << 1;
            SCLK = 1;
#ifdef DIO
    case DIO: // dual I/O
        cycle_cnt = 4;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            P1 = (( byte_value & 0xc0 ) >> 2) | (P1 & 0xcf);
            byte_value = byte_value << 2;
            SCLK = 1;
#ifdef QIO
    case QIO: // quad I/O
        cycle_cnt = 2;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            P1 = (byte_value & 0xf0);  // CS# and SCLK must be zero at this phase
            byte_value = byte_value << 4;
            SCLK = 1;
#ifdef PIO
    case PIO: //  Parallel I/O
        SCLK = 0;
        PO7 = ( (byte_value & IO_MASK)  == IO_MASK )?1:0;
        PO6 = ( (byte_value & 0x40)  == 0x40 )?1:0;
        P3 = (byte_value & 0x3f) | (P3 & 0xc0);
        SCLK = 1;
#ifdef DTSIO
    case DTSIO: //  Double transfer rate single I/O
        cycle_cnt = 4;
         for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            SI = ( (byte_value & IO_MASK) == IO_MASK )?1:0;
            byte_value = byte_value << 1;

            SCLK = 1;
            SI = ( (byte_value & IO_MASK) == IO_MASK )?1:0;
            byte_value = byte_value << 1;
#ifdef DTDIO
    case DTDIO: //  Double transfer rate dual I/O
        cycle_cnt = 2;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            P1 = (( byte_value & 0xc0 ) >> 2) | (P1 & 0xcf);
            byte_value = byte_value << 2;
            SCLK = 1;
            P1 = (( byte_value & 0xc0 ) >> 2) | (P1 & 0xcf);
            byte_value = byte_value << 2;
#ifdef DTQIO
    case DTQIO: //  Double transfer rate quad I/O
        SCLK = 0;
        P1 = (byte_value & 0xf0);
        SCLK = 1;
        byte_value = byte_value << 4;
        P1 = (byte_value & 0xf0);  // CS# and SCLK must be zero at this phase
    switch( transfer_type )
#ifdef SIO
    case SIO: // Single I/O
        //--- insert your code here for single IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef DIO
    case DIO: // Dual I/O
        //--- insert your code here for dual IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef QIO
    case QIO: // Quad I/O
        //--- insert your code here for quad IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef PIO
    case PIO: // Parallel I/O
        //--- insert your code here for parallel IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef DTSIO
    case DTSIO: // Double transfer rate Single I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT single IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef DTDIO
    case DTDIO: // Double transfer rate Dual I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT dual IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef DTQIO
    case DTQIO: // Double transfer rate Quad I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT quad IO transfer. ---//
#endif  /* End of GPIO_SPI */
 * Function:       GetByte
 * Arguments:      byte_value, data receive from flash
 *                 transfer_type, select different type of I/O mode.
 *                 Seven mode:
 *                 SIO, single IO
 *                 DIO, dual IO
 *                 QIO, quad IO
 *                 PIO, parallel IO
 *                 DTSIO, double transfer rate SIO
 *                 DTDIO, double transfer rate DIO
 *                 DTQIO, double transfer rate QIO
 * Description:    Get one byte data to flash
 * Return Message: 8 bit data
uint8 GetByte( uint8 transfer_type )
    uint8 data_buf;
	data_buf = SPI_ReceiveData();//必须先读取一下,防止接收缓存中存有数据

	SendByte( DUMMY_BYTE, SIO );
	while(SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET);
	data_buf = SPI_ReceiveData();

#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    uint16 i;
    uint8 cycle_cnt;
    data_buf = 0;
    cycle_cnt = 8 >> transfer_type;

    switch( transfer_type )
#ifdef SIO
    case SIO: // single I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SO = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO

        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            if ( SO == 1 ){
                data_buf = (data_buf | (0x80 >> i));
            SCLK = 1;
#ifdef DIO
    case DIO: // dual I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SIO0 = 1;
        SIO1 = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO

        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            data_buf = data_buf << 2;
            data_buf = ( data_buf | ((P1 & 0x30) >> 4 ) );
            SCLK = 1;
#ifdef QIO
    case QIO: // quad I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SIO0 = 1;
        SIO1 = 1;
        SIO2 = 1;
        SIO3 = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO
        SCLK = 0;
        data_buf = P1 & 0xf0;
        SCLK = 1;
        SCLK = 0;
        data_buf = ((P1 & 0xf0)>> 4)| data_buf;
        SCLK = 1;
#ifdef PIO
    case PIO: //  Parallel I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        PO7 = 1;
        PO6 = 1;
        PO5 = 1;
        PO4 = 1;
        PO3 = 1;
        PO2 = 1;
        PO1 = 1;
        PO0 = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO
        SCLK = 0;
        data_buf = (( P1 & 0x20 )<< 2) | ((P1 & 0x02 ) << 5) | (P3 & 0x3f );
        SCLK = 1;
#ifdef DTSIO
    case DTSIO: //  Double transfer rate Single I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SO = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO
        cycle_cnt = 4;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            if ( SO == 1 ){
                data_buf = (data_buf | ( 0x80 >> (i*2) ));
            SCLK = 1;
            if ( SO == 1 ){
                data_buf = (data_buf | (0x80 >> ((i*2) + 1) ));
#ifdef DTDIO
    case DTDIO: //  Double transfer rate Dual I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SIO0 = 1;
        SIO1 = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO
        cycle_cnt = 2;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            data_buf = data_buf << 2;
            data_buf = ( data_buf  | ( (P1 & 0x30) >> 4 ) );
            SCLK = 1;
            data_buf = data_buf << 2;
            data_buf = ( data_buf  | ( (P1 & 0x30) >> 4 ) );
#ifdef DTQIO
    case DTQIO: //  DTR qual I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SIO0 = 1;
        SIO1 = 1;
        SIO2 = 1;
        SIO3 = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO
        SCLK = 0;
        data_buf = P1 & 0xf0;
        SCLK = 1;
        data_buf = ( (P1 & 0xf0) >> 4 )| data_buf;

    switch( transfer_type )
#ifdef SIO
    case SIO: // Single I/O
        //--- insert your code here for single IO receive. ---//
#ifdef DIO
    case DIO: // Dual I/O
        //--- insert your code here for dual IO receive. ---//
#ifdef QIO
    case QIO: // Quad I/O
        //--- insert your code here for qual IO receive. ---//
#ifdef PIO
    case PIO: // Parallel I/O
        //--- insert your code here for parallel IO receive. ---//
#ifdef DTSIO
    case DTSIO: // Double transfer rate Single I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT single IO receive. ---//
#ifdef DTDIO
    case DTDIO: // Double transfer rate Dual I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT dual IO receive. ---//
#ifdef DTQIO
    case DTQIO: // Double transfer rate Qual I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT quad IO receive. ---//
#endif  /* End of GPIO_SPI */
    return data_buf;

 * Function:       WaitFlashReady
 * Arguments:      ExpectTime, expected time-out value of flash operations.
 *                 No use at non-synchronous IO mode.
 * Description:    Synchronous IO:
 *                 If flash is ready return TRUE.
 *                 If flash is time-out return FALSE.
 *                 Non-synchronous IO:
 *                 Always return TRUE
 * Return Message: TRUE, FALSE
BOOL WaitFlashReady( uint32 ExpectTime )
    uint32 temp = 0;
    while( IsFlashBusy() )
        if( temp > ExpectTime )
            return FALSE;
        temp = temp + 1;
       return TRUE;
    return TRUE;

 * Function:       WaitRYBYReady
 * Arguments:      ExpectTime, expected time-out value of flash operations.
 *                 No use at non-synchronous IO mode.
 * Description:    Synchronous IO:
 *                 If flash is ready return TRUE.
 *                 If flash is time-out return FALSE.
 *                 Non-synchronous IO:
 *                 Always return TRUE
 * Return Message: TRUE, FALSE
BOOL WaitRYBYReady( uint32 ExpectTime )
    uint32 temp = 0;
#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    while( SO == 0 )
    // Insert your code for waiting RYBY (SO) pin ready
        if( temp > ExpectTime )
            return FALSE;
        temp = temp + 1;
    return TRUE;

    return TRUE;

 * Function:       IsFlashBusy
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    Check status register WIP bit.
 *                 If  WIP bit = 1: return TRUE ( Busy )
 *                             = 0: return FALSE ( Ready ).
 * Return Message: TRUE, FALSE
BOOL IsFlashBusy( void )
    uint8  gDataBuffer;

    CMD_RDSR( &gDataBuffer );
    if( (gDataBuffer & FLASH_WIP_MASK)  == FLASH_WIP_MASK )
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

 * Function:       IsFlashQIO
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    If flash QE bit = 1: return TRUE
 *                                 = 0: return FALSE.
 * Return Message: TRUE, FALSE
BOOL IsFlashQIO( void )
    return TRUE;
    uint8  gDataBuffer;
    CMD_RDSR( &gDataBuffer );
    if( (gDataBuffer & FLASH_QE_MASK) == FLASH_QE_MASK )
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
 * Function:       IsFlash4Byte
 * Arguments:      None
 * Description:    Check flash address is 3-byte or 4-byte.
 *                 If flash 4BYTE bit = 1: return TRUE
 *                                    = 0: return FALSE.
 * Return Message: TRUE, FALSE
BOOL IsFlash4Byte( void )
    #ifdef FLASH_4BYTE_ONLY
        return TRUE;
    #elif FLASH_3BYTE_ONLY
        return FALSE;
        uint8  gDataBuffer;
        CMD_RDSCUR( &gDataBuffer );
        if( (gDataBuffer & FLASH_4BYTE_MASK) == FLASH_4BYTE_MASK )
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
    return FALSE;
 * Function:       SendFlashAddr
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 io_mode, I/O mode to transfer address
 *                 addr_4byte_mode,
 * Description:    Send flash address with 3-byte or 4-byte mode.
 * Return Message: None
void SendFlashAddr( uint32 flash_address, uint8 io_mode, uint8 addr_4byte_mode )
    /* Check flash is 3-byte or 4-byte mode.
       4-byte mode: Send 4-byte address (A31-A0)
       3-byte mode: Send 3-byte address (A23-A0) */
    if( addr_4byte_mode == TRUE ){
        SendByte( (flash_address >> 24), io_mode ); // A31-A24
    /* A23-A0 */
    SendByte( (flash_address >> 16), io_mode );
    SendByte( (flash_address >> 8), io_mode );
    SendByte( (flash_address), io_mode );

 * ID Command

 * Function:       CMD_RDID
 * Arguments:      Identification, 32 bit buffer to store id
 * Description:    The RDID instruction is to read the manufacturer ID
 *                 of 1-byte and followed by Device ID of 2-byte.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RDID( uint32 *Identification )
    uint32 temp;
    uint8  gDataBuffer[3];

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Send command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RDID, SIO );

    // Get manufacturer identification, device identification
    gDataBuffer[0] = GetByte( SIO );
    gDataBuffer[1] = GetByte( SIO );
    gDataBuffer[2] = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a command

    // Store identification
    temp =  (u32)(gDataBuffer[0]);
    temp =  (u32)((temp << 8) | gDataBuffer[1]);
    *Identification =  (u32)((temp << 8) | gDataBuffer[2]);

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_RES
 * Arguments:      ElectricIdentification, 8 bit buffer to store electric id
 * Description:    The RES instruction is to read the Device
 *                 electric identification of 1-byte.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RES( uint8 *ElectricIdentification )

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Send flash command and insert dummy cycle
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RES, SIO );
    InsertDummyCycle( 24 );

    // Get electric identification
    *ElectricIdentification = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_REMS
 * Arguments:      REMS_Identification, 16 bit buffer to store id
 *                 fsptr, pointer of flash status structure
 * Description:    The REMS instruction is to read the Device
 *                 manufacturer ID and electric ID of 1-byte.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_REMS( uint16 *REMS_Identification, FlashStatus *fsptr )
    uint8  gDataBuffer[2];

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Send flash command and insert dummy cycle ( if need )
    // ArrangeOpt = 0x00 will output the manufacturer's ID first
    //            = 0x01 will output electric ID first
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_REMS, SIO );
    InsertDummyCycle( 16 );
    SendByte( fsptr->ArrangeOpt, SIO );

    // Get ID
    gDataBuffer[0] = GetByte( SIO );
    gDataBuffer[1] = GetByte( SIO );

    // Store identification informaion
    *REMS_Identification = (gDataBuffer[0] << 8) | gDataBuffer[1];

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Register  Command

 * Function:       CMD_RDSR
 * Arguments:      StatusReg, 8 bit buffer to store status register value
 * Description:    The RDSR instruction is for reading Status Register Bits.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RDSR( uint8 *StatusReg )
    uint8  gDataBuffer;

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Send command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RDSR, SIO );
    gDataBuffer = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    *StatusReg = gDataBuffer;

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_WRSR
 * Arguments:      UpdateValue, 8/16 bit status register value to updata
 * Description:    The WRSR instruction is for changing the values of
 *                 Status Register Bits (and configuration register)
 * Return Message: FlashIsBusy, FlashTimeOut, FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_WRSR( uint16 UpdateValue )
ReturnMsg CMD_WRSR( uint8 UpdateValue )
    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Send command and update value
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_WRSR, SIO );
    SendByte( UpdateValue, SIO );
    SendByte( UpdateValue >> 8, SIO );    // write configuration register

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( WriteStatusRegCycleTime ) )
        return FlashOperationSuccess;
        return FlashTimeOut;


 * Function:       CMD_RDSCUR
 * Arguments:      SecurityReg, 8 bit buffer to store security register value
 * Description:    The RDSCUR instruction is for reading the value of
 *                 Security Register bits.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RDSCUR( uint8 *SecurityReg )
    uint8  gDataBuffer;

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    //Send command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RDSCUR, SIO );
    gDataBuffer = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    *SecurityReg = gDataBuffer;

    return FlashOperationSuccess;


 * Function:       CMD_WRSCUR
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The WRSCUR instruction is for changing the values of
 *                 Security Register Bits.
 * Return Message: FlashIsBusy, FlashOperationSuccess, FlashWriteRegFailed,
 *                 FlashTimeOut
ReturnMsg CMD_WRSCUR( void )
    uint8  gDataBuffer;

    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write WRSCUR command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_WRSCUR, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( WriteSecuRegCycleTime ) ){

        CMD_RDSCUR( &gDataBuffer );

        // Check security register LDSO bit
        if( (gDataBuffer & FLASH_LDSO_MASK) == FLASH_LDSO_MASK )
                return FlashOperationSuccess;
                return FlashWriteRegFailed;
        return FlashTimeOut;


 * Read Command

 * Function:       CMD_READ
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 target_address, buffer address to store returned data
 *                 byte_length, length of returned data in byte unit
 * Description:    The READ instruction is for reading data out.
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_READ( uint32 flash_address, uint8 *target_address, uint32 byte_length )
    uint32 index;
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write READ command and address
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_READ, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );

    // Set a loop to read data into buffer
    for( index=0; index < byte_length; index++ )
        // Read data one byte at a time
        *(target_address + index) = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_DREAD
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 target_address, buffer address to store returned data
 *                 byte_length, length of returned data in byte unit
 * Description:    The DREAD instruction enable double throughput of Serial
 *                 Flash in read mode
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_DREAD( uint32 flash_address, uint8 *target_address, uint32 byte_length )
    uint32 index;
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;    // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE;   // 3-byte mode

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write 2-I/O Read command and address
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_DREAD, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );
    InsertDummyCycle( 8 );                    // Wait 8 dummy cycle

    // Set a loop to read data into data buffer
    for( index=0; index < byte_length; index++ )
        *(target_address + index) = GetByte( DIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_FASTREAD
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 target_address, buffer address to store returned data
 *                 byte_length, length of returned data in byte unit
 * Description:    The FASTREAD instruction is for quickly reading data out.
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_FASTREAD( uint32 flash_address, uint8 *target_address, uint32 byte_length )
    uint32 index;
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write Fast Read command, address and dummy cycle
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );
    InsertDummyCycle ( 8 );          // Wait dummy cycle

    // Set a loop to read data into data buffer
    for( index=0; index < byte_length; index++ )
        *(target_address + index) = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_RDSFDP
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 target_address, buffer address to store returned data
 *                 byte_length, length of returned data in byte unit
 * Description:    RDSFDP can retrieve the operating characteristics, structure
 *                 and vendor-specified information such as identifying information,
 *                 memory size, operating voltages and timinginformation of device
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RDSFDP( uint32 flash_address, uint8 *target_address, uint32 byte_length )
    uint32 index;
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write Read SFDP command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RDSFDP, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );
    InsertDummyCycle ( 8 );        // Insert dummy cycle

    // Set a loop to read data into data buffer
    for( index=0; index < byte_length; index++ )
        *(target_address + index) = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;
 * Program Command

 * Function:       CMD_WREN
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The WREN instruction is for setting
 *                 Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_WREN( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write Enable command = 0x06, Setting Write Enable Latch Bit
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_WREN, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_WRDI
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The WRDI instruction is to reset
 *                 Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_WRDI( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write Disable command = 0x04, resets Write Enable Latch Bit
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_WRDI, SIO );


    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_PP
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 source_address, buffer address of source data to program
 *                 byte_length, byte length of data to programm
 * Description:    The PP instruction is for programming
 *                 the memory to be "0".
 *                 The device only accept the last 256 byte ( or 32 byte ) to program.
 *                 If the page address ( flash_address[7:0] ) reach 0xFF, it will
 *                 program next at 0x00 of the same page.
 *                 Some products have smaller page size ( 32 byte )
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashIsBusy, FlashOperationSuccess,
 *                 FlashTimeOut
ReturnMsg CMD_PP( uint32 flash_address, uint8 *source_address, uint32 byte_length )
    uint32 index;
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write Page Program command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_PP, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );

    // Set a loop to down load whole page data into flash's buffer
    // Note: only last 256 byte ( or 32 byte ) will be programmed
    for( index=0; index < byte_length; index++ )
        SendByte( *(source_address + index), SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( PageProgramCycleTime ) )
        return FlashOperationSuccess;
        return FlashTimeOut;

 * Erase Command

 * Function:       CMD_SE
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 * Description:    The SE instruction is for erasing the data
 *                 of the chosen sector (4KB) to be "1".
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashIsBusy, FlashOperationSuccess,
 *                 FlashTimeOut
ReturnMsg CMD_SE( uint32 flash_address )
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    //Write Sector Erase command = 0x20;
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_SE, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( SectorEraseCycleTime ) )
        return FlashOperationSuccess;
        return FlashTimeOut;

 * Function:       CMD_BE
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 * Description:    The BE instruction is for erasing the data
 *                 of the chosen sector (64KB) to be "1".
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashIsBusy, FlashOperationSuccess,
 *                 FlashTimeOut
ReturnMsg CMD_BE( uint32 flash_address )
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    //Write Block Erase command = 0xD8;
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_BE, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( BlockEraseCycleTime ) )
        return FlashOperationSuccess;
        return FlashTimeOut;

 * Function:       CMD_CE
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The CE instruction is for erasing the data
 *                 of the whole chip to be "1".
 * Return Message: FlashIsBusy, FlashOperationSuccess, FlashTimeOut
ReturnMsg CMD_CE( void )
    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    //Write Chip Erase command = 0x60;
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_CE, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( ChipEraseCycleTime ) )
        return FlashOperationSuccess;
        return FlashTimeOut;

 * Mode setting Command

 * Function:       CMD_DP
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The DP instruction is for setting the
 *                 device on the minimizing the power consumption.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_DP( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Deep Power Down Mode command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_DP, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_RDP
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The Release from RDP instruction is
 *                 putting the device in the Stand-by Power mode.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RDP( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Deep Power Down Mode command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RDP, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_ENSO
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The ENSO instruction is for entering the secured OTP mode.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_ENSO( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write ENSO command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_ENSO, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_EXSO
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The EXSO instruction is for exiting the secured OTP mode.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_EXSO( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write EXSO command = 0xC1
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_EXSO, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Reset setting Command

 * Security Command

注意在uint8 GetByte( uint8 transfer_type )函数的这句话

data_buf = SPI_ReceiveData();//必须先读取一下,防止接收缓存中存有数据

好了,调试一下,果然成功获取该SPI FLASH的值.


 --Common functions

 * Function:       Wait_Flash_WarmUp
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    Wait some time until flash read / write enable.
 * Return Message: None.
void Wait_Flash_WarmUp()
    uint32 time_cnt = FlashFullAccessTime;
    while( time_cnt > 0 )

 * Function:       Initial_Spi
 * Arguments:      None
 * Description:    Initial spi flash state and wait flash warm-up
 *                 (enable read/write).
 * Return Message: None
void Initial_Spi()

#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    WPn = 1;        // Write potected initial high
    SI = 0;         // Flash input data
    SCLK = 1;       // Flash input clock
    CSn = 1;        // Chip Select


	// Wait flash warm-up

 * Function:       CS_Low, CS_High
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    Chip select go low / high.
 * Return Message: None.
void CS_Low()
#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    CSn = 0;
    //--- insert your chip select code here. ---//

void CS_High()
#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    CSn = 1;
    WPn = 1;
    //--- insert your chip select code here. ---//

 * Function:       InsertDummyCycle
 * Arguments:      dummy_cycle, number of dummy clock cycle
 * Description:    Insert dummy cycle of SCLK
 * Return Message: None.
void InsertDummyCycle( uint8 dummy_cycle )
#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    uint8 i;
    for( i=0; i < dummy_cycle; i=i+1 )
        SCLK = 0;
        SCLK = 1;
    //--- insert your code here. ---//
    uint8 i;
    #if 0
    for( i=0; i < dummy_cycle / 8 ; i=i+1 )

    for( i=0; i < dummy_cycle; i=i+1 )

 * Function:       SendByte
 * Arguments:      byte_value, data transfer to flash
 *                 transfer_type, select different type of I/O mode.
 *                 Seven mode:
 *                 SIO, single IO
 *                 DIO, dual IO
 *                 QIO, quad IO
 *                 PIO, parallel
 *                 DTSIO, double transfer rate SIO
 *                 DTDIO, double transfer rate DIO
 *                 DTQIO, double transfer rate QIO
 * Description:    Send one byte data to flash
 * Return Message: None.
void SendByte( uint8 byte_value, uint8 transfer_type )
    uint16 i;
    uint8 cycle_cnt;
#if 0
	while(SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_TXE) == RESET);

        cycle_cnt = 8;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            if ( (byte_value & IO_MASK) == 0x80 ){
            byte_value = byte_value << 1;

#ifdef GPIO_SPI

    switch( transfer_type )
#ifdef SIO
    case SIO: // single I/O
        cycle_cnt = 8;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            if ( (byte_value & IO_MASK) == 0x80 ){
                SI = 1;
                SI = 0;
            SCLK = 0;
            byte_value = byte_value << 1;
            SCLK = 1;
#ifdef DIO
    case DIO: // dual I/O
        cycle_cnt = 4;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            P1 = (( byte_value & 0xc0 ) >> 2) | (P1 & 0xcf);
            byte_value = byte_value << 2;
            SCLK = 1;
#ifdef QIO
    case QIO: // quad I/O
        cycle_cnt = 2;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            P1 = (byte_value & 0xf0);  // CS# and SCLK must be zero at this phase
            byte_value = byte_value << 4;
            SCLK = 1;
#ifdef PIO
    case PIO: //  Parallel I/O
        SCLK = 0;
        PO7 = ( (byte_value & IO_MASK)  == IO_MASK )?1:0;
        PO6 = ( (byte_value & 0x40)  == 0x40 )?1:0;
        P3 = (byte_value & 0x3f) | (P3 & 0xc0);
        SCLK = 1;
#ifdef DTSIO
    case DTSIO: //  Double transfer rate single I/O
        cycle_cnt = 4;
         for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            SI = ( (byte_value & IO_MASK) == IO_MASK )?1:0;
            byte_value = byte_value << 1;

            SCLK = 1;
            SI = ( (byte_value & IO_MASK) == IO_MASK )?1:0;
            byte_value = byte_value << 1;
#ifdef DTDIO
    case DTDIO: //  Double transfer rate dual I/O
        cycle_cnt = 2;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            P1 = (( byte_value & 0xc0 ) >> 2) | (P1 & 0xcf);
            byte_value = byte_value << 2;
            SCLK = 1;
            P1 = (( byte_value & 0xc0 ) >> 2) | (P1 & 0xcf);
            byte_value = byte_value << 2;
#ifdef DTQIO
    case DTQIO: //  Double transfer rate quad I/O
        SCLK = 0;
        P1 = (byte_value & 0xf0);
        SCLK = 1;
        byte_value = byte_value << 4;
        P1 = (byte_value & 0xf0);  // CS# and SCLK must be zero at this phase
    switch( transfer_type )
#ifdef SIO
    case SIO: // Single I/O
        //--- insert your code here for single IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef DIO
    case DIO: // Dual I/O
        //--- insert your code here for dual IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef QIO
    case QIO: // Quad I/O
        //--- insert your code here for quad IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef PIO
    case PIO: // Parallel I/O
        //--- insert your code here for parallel IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef DTSIO
    case DTSIO: // Double transfer rate Single I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT single IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef DTDIO
    case DTDIO: // Double transfer rate Dual I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT dual IO transfer. ---//
#ifdef DTQIO
    case DTQIO: // Double transfer rate Quad I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT quad IO transfer. ---//
#endif  /* End of GPIO_SPI */
 * Function:       GetByte
 * Arguments:      byte_value, data receive from flash
 *                 transfer_type, select different type of I/O mode.
 *                 Seven mode:
 *                 SIO, single IO
 *                 DIO, dual IO
 *                 QIO, quad IO
 *                 PIO, parallel IO
 *                 DTSIO, double transfer rate SIO
 *                 DTDIO, double transfer rate DIO
 *                 DTQIO, double transfer rate QIO
 * Description:    Get one byte data to flash
 * Return Message: 8 bit data
uint8 GetByte( uint8 transfer_type )
    uint8 data_buf;
	uint16 i;
    uint8 cycle_cnt;
    data_buf = 0;

#if 0	
	data_buf = SPI_ReceiveData();

	SendByte( DUMMY_BYTE, SIO );
	while(SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET);
	data_buf = SPI_ReceiveData();
    cycle_cnt = 8;

    for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
        if ( GPIO_ReadInputPin(SPI_MISO_PIN) == 1 ){
            data_buf = (data_buf | (0x80 >> i));

#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    cycle_cnt = 8 >> transfer_type;

    switch( transfer_type )
#ifdef SIO
    case SIO: // single I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SO = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO

        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            if ( SO == 1 ){
                data_buf = (data_buf | (0x80 >> i));
            SCLK = 1;
#ifdef DIO
    case DIO: // dual I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SIO0 = 1;
        SIO1 = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO

        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            data_buf = data_buf << 2;
            data_buf = ( data_buf | ((P1 & 0x30) >> 4 ) );
            SCLK = 1;
#ifdef QIO
    case QIO: // quad I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SIO0 = 1;
        SIO1 = 1;
        SIO2 = 1;
        SIO3 = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO
        SCLK = 0;
        data_buf = P1 & 0xf0;
        SCLK = 1;
        SCLK = 0;
        data_buf = ((P1 & 0xf0)>> 4)| data_buf;
        SCLK = 1;
#ifdef PIO
    case PIO: //  Parallel I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        PO7 = 1;
        PO6 = 1;
        PO5 = 1;
        PO4 = 1;
        PO3 = 1;
        PO2 = 1;
        PO1 = 1;
        PO0 = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO
        SCLK = 0;
        data_buf = (( P1 & 0x20 )<< 2) | ((P1 & 0x02 ) << 5) | (P3 & 0x3f );
        SCLK = 1;
#ifdef DTSIO
    case DTSIO: //  Double transfer rate Single I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SO = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO
        cycle_cnt = 4;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            if ( SO == 1 ){
                data_buf = (data_buf | ( 0x80 >> (i*2) ));
            SCLK = 1;
            if ( SO == 1 ){
                data_buf = (data_buf | (0x80 >> ((i*2) + 1) ));
#ifdef DTDIO
    case DTDIO: //  Double transfer rate Dual I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SIO0 = 1;
        SIO1 = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO
        cycle_cnt = 2;
        for( i= 0; i < cycle_cnt; i++ )
            SCLK = 0;
            data_buf = data_buf << 2;
            data_buf = ( data_buf  | ( (P1 & 0x30) >> 4 ) );
            SCLK = 1;
            data_buf = data_buf << 2;
            data_buf = ( data_buf  | ( (P1 & 0x30) >> 4 ) );
#ifdef DTQIO
    case DTQIO: //  DTR qual I/O
        // Set VIP 8051 GPIO as input ( need pull to high )
        SIO0 = 1;
        SIO1 = 1;
        SIO2 = 1;
        SIO3 = 1;
        // End VIP 8051 GPIO
        SCLK = 0;
        data_buf = P1 & 0xf0;
        SCLK = 1;
        data_buf = ( (P1 & 0xf0) >> 4 )| data_buf;

    switch( transfer_type )
#ifdef SIO
    case SIO: // Single I/O
        //--- insert your code here for single IO receive. ---//
#ifdef DIO
    case DIO: // Dual I/O
        //--- insert your code here for dual IO receive. ---//
#ifdef QIO
    case QIO: // Quad I/O
        //--- insert your code here for qual IO receive. ---//
#ifdef PIO
    case PIO: // Parallel I/O
        //--- insert your code here for parallel IO receive. ---//
#ifdef DTSIO
    case DTSIO: // Double transfer rate Single I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT single IO receive. ---//
#ifdef DTDIO
    case DTDIO: // Double transfer rate Dual I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT dual IO receive. ---//
#ifdef DTQIO
    case DTQIO: // Double transfer rate Qual I/O
        //--- insert your code here for DT quad IO receive. ---//
#endif  /* End of GPIO_SPI */
    return data_buf;

 * Function:       WaitFlashReady
 * Arguments:      ExpectTime, expected time-out value of flash operations.
 *                 No use at non-synchronous IO mode.
 * Description:    Synchronous IO:
 *                 If flash is ready return TRUE.
 *                 If flash is time-out return FALSE.
 *                 Non-synchronous IO:
 *                 Always return TRUE
 * Return Message: TRUE, FALSE
BOOL WaitFlashReady( uint32 ExpectTime )
    uint32 temp = 0;
    while( IsFlashBusy() )
        if( temp > ExpectTime )
            return FALSE;
        temp = temp + 1;
       return TRUE;
    return TRUE;

 * Function:       WaitRYBYReady
 * Arguments:      ExpectTime, expected time-out value of flash operations.
 *                 No use at non-synchronous IO mode.
 * Description:    Synchronous IO:
 *                 If flash is ready return TRUE.
 *                 If flash is time-out return FALSE.
 *                 Non-synchronous IO:
 *                 Always return TRUE
 * Return Message: TRUE, FALSE
BOOL WaitRYBYReady( uint32 ExpectTime )
    uint32 temp = 0;
#ifdef GPIO_SPI
    while( SO == 0 )
    // Insert your code for waiting RYBY (SO) pin ready
        if( temp > ExpectTime )
            return FALSE;
        temp = temp + 1;
    return TRUE;

    return TRUE;

 * Function:       IsFlashBusy
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    Check status register WIP bit.
 *                 If  WIP bit = 1: return TRUE ( Busy )
 *                             = 0: return FALSE ( Ready ).
 * Return Message: TRUE, FALSE
BOOL IsFlashBusy( void )
    uint8  gDataBuffer;

    CMD_RDSR( &gDataBuffer );
    if( (gDataBuffer & FLASH_WIP_MASK)  == FLASH_WIP_MASK )
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

 * Function:       IsFlashQIO
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    If flash QE bit = 1: return TRUE
 *                                 = 0: return FALSE.
 * Return Message: TRUE, FALSE
BOOL IsFlashQIO( void )
    return TRUE;
    uint8  gDataBuffer;
    CMD_RDSR( &gDataBuffer );
    if( (gDataBuffer & FLASH_QE_MASK) == FLASH_QE_MASK )
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
 * Function:       IsFlash4Byte
 * Arguments:      None
 * Description:    Check flash address is 3-byte or 4-byte.
 *                 If flash 4BYTE bit = 1: return TRUE
 *                                    = 0: return FALSE.
 * Return Message: TRUE, FALSE
BOOL IsFlash4Byte( void )
    #ifdef FLASH_4BYTE_ONLY
        return TRUE;
    #elif FLASH_3BYTE_ONLY
        return FALSE;
        uint8  gDataBuffer;
        CMD_RDSCUR( &gDataBuffer );
        if( (gDataBuffer & FLASH_4BYTE_MASK) == FLASH_4BYTE_MASK )
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
    return FALSE;
 * Function:       SendFlashAddr
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 io_mode, I/O mode to transfer address
 *                 addr_4byte_mode,
 * Description:    Send flash address with 3-byte or 4-byte mode.
 * Return Message: None
void SendFlashAddr( uint32 flash_address, uint8 io_mode, uint8 addr_4byte_mode )
    /* Check flash is 3-byte or 4-byte mode.
       4-byte mode: Send 4-byte address (A31-A0)
       3-byte mode: Send 3-byte address (A23-A0) */
    if( addr_4byte_mode == TRUE ){
        SendByte( (flash_address >> 24), io_mode ); // A31-A24
    /* A23-A0 */
    SendByte( (flash_address >> 16), io_mode );
    SendByte( (flash_address >> 8), io_mode );
    SendByte( (flash_address), io_mode );

 * ID Command

 * Function:       CMD_RDID
 * Arguments:      Identification, 32 bit buffer to store id
 * Description:    The RDID instruction is to read the manufacturer ID
 *                 of 1-byte and followed by Device ID of 2-byte.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RDID( uint32 *Identification )
    uint32 temp;
    uint8  gDataBuffer[3];

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Send command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RDID, SIO );

    // Get manufacturer identification, device identification
    gDataBuffer[0] = GetByte( SIO );
    gDataBuffer[1] = GetByte( SIO );
    gDataBuffer[2] = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a command

    // Store identification
    temp =  (u32)(gDataBuffer[0]);
    temp =  (u32)((temp << 8) | gDataBuffer[1]);
    *Identification =  (u32)((temp << 8) | gDataBuffer[2]);

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_RES
 * Arguments:      ElectricIdentification, 8 bit buffer to store electric id
 * Description:    The RES instruction is to read the Device
 *                 electric identification of 1-byte.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RES( uint8 *ElectricIdentification )

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Send flash command and insert dummy cycle
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RES, SIO );
    InsertDummyCycle( 24 );

    // Get electric identification
    *ElectricIdentification = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_REMS
 * Arguments:      REMS_Identification, 16 bit buffer to store id
 *                 fsptr, pointer of flash status structure
 * Description:    The REMS instruction is to read the Device
 *                 manufacturer ID and electric ID of 1-byte.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_REMS( uint16 *REMS_Identification, FlashStatus *fsptr )
    uint8  gDataBuffer[2];

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Send flash command and insert dummy cycle ( if need )
    // ArrangeOpt = 0x00 will output the manufacturer's ID first
    //            = 0x01 will output electric ID first
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_REMS, SIO );
    InsertDummyCycle( 16 );
    SendByte( fsptr->ArrangeOpt, SIO );

    // Get ID
    gDataBuffer[0] = GetByte( SIO );
    gDataBuffer[1] = GetByte( SIO );

    // Store identification informaion
    *REMS_Identification = (gDataBuffer[0] << 8) | gDataBuffer[1];

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Register  Command

 * Function:       CMD_RDSR
 * Arguments:      StatusReg, 8 bit buffer to store status register value
 * Description:    The RDSR instruction is for reading Status Register Bits.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RDSR( uint8 *StatusReg )
    uint8  gDataBuffer;

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Send command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RDSR, SIO );
    gDataBuffer = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    *StatusReg = gDataBuffer;

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_WRSR
 * Arguments:      UpdateValue, 8/16 bit status register value to updata
 * Description:    The WRSR instruction is for changing the values of
 *                 Status Register Bits (and configuration register)
 * Return Message: FlashIsBusy, FlashTimeOut, FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_WRSR( uint16 UpdateValue )
ReturnMsg CMD_WRSR( uint8 UpdateValue )
    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Send command and update value
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_WRSR, SIO );
    SendByte( UpdateValue, SIO );
    SendByte( UpdateValue >> 8, SIO );    // write configuration register

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( WriteStatusRegCycleTime ) )
        return FlashOperationSuccess;
        return FlashTimeOut;


 * Function:       CMD_RDSCUR
 * Arguments:      SecurityReg, 8 bit buffer to store security register value
 * Description:    The RDSCUR instruction is for reading the value of
 *                 Security Register bits.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RDSCUR( uint8 *SecurityReg )
    uint8  gDataBuffer;

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    //Send command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RDSCUR, SIO );
    gDataBuffer = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    *SecurityReg = gDataBuffer;

    return FlashOperationSuccess;


 * Function:       CMD_WRSCUR
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The WRSCUR instruction is for changing the values of
 *                 Security Register Bits.
 * Return Message: FlashIsBusy, FlashOperationSuccess, FlashWriteRegFailed,
 *                 FlashTimeOut
ReturnMsg CMD_WRSCUR( void )
    uint8  gDataBuffer;

    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write WRSCUR command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_WRSCUR, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( WriteSecuRegCycleTime ) ){

        CMD_RDSCUR( &gDataBuffer );

        // Check security register LDSO bit
        if( (gDataBuffer & FLASH_LDSO_MASK) == FLASH_LDSO_MASK )
                return FlashOperationSuccess;
                return FlashWriteRegFailed;
        return FlashTimeOut;


 * Read Command

 * Function:       CMD_READ
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 target_address, buffer address to store returned data
 *                 byte_length, length of returned data in byte unit
 * Description:    The READ instruction is for reading data out.
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_READ( uint32 flash_address, uint8 *target_address, uint32 byte_length )
    uint32 index;
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write READ command and address
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_READ, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );

    // Set a loop to read data into buffer
    for( index=0; index < byte_length; index++ )
        // Read data one byte at a time
        *(target_address + index) = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_DREAD
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 target_address, buffer address to store returned data
 *                 byte_length, length of returned data in byte unit
 * Description:    The DREAD instruction enable double throughput of Serial
 *                 Flash in read mode
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_DREAD( uint32 flash_address, uint8 *target_address, uint32 byte_length )
    uint32 index;
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;    // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE;   // 3-byte mode

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write 2-I/O Read command and address
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_DREAD, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );
    InsertDummyCycle( 8 );                    // Wait 8 dummy cycle

    // Set a loop to read data into data buffer
    for( index=0; index < byte_length; index++ )
        *(target_address + index) = GetByte( DIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_FASTREAD
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 target_address, buffer address to store returned data
 *                 byte_length, length of returned data in byte unit
 * Description:    The FASTREAD instruction is for quickly reading data out.
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_FASTREAD( uint32 flash_address, uint8 *target_address, uint32 byte_length )
    uint32 index;
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write Fast Read command, address and dummy cycle
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );
    InsertDummyCycle ( 8 );          // Wait dummy cycle

    // Set a loop to read data into data buffer
    for( index=0; index < byte_length; index++ )
        *(target_address + index) = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_RDSFDP
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 target_address, buffer address to store returned data
 *                 byte_length, length of returned data in byte unit
 * Description:    RDSFDP can retrieve the operating characteristics, structure
 *                 and vendor-specified information such as identifying information,
 *                 memory size, operating voltages and timinginformation of device
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RDSFDP( uint32 flash_address, uint8 *target_address, uint32 byte_length )
    uint32 index;
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write Read SFDP command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RDSFDP, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );
    InsertDummyCycle ( 8 );        // Insert dummy cycle

    // Set a loop to read data into data buffer
    for( index=0; index < byte_length; index++ )
        *(target_address + index) = GetByte( SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;
 * Program Command

 * Function:       CMD_WREN
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The WREN instruction is for setting
 *                 Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_WREN( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write Enable command = 0x06, Setting Write Enable Latch Bit
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_WREN, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_WRDI
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The WRDI instruction is to reset
 *                 Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_WRDI( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write Disable command = 0x04, resets Write Enable Latch Bit
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_WRDI, SIO );


    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_PP
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 *                 source_address, buffer address of source data to program
 *                 byte_length, byte length of data to programm
 * Description:    The PP instruction is for programming
 *                 the memory to be "0".
 *                 The device only accept the last 256 byte ( or 32 byte ) to program.
 *                 If the page address ( flash_address[7:0] ) reach 0xFF, it will
 *                 program next at 0x00 of the same page.
 *                 Some products have smaller page size ( 32 byte )
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashIsBusy, FlashOperationSuccess,
 *                 FlashTimeOut
ReturnMsg CMD_PP( uint32 flash_address, uint8 *source_address, uint32 byte_length )
    uint32 index;
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write Page Program command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_PP, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );

    // Set a loop to down load whole page data into flash's buffer
    // Note: only last 256 byte ( or 32 byte ) will be programmed
    for( index=0; index < byte_length; index++ )
        SendByte( *(source_address + index), SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( PageProgramCycleTime ) )
        return FlashOperationSuccess;
        return FlashTimeOut;

 * Erase Command

 * Function:       CMD_SE
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 * Description:    The SE instruction is for erasing the data
 *                 of the chosen sector (4KB) to be "1".
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashIsBusy, FlashOperationSuccess,
 *                 FlashTimeOut
ReturnMsg CMD_SE( uint32 flash_address )
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    //Write Sector Erase command = 0x20;
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_SE, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( SectorEraseCycleTime ) )
        return FlashOperationSuccess;
        return FlashTimeOut;

 * Function:       CMD_BE
 * Arguments:      flash_address, 32 bit flash memory address
 * Description:    The BE instruction is for erasing the data
 *                 of the chosen sector (64KB) to be "1".
 * Return Message: FlashAddressInvalid, FlashIsBusy, FlashOperationSuccess,
 *                 FlashTimeOut
ReturnMsg CMD_BE( uint32 flash_address )
    uint8  addr_4byte_mode;

    // Check flash address
    if( flash_address > FlashSize ) return FlashAddressInvalid;

    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Check 3-byte or 4-byte mode
    if( IsFlash4Byte() )
        addr_4byte_mode = TRUE;  // 4-byte mode
        addr_4byte_mode = FALSE; // 3-byte mode

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    //Write Block Erase command = 0xD8;
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_BE, SIO );
    SendFlashAddr( flash_address, SIO, addr_4byte_mode );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( BlockEraseCycleTime ) )
        return FlashOperationSuccess;
        return FlashTimeOut;

 * Function:       CMD_CE
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The CE instruction is for erasing the data
 *                 of the whole chip to be "1".
 * Return Message: FlashIsBusy, FlashOperationSuccess, FlashTimeOut
ReturnMsg CMD_CE( void )
    // Check flash is busy or not
    if( IsFlashBusy() )    return FlashIsBusy;

    // Setting Write Enable Latch bit

    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    //Write Chip Erase command = 0x60;
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_CE, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    if( WaitFlashReady( ChipEraseCycleTime ) )
        return FlashOperationSuccess;
        return FlashTimeOut;

 * Mode setting Command

 * Function:       CMD_DP
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The DP instruction is for setting the
 *                 device on the minimizing the power consumption.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_DP( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Deep Power Down Mode command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_DP, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_RDP
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The Release from RDP instruction is
 *                 putting the device in the Stand-by Power mode.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_RDP( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Deep Power Down Mode command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_RDP, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_ENSO
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The ENSO instruction is for entering the secured OTP mode.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_ENSO( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write ENSO command
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_ENSO, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Function:       CMD_EXSO
 * Arguments:      None.
 * Description:    The EXSO instruction is for exiting the secured OTP mode.
 * Return Message: FlashOperationSuccess
ReturnMsg CMD_EXSO( void )
    // Chip select go low to start a flash command

    // Write EXSO command = 0xC1
    SendByte( FLASH_CMD_EXSO, SIO );

    // Chip select go high to end a flash command

    return FlashOperationSuccess;

 * Reset setting Command

 * Security Command

