
时间:2021-05-17 14:06:34
  1. Is it possible to capture Python interpreter's output from a Python script?
  2. 是否有可能从Python脚本中捕获Python解释器的输出?

  3. Is it possible to capture Windows CMD's output from a Python script?
  4. 是否可以从Python脚本中捕获Windows CMD的输出?

If so, which librar(y|ies) should I look into?

如果是这样,我应该研究哪些图书馆(y | ies)?

5 个解决方案



If you are talking about the python interpreter or CMD.exe that is the 'parent' of your script then no, it isn't possible. In every POSIX-like system (now you're running Windows, it seems, and that might have some quirk I don't know about, YMMV) each process has three streams, standard input, standard output and standard error. Bu default (when running in a console) these are directed to the console, but redirection is possible using the pipe notation:

如果您正在谈论python解释器或CMD.exe,它是您脚本的“父”,那么不可能。在每个类似POSIX的系统中(现在你正在运行Windows,看起来,这可能有一些我不知道的怪癖,YMMV)每个进程有三个流,标准输入,标准输出和标准错误。 Bu默认(在控制台中运行时)会将这些指向控制台,但可以使用管道符号进行重定向:

python script_a.py | python script_b.py

This ties the standard output stream of script a to the standard input stream of script B. Standard error still goes to the console in this example. See the article on standard streams on Wikipedia.


If you're talking about a child process, you can launch it from python like so (stdin is also an option if you want two way communication):


import subprocess
# Of course you can open things other than python here :)
process = subprocess.Popen(["python", "main.py"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
x = process.stderr.readline()
y = process.stdout.readline()

See the Python subprocess module for information on managing the process. For communication, the process.stdin and process.stdout pipes are considered standard file objects.


For use with pipes, reading from standard input as lassevk suggested you'd do something like this:


import sys
x = sys.stderr.readline()
y = sys.stdin.readline()

sys.stdin and sys.stdout are standard file objects as noted above, defined in the sys module. You might also want to take a look at the pipes module.


Reading data with readline() as in my example is a pretty naïve way of getting data though. If the output is not line-oriented or indeterministic you probably want to look into polling which unfortunately does not work in windows, but I'm sure there's some alternative out there.




I think I can point you to a good answer for the first part of your question.


1.  Is it possible to capture Python interpreter's output from a Python script?


The answer is "yes", and personally I like the following lifted from the examples in the PEP 343 -- The "with" Statement document.

答案是“是”,我个人喜欢PEP 343中的例子 - “with”声明文件。

from contextlib import contextmanager
import sys

def stdout_redirected(new_stdout):
    saved_stdout = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = new_stdout
        yield None
        sys.stdout = saved_stdout

And used like this:


with stdout_redirected(open("filename.txt", "w")):
    print "Hello world"

A nice aspect of it is that it can be applied selectively around just a portion of a script's execution, rather than its entire extent, and stays in effect even when unhandled exceptions are raised within its context. If you re-open the file in append-mode after its first use, you can accumulate the results into a single file:


with stdout_redirected(open("filename.txt", "w")):
    print "Hello world"

print "screen only output again"

with stdout_redirected(open("filename.txt", "a")):
    print "Hello world2"

Of course, the above could also be extended to also redirect sys.stderr to the same or another file. Also see this answer to a related question.




Actually, you definitely can, and it's beautiful, ugly, and crazy at the same time!


You can replace sys.stdout and sys.stderr with StringIO objects that collect the output.


Here's an example, save it as evil.py:


import sys
import StringIO

s = StringIO.StringIO()

sys.stdout = s

print "hey, this isn't going to stdout at all!"
print "where is it ?"

sys.stderr.write('It actually went to a StringIO object, I will show you now:\n')

When you run this program, you will see that:


  • nothing went to stdout (where print usually prints to)
  • 什么都没有去stdout(打印通常打印到)

  • the first string that gets written to stderr is the one starting with 'It'
  • 写入stderr的第一个字符串是以'It'开头的字符串

  • the next two lines are the ones that were collected in the StringIO object
  • 接下来的两行是在StringIO对象中收集的行

Replacing sys.stdout/err like this is an application of what's called monkeypatching. Opinions may vary whether or not this is 'supported', and it is definitely an ugly hack, but it has saved my bacon when trying to wrap around external stuff once or twice.

像这样替换sys.stdout / err是一个叫做monkeypatching的应用程序。意见可能会有所不同,无论这是否“支持”,它肯定是一个丑陋的黑客,但它试图包裹外部的东西一两次,它已经节省了我的培根。

Tested on Linux, not on Windows, but it should work just as well. Let me know if it works on Windows!




You want subprocess. Look specifically at Popen in 17.1.1 and communicate in 17.1.2.




In which context are you asking?


Are you trying to capture the output from a program you start on the command line?


if so, then this is how to execute it:


somescript.py | your-capture-program-here

and to read the output, just read from standard input.


If, on the other hand, you're executing that script or cmd.exe or similar from within your program, and want to wait until the script/program has finished, and capture all its output, then you need to look at the library calls you use to start that external program, most likely there is a way to ask it to give you some way to read the output and wait for completion.




If you are talking about the python interpreter or CMD.exe that is the 'parent' of your script then no, it isn't possible. In every POSIX-like system (now you're running Windows, it seems, and that might have some quirk I don't know about, YMMV) each process has three streams, standard input, standard output and standard error. Bu default (when running in a console) these are directed to the console, but redirection is possible using the pipe notation:

如果您正在谈论python解释器或CMD.exe,它是您脚本的“父”,那么不可能。在每个类似POSIX的系统中(现在你正在运行Windows,看起来,这可能有一些我不知道的怪癖,YMMV)每个进程有三个流,标准输入,标准输出和标准错误。 Bu默认(在控制台中运行时)会将这些指向控制台,但可以使用管道符号进行重定向:

python script_a.py | python script_b.py

This ties the standard output stream of script a to the standard input stream of script B. Standard error still goes to the console in this example. See the article on standard streams on Wikipedia.


If you're talking about a child process, you can launch it from python like so (stdin is also an option if you want two way communication):


import subprocess
# Of course you can open things other than python here :)
process = subprocess.Popen(["python", "main.py"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
x = process.stderr.readline()
y = process.stdout.readline()

See the Python subprocess module for information on managing the process. For communication, the process.stdin and process.stdout pipes are considered standard file objects.


For use with pipes, reading from standard input as lassevk suggested you'd do something like this:


import sys
x = sys.stderr.readline()
y = sys.stdin.readline()

sys.stdin and sys.stdout are standard file objects as noted above, defined in the sys module. You might also want to take a look at the pipes module.


Reading data with readline() as in my example is a pretty naïve way of getting data though. If the output is not line-oriented or indeterministic you probably want to look into polling which unfortunately does not work in windows, but I'm sure there's some alternative out there.




I think I can point you to a good answer for the first part of your question.


1.  Is it possible to capture Python interpreter's output from a Python script?


The answer is "yes", and personally I like the following lifted from the examples in the PEP 343 -- The "with" Statement document.

答案是“是”,我个人喜欢PEP 343中的例子 - “with”声明文件。

from contextlib import contextmanager
import sys

def stdout_redirected(new_stdout):
    saved_stdout = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = new_stdout
        yield None
        sys.stdout = saved_stdout

And used like this:


with stdout_redirected(open("filename.txt", "w")):
    print "Hello world"

A nice aspect of it is that it can be applied selectively around just a portion of a script's execution, rather than its entire extent, and stays in effect even when unhandled exceptions are raised within its context. If you re-open the file in append-mode after its first use, you can accumulate the results into a single file:


with stdout_redirected(open("filename.txt", "w")):
    print "Hello world"

print "screen only output again"

with stdout_redirected(open("filename.txt", "a")):
    print "Hello world2"

Of course, the above could also be extended to also redirect sys.stderr to the same or another file. Also see this answer to a related question.




Actually, you definitely can, and it's beautiful, ugly, and crazy at the same time!


You can replace sys.stdout and sys.stderr with StringIO objects that collect the output.


Here's an example, save it as evil.py:


import sys
import StringIO

s = StringIO.StringIO()

sys.stdout = s

print "hey, this isn't going to stdout at all!"
print "where is it ?"

sys.stderr.write('It actually went to a StringIO object, I will show you now:\n')

When you run this program, you will see that:


  • nothing went to stdout (where print usually prints to)
  • 什么都没有去stdout(打印通常打印到)

  • the first string that gets written to stderr is the one starting with 'It'
  • 写入stderr的第一个字符串是以'It'开头的字符串

  • the next two lines are the ones that were collected in the StringIO object
  • 接下来的两行是在StringIO对象中收集的行

Replacing sys.stdout/err like this is an application of what's called monkeypatching. Opinions may vary whether or not this is 'supported', and it is definitely an ugly hack, but it has saved my bacon when trying to wrap around external stuff once or twice.

像这样替换sys.stdout / err是一个叫做monkeypatching的应用程序。意见可能会有所不同,无论这是否“支持”,它肯定是一个丑陋的黑客,但它试图包裹外部的东西一两次,它已经节省了我的培根。

Tested on Linux, not on Windows, but it should work just as well. Let me know if it works on Windows!




You want subprocess. Look specifically at Popen in 17.1.1 and communicate in 17.1.2.




In which context are you asking?


Are you trying to capture the output from a program you start on the command line?


if so, then this is how to execute it:


somescript.py | your-capture-program-here

and to read the output, just read from standard input.


If, on the other hand, you're executing that script or cmd.exe or similar from within your program, and want to wait until the script/program has finished, and capture all its output, then you need to look at the library calls you use to start that external program, most likely there is a way to ask it to give you some way to read the output and wait for completion.
