
时间:2021-07-16 16:20:54

What is the exact difference between HTML and XHTML?


I have seen related posts here, but I am not getting it exactly.


4 个解决方案



XHTML is not so much different from HTML 4.01 standard. The major differences are:

XHTML与HTML 4.01标准没有太大的不同。主要区别是:

  • XHTML elements must be properly nested.
  • XHTML元素必须正确地嵌套。
  • XHTML elements must always be closed.
  • XHTML元素必须始终关闭。
  • XHTML elements must be in lowercase.
  • XHTML元素必须是小写的。
  • XHTML documents must have one root element.
  • XHTML文档必须有一个根元素。

Basically, XHTML is HTML (all the html tags are found in XHTML) that follows the rules of XML (because it is a family of XML).


More references can be found on:




XHTML is an application of XML, which is quite a strict angle-bracket language.


HTML is an application of SGML, which is a much less strict angle-bracket language.


(XML is also an application of SGML.)


At one time, people hoped that the solution to the mess of the late 90s web markup was to persuade everyone to write XHTML rather than HTML, perhaps in the hope that the enforced discipline would transform all those polo-necked frameless-spectacle wearing graphic designers into computer programmers. Alas, there was not actually much demonstrable benefit to all this exhausting prostration at the altar of the XHTML validator, so XHTML is now out of fashion and HTML is back in.




XHTML will be treated an application of XML only in case where MIME type application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, or text/xml are used. An XHTML document served with a MIME type of text/html must be parsed and interpreted as HTML, so the HTML rules apply in this case.

只有在使用MIME类型应用程序/ XHTML + XML、应用程序/ XML或文本/ XML时,XHTML才会处理XML的应用程序。使用文本/html的MIME类型提供服务的XHTML文档必须被解析并解释为html,因此在本例中应用html规则。

Check this link for more on difference between XHTML and HTML




  1. XHTML is case sensitive, different from HTML.
  2. XHTML区分大小写,与HTML不同。
  3. XHTML's tags must be opened and closed different from HTML where a tag can be left as open.
  4. XHTML的标记必须打开和关闭,这与HTML不同,在HTML中标记可以保持打开状态。
  5. XHTML is not browser-dependent and can run on any browser platform, unlike HTML.
  6. 与HTML不同,XHTML不依赖浏览器,可以在任何浏览器平台上运行。



XHTML is not so much different from HTML 4.01 standard. The major differences are:

XHTML与HTML 4.01标准没有太大的不同。主要区别是:

  • XHTML elements must be properly nested.
  • XHTML元素必须正确地嵌套。
  • XHTML elements must always be closed.
  • XHTML元素必须始终关闭。
  • XHTML elements must be in lowercase.
  • XHTML元素必须是小写的。
  • XHTML documents must have one root element.
  • XHTML文档必须有一个根元素。

Basically, XHTML is HTML (all the html tags are found in XHTML) that follows the rules of XML (because it is a family of XML).


More references can be found on:




XHTML is an application of XML, which is quite a strict angle-bracket language.


HTML is an application of SGML, which is a much less strict angle-bracket language.


(XML is also an application of SGML.)


At one time, people hoped that the solution to the mess of the late 90s web markup was to persuade everyone to write XHTML rather than HTML, perhaps in the hope that the enforced discipline would transform all those polo-necked frameless-spectacle wearing graphic designers into computer programmers. Alas, there was not actually much demonstrable benefit to all this exhausting prostration at the altar of the XHTML validator, so XHTML is now out of fashion and HTML is back in.




XHTML will be treated an application of XML only in case where MIME type application/xhtml+xml, application/xml, or text/xml are used. An XHTML document served with a MIME type of text/html must be parsed and interpreted as HTML, so the HTML rules apply in this case.

只有在使用MIME类型应用程序/ XHTML + XML、应用程序/ XML或文本/ XML时,XHTML才会处理XML的应用程序。使用文本/html的MIME类型提供服务的XHTML文档必须被解析并解释为html,因此在本例中应用html规则。

Check this link for more on difference between XHTML and HTML




  1. XHTML is case sensitive, different from HTML.
  2. XHTML区分大小写,与HTML不同。
  3. XHTML's tags must be opened and closed different from HTML where a tag can be left as open.
  4. XHTML的标记必须打开和关闭,这与HTML不同,在HTML中标记可以保持打开状态。
  5. XHTML is not browser-dependent and can run on any browser platform, unlike HTML.
  6. 与HTML不同,XHTML不依赖浏览器,可以在任何浏览器平台上运行。