
时间:2021-11-18 13:48:31

I want to build a binary tree from 4 processors in MPI. At root, all processors work together, next level I divide the processors into 2 groups and in this way at leaf each processor is responsible to build local tree.


I used mpi_comm_slpit to split current communicator into 2 parts. But the problem is how do I keep track parent-child relationship? like serial programming, we use pointer to point left-right child? How can I handle it in MPI? Thanks.


     [1-4]        <-- root
 [1-2]   [2-3] 
[1] [2] [3] [4] 

1 个解决方案


There is no need to divide the communicator. In a binary tree the work is 2^n where n is the level. Depending on if you are traversing upwards or downwards you will have increase in idle processors or increase in number of processors (try imagining this). So for example if you start from top could divide your work done by root into 2. Now W1 to root (proc0) and W2 to (proc1). Next step proc0 and proc1 divide W1 and W2 into 2 parts. W11 to proc0, W12 to proc3, W21 to proc1 W22 to proc4 and so on ....

没有必要划分通信器。在二叉树中,工作是2 ^ n,其中n是级别。根据您是向上还是向下移动,您将增加空闲处理器或增加处理器数量(尝试想象一下)。因此,例如,如果你从顶部开始可以将你的工作由root分成2.现在W1到root(proc0)和W2到(proc1)。下一步proc0和proc1将W1和W2分成2部分。 W11到proc0,W12到proc3,W21到proc1 W22到proc4等等....

Hope this helps. Playing with communicators would complicate things ;)



There is no need to divide the communicator. In a binary tree the work is 2^n where n is the level. Depending on if you are traversing upwards or downwards you will have increase in idle processors or increase in number of processors (try imagining this). So for example if you start from top could divide your work done by root into 2. Now W1 to root (proc0) and W2 to (proc1). Next step proc0 and proc1 divide W1 and W2 into 2 parts. W11 to proc0, W12 to proc3, W21 to proc1 W22 to proc4 and so on ....

没有必要划分通信器。在二叉树中,工作是2 ^ n,其中n是级别。根据您是向上还是向下移动,您将增加空闲处理器或增加处理器数量(尝试想象一下)。因此,例如,如果你从顶部开始可以将你的工作由root分成2.现在W1到root(proc0)和W2到(proc1)。下一步proc0和proc1将W1和W2分成2部分。 W11到proc0,W12到proc3,W21到proc1 W22到proc4等等....

Hope this helps. Playing with communicators would complicate things ;)
