ASP.NET Web服务方法有没有办法使用异步方法?

时间:2022-04-12 13:51:25

I have an ASP.NET webservice (.asmx) with a simple method that reads something from the DB with a sync call (ExecuteReader) and returns the result. There is any way to optimize the Thread Pool usage (ie. by calling an async call (BeginExecuteReader)) without changing the method's signature?

我有一个ASP.NET webservice(.asmx),它有一个简单的方法,通过同步调用(ExecuteReader)从DB读取内容并返回结果。有没有办法优化线程池的使用(即通过调用异步调用(BeginExecuteReader))而不更改方法的签名?

The intention is to not block a thread pool thread while the database operation is in progress; it is not the intention to speed things up by doing multiple operations in parallel.


4 个解决方案


Actually, the answer is yes. See Asynchronous XML Web Service Methods.

实际上,答案是肯定的。请参阅异步XML Web服务方法。

Although you create an async web method with Begin* and End* methods, .NET will only create a single operation in the WSDL. This is obvious if you think about it - what would a Java client do with an IAsyncResult?

虽然使用Begin *和End *方法创建异步Web方法,但.NET只会在WSDL中创建单个操作。如果你考虑一下这很明显 - Java客户端对IAsyncResult会做什么?

The client can call the operation synchronously or asynchronously.



With the specific use-case that you provide, with a single async call, it would not be worth it, but, yes, you can invoke async calls from a web service:


public SomeResult SynchronousMethod() {
    IAsyncResult someWork = BeginSomeAsyncWork();
    IAsyncResult otherWork = BeginOtherAsyncWork();
    WaitHandle[] all = new WaitHandle[] { someWork.AsyncWaitHandle, otherWork.AsyncWaitHandle };
    // TODO: Do some synchronous work here, if you need to 
    WaitHandle.WaitAll(all); /* this is the important part, it waits for all of the async work to be complete */
   var someWorkResult = EndSomeAsyncWork(someWork);
   var otherWorkResult = EndSomeAsyncWork(otherWork);
   // TODO: Process the results from the async work
   // TODO: Return data to the client

The important thing here is the WaitHandle.WaitAll, which will block until all of the async work is complete. If you can process the results individually, you could use WaitHandle.WaitAny instead, but the code gets more complicated, and is a bit out of the scope of the question.



Yes, you're basically free to do what you want in responding to Service request. But if you only have 1 query it's not going to be of much use. If you need 2 queries or more it becomes interesting.


And then ofcourse you have to collect all results, as Alex Lyman points out. The ASP.NET WebPage has special support for this, that's why I'm sure it is possible.

然后当然,你必须收集所有结果,正如Alex Lyman指出的那样。 ASP.NET WebPage对此有特殊支持,这就是为什么我确信它是可行的。


I don't see how this would work, when a request comes in for your webservice, a thread from the pool is going to be allocated to process the request, if you make an async call from that thread then your request thread ends and the client would not get any result back.


Short Answer is No. People only seem to be reading this line and downvoting :) The user is asking if we can do an async call from inside a sync webservice call, which is certainly possible by using WaitHandles but does not make sense in the user's specific case.



Actually, the answer is yes. See Asynchronous XML Web Service Methods.

实际上,答案是肯定的。请参阅异步XML Web服务方法。

Although you create an async web method with Begin* and End* methods, .NET will only create a single operation in the WSDL. This is obvious if you think about it - what would a Java client do with an IAsyncResult?

虽然使用Begin *和End *方法创建异步Web方法,但.NET只会在WSDL中创建单个操作。如果你考虑一下这很明显 - Java客户端对IAsyncResult会做什么?

The client can call the operation synchronously or asynchronously.



With the specific use-case that you provide, with a single async call, it would not be worth it, but, yes, you can invoke async calls from a web service:


public SomeResult SynchronousMethod() {
    IAsyncResult someWork = BeginSomeAsyncWork();
    IAsyncResult otherWork = BeginOtherAsyncWork();
    WaitHandle[] all = new WaitHandle[] { someWork.AsyncWaitHandle, otherWork.AsyncWaitHandle };
    // TODO: Do some synchronous work here, if you need to 
    WaitHandle.WaitAll(all); /* this is the important part, it waits for all of the async work to be complete */
   var someWorkResult = EndSomeAsyncWork(someWork);
   var otherWorkResult = EndSomeAsyncWork(otherWork);
   // TODO: Process the results from the async work
   // TODO: Return data to the client

The important thing here is the WaitHandle.WaitAll, which will block until all of the async work is complete. If you can process the results individually, you could use WaitHandle.WaitAny instead, but the code gets more complicated, and is a bit out of the scope of the question.



Yes, you're basically free to do what you want in responding to Service request. But if you only have 1 query it's not going to be of much use. If you need 2 queries or more it becomes interesting.


And then ofcourse you have to collect all results, as Alex Lyman points out. The ASP.NET WebPage has special support for this, that's why I'm sure it is possible.

然后当然,你必须收集所有结果,正如Alex Lyman指出的那样。 ASP.NET WebPage对此有特殊支持,这就是为什么我确信它是可行的。


I don't see how this would work, when a request comes in for your webservice, a thread from the pool is going to be allocated to process the request, if you make an async call from that thread then your request thread ends and the client would not get any result back.


Short Answer is No. People only seem to be reading this line and downvoting :) The user is asking if we can do an async call from inside a sync webservice call, which is certainly possible by using WaitHandles but does not make sense in the user's specific case.
