
时间:2021-02-27 14:05:32

I need to read an XML file from internet and re-shape it. Here is the XML file and the code I have so far.


doc = xmlParse(url,useInternalNode=TRUE)

I was able to use some functions within the XML package with sucess(e.g., getNodeSet), but I am not an expert and there are some examples on the internet but I was not able to crack this problem myself. I also know some XPath but this was 4 years ago and I am not an expert on sapply and similar functions.


But my goal is this:


  1. I need to remove a whole set of XML children branches about location, for example: <location> ... anything </location>. There can be multiple nodes with location data. I simply don't need that detail in the output. The XML file above always complies to an XSD schema. The root node is called <clinical_study>.

    我需要删除一整套关于位置的XML子分支,例如: ......任何 。可以有多个具有位置数据的节点。我根本不需要输出中的细节。上面的XML文件始终符合XSD架构。根节点称为

  2. The resulted simplified file should be written into a new XML file called "data-changed.xml".


  3. I also need to rename and move one branch from old nested place of


    <eligibility> <criteria> <textblock> Inclusion criteria are xyz </textblock/>...

    包含标准是xyz ...

  4. In new output ("data-changed.xml") the structure should say a different XML node and be directly under root node:


    <eligibility_criteria> Inclusion criteria are xyz </eligibility_criteria>


So I need to:


  • read the XML into memory
  • 将XML读入内存
  • manipulate the tree (prune it somewhere)
  • 操纵树(在某处修剪)
  • move some XML nodes to a new place and under a new name and
  • 将一些XML节点移动到一个新的位置并以新的名称和
  • write the resulting XML output file.
  • 编写生成的XML输出文件。

Any ideas are greatly appreciated?


Also, if you know about a nice (recent !) tutorial on XML parsing within R (or book chapter which tackles it, please share the reference). (I read the vignettes by Duncan and these are too advanced (too concise)).

另外,如果您了解一个关于R内部XML解析的好(最近的!)教程(或者解决它的书籍章节,请分享参考)。 (我读过Duncan的小插曲,这些太过于先进(太简洁))。

3 个解决方案



Code to remove all location nodes:


r <- xmlRoot(doc)
removeNodes(r[names(r) == "location"])



The quick answer to your question on how to apply an xpath to an xml file is to use xpathSApply. This works for me:


nct_url <- "http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00112281?resultsxml=true"
xml_doc <- xmlParse(nct_url, useInternalNode=TRUE)
elig_path <- "/clinical_study/eligibility/criteria/textblock" 
elig_text <- xpathSApply(xml_doc, elig_path, xmlValue)

I'm doing some work with clinicaltrials.gov XML files, using R and its XML package. The package is tricky, and I only partially understand it. I've written a function to help deal with missing nodes in the XML:

我正在使用R及其XML包在clinicaltrials.gov XML文件上做一些工作。包裹很棘手,我只是部分理解它。我编写了一个函数来帮助处理XML中缺少的节点:

findbyxpath <- function(xmlfile, xpath) {
  xmldoc <- xmlParse(xmlfile)
  result <- try(xpathSApply(xmldoc, xpath, xmlValue))
  if(length(result) == 0) { # check for empty list, returned if node not found
  } else {

I use xml in files downloaded from clinicaltrials.gov ahead of time, so file is one of those. Then my example would instead look like this:


file <- "NCT00112281.xml"
elig_text <- findbyxpath(file, elig_path)

Hope this helps.




This is what XSLT is designed for. It's a little bit of a learning curve, but once mastered, it's by far the most effective way of doing this kind of work. And you can translate your English rules directly into XSLT rules: for example, your first rule that says strip all location elements and their children is simply:


<xsl:template match="location"/>

and the rule about moving content to be under the new root node might be:


<xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:copy-of select="//eligibility/criteria"/>

This is just a flavour of course - you haven't specified your transformation rules precisely enough to translate into accurate code.

这当然是一种风格 - 您没有精确指定转换规则以转换为准确的代码。



Code to remove all location nodes:


r <- xmlRoot(doc)
removeNodes(r[names(r) == "location"])



The quick answer to your question on how to apply an xpath to an xml file is to use xpathSApply. This works for me:


nct_url <- "http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00112281?resultsxml=true"
xml_doc <- xmlParse(nct_url, useInternalNode=TRUE)
elig_path <- "/clinical_study/eligibility/criteria/textblock" 
elig_text <- xpathSApply(xml_doc, elig_path, xmlValue)

I'm doing some work with clinicaltrials.gov XML files, using R and its XML package. The package is tricky, and I only partially understand it. I've written a function to help deal with missing nodes in the XML:

我正在使用R及其XML包在clinicaltrials.gov XML文件上做一些工作。包裹很棘手,我只是部分理解它。我编写了一个函数来帮助处理XML中缺少的节点:

findbyxpath <- function(xmlfile, xpath) {
  xmldoc <- xmlParse(xmlfile)
  result <- try(xpathSApply(xmldoc, xpath, xmlValue))
  if(length(result) == 0) { # check for empty list, returned if node not found
  } else {

I use xml in files downloaded from clinicaltrials.gov ahead of time, so file is one of those. Then my example would instead look like this:


file <- "NCT00112281.xml"
elig_text <- findbyxpath(file, elig_path)

Hope this helps.




This is what XSLT is designed for. It's a little bit of a learning curve, but once mastered, it's by far the most effective way of doing this kind of work. And you can translate your English rules directly into XSLT rules: for example, your first rule that says strip all location elements and their children is simply:


<xsl:template match="location"/>

and the rule about moving content to be under the new root node might be:


<xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:copy-of select="//eligibility/criteria"/>

This is just a flavour of course - you haven't specified your transformation rules precisely enough to translate into accurate code.

这当然是一种风格 - 您没有精确指定转换规则以转换为准确的代码。