
时间:2022-03-25 13:54:03

I'd like to have the full history of a large text field edited by users, stored using Django.


I've seen the projects:


I've a special use-case that probably falls outside the scope of what these projects provide. Further, I'm wary of how well documented, tested and updated these projects are. In any event, here's the problem I face:


I've a model, likeso:


from django.db import models

class Document(models.Model):
   text_field = models.TextField()

This text field may be large - over 40k - and I would like to have an autosave feature that saves the field every 30 seconds or so. This could make the database unwieldly large, obviously, if there are a lot of saves at 40k each (probably still 10k if zipped). The best solution I can think of is to keep a difference between the most recent saved version and the new version.

这个文本字段可能很大 - 超过40k - 我希望有一个自动保存功能,每30秒左右保存一次该字段。这可能会使数据库变得非常大,显然,如果每次40k都有很多保存(如果压缩可能仍然是10k)。我能想到的最佳解决方案是保持最新保存版本和新版本之间的差异。

However, I'm concerned about race conditions involving parallel updates. There are two distinct race conditions that come to mind (the second much more serious than the first):


  1. HTTP transaction race condition: User A and User B request document X0, and make changes individually, producing Xa and Xb. Xa is saved, the difference between X0 and Xa being "Xa-0" ("a less not"), Xa now being stored as the official version in the database. If Xb subsequently saves, it overwrite Xa, the diff being Xb-a ("b less a").

    HTTP事务竞争条件:用户A和用户B请求文档X0,并单独进行更改,生成Xa和Xb。 Xa被保存,X0和Xa之间的差异是“Xa-0”(“少了不是”),Xa现在被存储为数据库中的正式版本。如果Xb随后保存,它会覆盖Xa,差异为Xb-a(“b减去a”)。

    While not ideal, I'm not overly concerned with this behaviour. The documents are overwriting each other, and users A and B may have been unaware of each other (each having started with document X0), but the history retains integrity.


  2. Database read/update race condition: The problematic race condition is when Xa and Xb save at the same time over X0. There will be (pseudo-)code something like:


     def save_history(orig_doc, new_doc):
         text_field_diff = diff(orig_doc.text_field, new_doc.text_field)

    If Xa and Xb both read X0 from the database (i.e. orig_doc is X0), their differences will become Xa-0 and Xb-0 (as opposed to the serialized Xa-0 then Xb-a, or equivalently Xb-0 then Xa-b). When you try to patch the diffs together to produce the history, it will fail on either patch Xa-0 or Xb-0 (which both apply to X0). The integrity of the history has been compromised (or has it?).

    如果Xa和Xb都从数据库中读取X0(即orig_doc是X0),它们的差异将变为Xa-0和Xb-0(与序列化Xa-0相反,然后是Xb-a,或等效Xb-0然后Xa b)。当您尝试将差异拼接在一起以生成历史记录时,它将在修补程序Xa-0或Xb-0(均适用于X0)上失败。历史的完整性已经受到损害(或者有吗?)。

    One possible solution is an automatic reconciliation algorithm, that detects these problems ex-post. If rebuilding the history fails, one may assume that a race condition has occurred, and so apply the failed patch to prior versions of the history until it succeeds.


I'd be delighted to have some feedback and suggestions on how to go about tackling this problem.


Incidentally, insofar as it's a useful way out, I've noted that Django atomicity is discussed here:


Thank you kindly.


5 个解决方案



Here's what I've done to save an object's history:


For Django application History:



历史/ __ init__.py:

from django.core import serializers
from django.utils import simplejson as json
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save, post_save

# from http://code.google.com/p/google-diff-match-patch/
from contrib.diff_match_patch import diff_match_patch

from history.models import History

def register_history(M):
  Register Django model M for keeping its history

  e.g. register_history(Document) - every time Document is saved,
  its history (i.e. the differences) is saved.
  pre_save.connect(_pre_handler, sender=M)
  post_save.connect(_post_handler, sender=M)

def _pre_handler(signal, sender, instance, **kwargs):
  Save objects that have been changed.
  if not instance.pk:

  # there must be a before, if there's a pk, since
  # this is before the saving of this object.
  before = sender.objects.get(pk=instance.pk)

  _save_history(instance, _serialize(before).get('fields'))

def _post_handler(signal, sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
  Save objects that are being created (otherwise we wouldn't have a pk!)
  if not created:

  _save_history(instance, {})

def _serialize(instance):
   Given a Django model instance, return it as serialized data
   return serializers.serialize("python", [instance])[0]

def _save_history(instance, before):
  Save two serialized objects
  after = _serialize(instance).get('fields',{})

  # All fields.
  fields = set.union(set(before.keys()),set(after.keys()))

  dmp = diff_match_patch()

  diff = {}

  for field in fields:
    field_before = before.get(field,False)
    field_after = after.get(field,False)

    if field_before != field_after:
      if isinstance(field_before, unicode) or isinstance(field_before, str):
      # a patch
        diff[field] = dmp.diff_main(field_before,field_after)
        diff[field] = field_before

  history = History(history_for=instance, diff=json.dumps(diff))


历史/ models.py


from django.db import models

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic

from contrib import diff_match_patch as diff

class History(models.Model):
     Retain the history of generic objects, e.g. documents, people, etc..

  content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, null=True)

  object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)

  history_for = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')

  diff = models.TextField()

  def __unicode__(self):
       return "<History (%s:%d):%d>" % (self.content_type, self. object_id, self.pk)

Hope that helps someone, and comments would be appreciated.


Note that this does not address the race condition of my greatest concern. If, in _pre_handler "before = sender.objects.get(pk=instance.pk)" is called before another instance saves, but after that other instance has updated the history, and the present instance saves first, there will be an 'broken history' (i.e. out-of-order). Thankfully diff_match_patch attempts to gracefully handle "non-fatal" breaks, but there's no guarantee of success.

请注意,这并不能解决我最关心的竞争条件。如果,在_pre_handler“before = sender.objects.get(pk = instance.pk)”之前调用另一个实例保存,但在其他实例更新了历史记录之后,当前实例首先保存,则会出现'破坏历史'(即无序)。值得庆幸的是,diff_match_patch试图优雅地处理“非致命”休息,但并不能保证成功。

One solution is atomicity. I'm not sure how to go about making the above race condition (i.e. _pre_handler) an atomic operation across all instances of Django, though. A HistoryLock table, or a shared hash in memory (memcached?) would be fine - suggestions?

一种解决方案是原子性。我不确定如何在上面的竞争条件(即_pre_handler)中对所有Django实例进行原子操作。 HistoryLock表或内存中的共享哈希(memcached?)会没问题 - 建议?

The other solution, as mentioned, is a reconciliation algorithm. However, concurrent saves may have "genuine" conflicts and require user intervention to determine the correct reconciliation.


Obviously, piecing the history back together isn't part of the above snippets.




The storage issue: I think you should only store the diffs of two consecutive valid versions of the document. As you point out, the problem becomes getting a valid version when concurrent edits take place.


The concurrency issue:


  1. Could you avoid them all together like Jeff suggests or by locking the document?
  2. 你可以像杰夫建议的那样一起避开它们,还是锁定文件?
  3. If not, I think you're ultimately in the paradigm of online collaborative real-time editors like Google Docs.
  4. 如果没有,我认为你最终是在谷歌文档等在线协作实时编辑器的范例。

To get an illustrated view of the can of worms you are opening catch this google tech-talk at 9m21s (it's about Eclipse's collaborative real-time editing)


Alternatively, there are a couple of patents that detail ways of dealing with these concurrences on the Wikipedia article on collaborative real-time editors.




For managing the diffs, you would probably want to investigate Python's difflib.


Regarding atomicity, I would probably handle it the same as the Wikis (Trac, etc.). If the content has changed since the user last retrieved it, request that they override with the new version. If you're storing the text and diffs in the same record, it shouldn't be difficult to avoid database race conditions using the techniques in the links you posted.




Your auto save, I assume, saves a draft version before the user actually presses the save button, right?


If so, you don't have to keep the draft saves, simply dispose them after the user decideds to save for real, and only keep history of the real/explicit saves.




I've since discovered django-reversion, also, which seems to work well and be actively maintained, though it doesn't do diff's to efficiently store small diffs to large pieces of text.




Here's what I've done to save an object's history:


For Django application History:



历史/ __ init__.py:

from django.core import serializers
from django.utils import simplejson as json
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save, post_save

# from http://code.google.com/p/google-diff-match-patch/
from contrib.diff_match_patch import diff_match_patch

from history.models import History

def register_history(M):
  Register Django model M for keeping its history

  e.g. register_history(Document) - every time Document is saved,
  its history (i.e. the differences) is saved.
  pre_save.connect(_pre_handler, sender=M)
  post_save.connect(_post_handler, sender=M)

def _pre_handler(signal, sender, instance, **kwargs):
  Save objects that have been changed.
  if not instance.pk:

  # there must be a before, if there's a pk, since
  # this is before the saving of this object.
  before = sender.objects.get(pk=instance.pk)

  _save_history(instance, _serialize(before).get('fields'))

def _post_handler(signal, sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
  Save objects that are being created (otherwise we wouldn't have a pk!)
  if not created:

  _save_history(instance, {})

def _serialize(instance):
   Given a Django model instance, return it as serialized data
   return serializers.serialize("python", [instance])[0]

def _save_history(instance, before):
  Save two serialized objects
  after = _serialize(instance).get('fields',{})

  # All fields.
  fields = set.union(set(before.keys()),set(after.keys()))

  dmp = diff_match_patch()

  diff = {}

  for field in fields:
    field_before = before.get(field,False)
    field_after = after.get(field,False)

    if field_before != field_after:
      if isinstance(field_before, unicode) or isinstance(field_before, str):
      # a patch
        diff[field] = dmp.diff_main(field_before,field_after)
        diff[field] = field_before

  history = History(history_for=instance, diff=json.dumps(diff))


历史/ models.py


from django.db import models

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic

from contrib import diff_match_patch as diff

class History(models.Model):
     Retain the history of generic objects, e.g. documents, people, etc..

  content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, null=True)

  object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)

  history_for = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')

  diff = models.TextField()

  def __unicode__(self):
       return "<History (%s:%d):%d>" % (self.content_type, self. object_id, self.pk)

Hope that helps someone, and comments would be appreciated.


Note that this does not address the race condition of my greatest concern. If, in _pre_handler "before = sender.objects.get(pk=instance.pk)" is called before another instance saves, but after that other instance has updated the history, and the present instance saves first, there will be an 'broken history' (i.e. out-of-order). Thankfully diff_match_patch attempts to gracefully handle "non-fatal" breaks, but there's no guarantee of success.

请注意,这并不能解决我最关心的竞争条件。如果,在_pre_handler“before = sender.objects.get(pk = instance.pk)”之前调用另一个实例保存,但在其他实例更新了历史记录之后,当前实例首先保存,则会出现'破坏历史'(即无序)。值得庆幸的是,diff_match_patch试图优雅地处理“非致命”休息,但并不能保证成功。

One solution is atomicity. I'm not sure how to go about making the above race condition (i.e. _pre_handler) an atomic operation across all instances of Django, though. A HistoryLock table, or a shared hash in memory (memcached?) would be fine - suggestions?

一种解决方案是原子性。我不确定如何在上面的竞争条件(即_pre_handler)中对所有Django实例进行原子操作。 HistoryLock表或内存中的共享哈希(memcached?)会没问题 - 建议?

The other solution, as mentioned, is a reconciliation algorithm. However, concurrent saves may have "genuine" conflicts and require user intervention to determine the correct reconciliation.


Obviously, piecing the history back together isn't part of the above snippets.




The storage issue: I think you should only store the diffs of two consecutive valid versions of the document. As you point out, the problem becomes getting a valid version when concurrent edits take place.


The concurrency issue:


  1. Could you avoid them all together like Jeff suggests or by locking the document?
  2. 你可以像杰夫建议的那样一起避开它们,还是锁定文件?
  3. If not, I think you're ultimately in the paradigm of online collaborative real-time editors like Google Docs.
  4. 如果没有,我认为你最终是在谷歌文档等在线协作实时编辑器的范例。

To get an illustrated view of the can of worms you are opening catch this google tech-talk at 9m21s (it's about Eclipse's collaborative real-time editing)


Alternatively, there are a couple of patents that detail ways of dealing with these concurrences on the Wikipedia article on collaborative real-time editors.




For managing the diffs, you would probably want to investigate Python's difflib.


Regarding atomicity, I would probably handle it the same as the Wikis (Trac, etc.). If the content has changed since the user last retrieved it, request that they override with the new version. If you're storing the text and diffs in the same record, it shouldn't be difficult to avoid database race conditions using the techniques in the links you posted.




Your auto save, I assume, saves a draft version before the user actually presses the save button, right?


If so, you don't have to keep the draft saves, simply dispose them after the user decideds to save for real, and only keep history of the real/explicit saves.




I've since discovered django-reversion, also, which seems to work well and be actively maintained, though it doesn't do diff's to efficiently store small diffs to large pieces of text.
