
时间:2022-01-26 13:53:23

In troubleshooting a reboot crash I need to print every line in a file to an output console. What I want to do is run a linux command line or script to take each line in a file, and put a print statement after it containing the line, so for example:


while x<100
end while

would become


while x<100
print "while x<100"
    print "x=x+1"
end while
print "end while"

even better would be if the print statements could include the line number:


while x<100
print "Line 50: while x<100"
    print "Line 52:x=x+1"
end while
print "Line 54: end while"

The idea here is to find the last line in the script that executes as that will be the line that probably caused the device to reboot. Currently I do this manually, and it is rather time consuming to add all those lines.


I'm aware of the existence of SED and AWK but have never used them, I do use ex/vi/grep/ls/wc fairly often to sort things out in text files though and have experience with basic shell scripting.


EDIT: Note that none of the code in my question is a shell script. I'm looking for help with creating a shell script or a command line to process a file so that each line in the file is followed by a print statement containing the previous line.


2 个解决方案



awk '{printf("%s\nprint \"Line %s : %s\"\n",$0,++NR, $0)}' infile > outfile

while x<100
print "Line 2 : while x<100"
print "Line 4 :     x=x+1"
end while
print "Line 6 : end while"

$0 is content of each line, NR is line/record number.


for the lines that already have quotes and print statements, use the below modified awk command:


awk '{printf("%s\nprint \"Line %s : ",$0,++NR)} {gsub(/\"/,"\\\"");printf $0"\"\n"}' infile > outfile



Well, a basic Bash shell script would be

一个基本的Bash shell脚本是。

while read -r line
  echo "$line"
  printf "print \"%q\"\n" "$line"

This uses only bash builtins and is meant to be placed in a script file (typing it in at the terminal may confuse the read command). It currently takes input from stdin, but a redirection operator such as command < file.txt will fix that.

这只使用bash内置程序,并将其放置在脚本文件中(在终端上输入可能会混淆read命令)。它目前接受来自stdin的输入,但是是一个重定向操作符,比如command < file。三种可以纠正这个问题。

Also note the use of the %q format specifier in the call to printf, it makes sure that the resulting output can be passed back into the shell to get the same text out of it.




awk '{printf("%s\nprint \"Line %s : %s\"\n",$0,++NR, $0)}' infile > outfile

while x<100
print "Line 2 : while x<100"
print "Line 4 :     x=x+1"
end while
print "Line 6 : end while"

$0 is content of each line, NR is line/record number.


for the lines that already have quotes and print statements, use the below modified awk command:


awk '{printf("%s\nprint \"Line %s : ",$0,++NR)} {gsub(/\"/,"\\\"");printf $0"\"\n"}' infile > outfile



Well, a basic Bash shell script would be

一个基本的Bash shell脚本是。

while read -r line
  echo "$line"
  printf "print \"%q\"\n" "$line"

This uses only bash builtins and is meant to be placed in a script file (typing it in at the terminal may confuse the read command). It currently takes input from stdin, but a redirection operator such as command < file.txt will fix that.

这只使用bash内置程序,并将其放置在脚本文件中(在终端上输入可能会混淆read命令)。它目前接受来自stdin的输入,但是是一个重定向操作符,比如command < file。三种可以纠正这个问题。

Also note the use of the %q format specifier in the call to printf, it makes sure that the resulting output can be passed back into the shell to get the same text out of it.
