
时间:2021-11-08 15:54:24

So lets assume we have a load of music files, mp3's most probably but we could re-encode them if it helps. We want as wide a range of people with mobile phones to be able to listen to these as possible via a website - bonus points if we can listen to a playlist (ie. several tracks one after the other).

所以我们假设我们有很多音乐文件,很可能是mp3,但如果它有帮助我们可以重新编码它们。我们希望尽可能广泛的移动电话用户能够通过网站收听这些内容 - 如果我们可以收听播放列表(即一个接一个地播放几个曲目),则可以获得奖励积分。

Websites nearly always make use of Flash to play audio, but the full flash player isn't yet available on mobile. So:


  • Do a wide range of mobile phones support playlist formats like XSPF? (http://www.xspf.org/)
  • 各种手机是否支持XSPF等播放列表格式? (http://www.xspf.org/)

  • Can flash lite play audio and is it a sensible technology to use for a wide range of mobile devices?
  • flash lite可以播放音频吗?它是一种适用于各种移动设备的明智技术吗?

  • Do any popular phones support a javascript interface to their audio capabilities?
  • 任何流行的手机都支持其音频功能的JavaScript界面​​吗?

  • What is the best way of playing audio on Mobile Devices from a web page?
  • 从网页上播放移动设备音频的最佳方式是什么?

3 个解决方案


There's no single, good solution. At this point you should resign yourself to picking out the major platforms you want to support, and research how best to implement a separate service for each. You'll be able to detect which device is connecting via the HTTP headers.


I'd suggest starting off with:


  • iPhone
  • J2ME (several versions to support many phones)
  • J2ME(支持多部手机的几个版本)

  • Blackberry
  • Window Mobile (generally no java - specific Windows Mobile app best)
  • Window Mobile(一般没有特定于Java的Windows Mobile应用程序)

This will capture a significant portion of the market. Keep in mind that the cellular carriers sell music and entertainment now, so they lock a lot of this stuff down on purpose - it's intentionally difficult to use their platform without paying them.

这将占据市场的很大一部分。请记住,蜂窝电话运营商现在销售音乐和娱乐,所以他们故意锁定了很多这样的东西 - 如果没有支付它们,就很难使用他们的平台。

It's a difficult process, but if done well you can expect to capture a good chunk of the market.



Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any native format for embedded audio for most blackberry's that are along them same lines as flash, quicktime or Windows Media. They all require a plug-in to be downloaded first.

不幸的是,大多数黑莓手机的嵌入式音频似乎没有任何原生格式,与flash,quicktime或Windows Media相同。它们都需要先插入一个插件。

The iPhone, however, supports them.



You have to stream it. Maybe this will help...


Streaming sound

You could look into a "platform independent" language like Java, see J2ME



There's no single, good solution. At this point you should resign yourself to picking out the major platforms you want to support, and research how best to implement a separate service for each. You'll be able to detect which device is connecting via the HTTP headers.


I'd suggest starting off with:


  • iPhone
  • J2ME (several versions to support many phones)
  • J2ME(支持多部手机的几个版本)

  • Blackberry
  • Window Mobile (generally no java - specific Windows Mobile app best)
  • Window Mobile(一般没有特定于Java的Windows Mobile应用程序)

This will capture a significant portion of the market. Keep in mind that the cellular carriers sell music and entertainment now, so they lock a lot of this stuff down on purpose - it's intentionally difficult to use their platform without paying them.

这将占据市场的很大一部分。请记住,蜂窝电话运营商现在销售音乐和娱乐,所以他们故意锁定了很多这样的东西 - 如果没有支付它们,就很难使用他们的平台。

It's a difficult process, but if done well you can expect to capture a good chunk of the market.



Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any native format for embedded audio for most blackberry's that are along them same lines as flash, quicktime or Windows Media. They all require a plug-in to be downloaded first.

不幸的是,大多数黑莓手机的嵌入式音频似乎没有任何原生格式,与flash,quicktime或Windows Media相同。它们都需要先插入一个插件。

The iPhone, however, supports them.



You have to stream it. Maybe this will help...


Streaming sound

You could look into a "platform independent" language like Java, see J2ME
