
时间:2021-12-31 13:48:12

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I am new to Scala and I really like it, but sometimes it surprises me. For instance:


clickedCallbacks: List[() => Unit])

Could anyone tell me what => and () => mean in Scala?


5 个解决方案



=> is syntactic sugar for creating instances of functions. Recall that every function in scala is an instance of a class.


For example, the type Int => String, is equivalent to the type Function1[Int,String] i.e. a function that takes an argument of type Int and returns a String.

例如,type Int =>字符串,相当于类型Function1[Int,String],即一个函数,它接受Int类型的参数并返回一个字符串。

  scala> val f: Function1[Int,String] = myInt => "my int: "+myInt.toString
  f: (Int) => String = <function1>

  scala> f(0)
  res0: String = my int: 0

  scala> val f2: Int => String = myInt => "my int v2: "+myInt.toString
  f2: (Int) => String = <function1>

  scala> f2(1)
  res1: String = my int v2: 1

Here myInt is binded to the argument value passed to f and f2.


() => T is the type of a function that takes no arguments and returns a T. It is equivalent to Function0[T]. () is called a zero parameter list I believe.

()=> T是一个不带参数,返回T的函数的类型,它等价于Function0[T]。我认为它叫做零参数列表。

 scala> val f: () => Unit = () => { println("x")}
 f: () => Unit = <function0>

 scala> f()

scala> val f2: Function0[Unit] = () => println("x2")
f: () => Unit = <function0>

scala> f2()



=> has several meanings in Scala, all related to its mathematical meaning as implication.


  • In a value, it introduces a function literal, or lambda. e.g. the bit inside the curly braces in List(1,2,3).map { (x: Int) => x * 2 }

    在一个值中,它引入了一个函数文字,或者lambda。列表中的大括号中的位(1、2、3)。map {(x: Int) => x * 2}

  • In a type, with symbols on both sides of the arrow (e.g. A => T, (A,B) => T, (A,B,C) => T, etc.) it's sugar for Function<n>[A[,B,...],T], that is, a function that takes parameters of type A[,B...], and returns a value of type T.

    在一种类型中,箭头的两边都有符号(例如:a => T, (a,B) => T, (a,B,C) => T,等等),它是糖的作用, [a,B,…[参考译文]这是一个函数,它接受a类型的参数[,B…,并返回T类型的值。

    • Empty parens on the left hand side (e.g. () => T) indicate that the function takes no parameters (also sometimes called a "thunk");

      左侧的空parens(例如,()=> T)表示该函数不接受任何参数(有时也称为“thunk”);

    • Empty parens on the right hand side denote that it returns ()—the sole value of type Unit, whose name can also be written ()—confused yet? :)


      A function that returns Unit is also known as a procedure, normally a method that's called only for its side effect.


  • In the type declaration for a method or function parameter, with no symbol on the left hand side (e.g. def f(param: => T)) it's a "by-name parameter", meaning that is evaluated every time it's used within the body of the function, and not before. Ordinary "by-value" parameters are evaluated before entry into the function/method.

    在方法或函数参数的类型声明中,在左侧没有符号(例如,def f(param: => T)),它是一个“by name参数”,意思是每次在函数的主体中使用时都进行评估,而不是在以前。在进入函数/方法之前,对普通的“逐值”参数进行评估。

  • In a case clause, they separate the pattern (and optional guard) from the result expression, e.g. case x => y.

    在一个case子句中,他们将模式(和可选的保护)从结果表达式中分离出来,例如,case x => y。



() => Unit means: "Type function that takes no parameters and return nothing"


So if you declare a value f to be a function that takes no parameters and returns nothing its type would be:


val f : () => Unit

Since this is a val you have to assign a value, for instance a function that prints Hola mundo

因为这是一个val,你必须赋值,例如一个打印Hola mundo的函数。

val f : () => Unit  = () => println("Hola Mundo")

That reads: *"f is a function that takes no parameters and returns nothing initialized with the code println("Hola Mundo")

它的意思是:*“f是一个函数,它不接受任何参数,也不会用println(“Hola Mundo”)初始化任何初始值。

Since in Scala you can use type inference you don't have to declare the type so the following would be equivalent:


val f = () => println("Hola Mundo")

To invoke it you can just:



>"Hola mundo"

Or, since the functions are also objects you can invoke the apply method:


> "Hola Mundo"

That's why in your declaration you're saying "I'll have a list that will hold functions with no params and no return types" hence List[()=>Unit]


I hope this helps.




=> is the "function arrow". It is used both in function type signatures as well as anonymous function terms. () => Unit is a shorthand for Function0[Unit], which is the type of functions which take no arguments and return nothing useful (like void in other languages).




As the most simplified answer, you can substitute whatever is on the left-hand side of => with the word "LEFT" and whatever is on the right-hand side with the word "RIGHT".


Then, the meaning of "LEFT => RIGHT" becomes:

然后,“LEFT => RIGHT”的含义变为:

Take LEFT then do RIGHT.


This means that if you have a "()=>" that you can take nothing (that is, no parameters) and then do whatever is on the right-hand side.


This is the most common meaning.




=> is syntactic sugar for creating instances of functions. Recall that every function in scala is an instance of a class.


For example, the type Int => String, is equivalent to the type Function1[Int,String] i.e. a function that takes an argument of type Int and returns a String.

例如,type Int =>字符串,相当于类型Function1[Int,String],即一个函数,它接受Int类型的参数并返回一个字符串。

  scala> val f: Function1[Int,String] = myInt => "my int: "+myInt.toString
  f: (Int) => String = <function1>

  scala> f(0)
  res0: String = my int: 0

  scala> val f2: Int => String = myInt => "my int v2: "+myInt.toString
  f2: (Int) => String = <function1>

  scala> f2(1)
  res1: String = my int v2: 1

Here myInt is binded to the argument value passed to f and f2.


() => T is the type of a function that takes no arguments and returns a T. It is equivalent to Function0[T]. () is called a zero parameter list I believe.

()=> T是一个不带参数,返回T的函数的类型,它等价于Function0[T]。我认为它叫做零参数列表。

 scala> val f: () => Unit = () => { println("x")}
 f: () => Unit = <function0>

 scala> f()

scala> val f2: Function0[Unit] = () => println("x2")
f: () => Unit = <function0>

scala> f2()



=> has several meanings in Scala, all related to its mathematical meaning as implication.


  • In a value, it introduces a function literal, or lambda. e.g. the bit inside the curly braces in List(1,2,3).map { (x: Int) => x * 2 }

    在一个值中,它引入了一个函数文字,或者lambda。列表中的大括号中的位(1、2、3)。map {(x: Int) => x * 2}

  • In a type, with symbols on both sides of the arrow (e.g. A => T, (A,B) => T, (A,B,C) => T, etc.) it's sugar for Function<n>[A[,B,...],T], that is, a function that takes parameters of type A[,B...], and returns a value of type T.

    在一种类型中,箭头的两边都有符号(例如:a => T, (a,B) => T, (a,B,C) => T,等等),它是糖的作用, [a,B,…[参考译文]这是一个函数,它接受a类型的参数[,B…,并返回T类型的值。

    • Empty parens on the left hand side (e.g. () => T) indicate that the function takes no parameters (also sometimes called a "thunk");

      左侧的空parens(例如,()=> T)表示该函数不接受任何参数(有时也称为“thunk”);

    • Empty parens on the right hand side denote that it returns ()—the sole value of type Unit, whose name can also be written ()—confused yet? :)


      A function that returns Unit is also known as a procedure, normally a method that's called only for its side effect.


  • In the type declaration for a method or function parameter, with no symbol on the left hand side (e.g. def f(param: => T)) it's a "by-name parameter", meaning that is evaluated every time it's used within the body of the function, and not before. Ordinary "by-value" parameters are evaluated before entry into the function/method.

    在方法或函数参数的类型声明中,在左侧没有符号(例如,def f(param: => T)),它是一个“by name参数”,意思是每次在函数的主体中使用时都进行评估,而不是在以前。在进入函数/方法之前,对普通的“逐值”参数进行评估。

  • In a case clause, they separate the pattern (and optional guard) from the result expression, e.g. case x => y.

    在一个case子句中,他们将模式(和可选的保护)从结果表达式中分离出来,例如,case x => y。



() => Unit means: "Type function that takes no parameters and return nothing"


So if you declare a value f to be a function that takes no parameters and returns nothing its type would be:


val f : () => Unit

Since this is a val you have to assign a value, for instance a function that prints Hola mundo

因为这是一个val,你必须赋值,例如一个打印Hola mundo的函数。

val f : () => Unit  = () => println("Hola Mundo")

That reads: *"f is a function that takes no parameters and returns nothing initialized with the code println("Hola Mundo")

它的意思是:*“f是一个函数,它不接受任何参数,也不会用println(“Hola Mundo”)初始化任何初始值。

Since in Scala you can use type inference you don't have to declare the type so the following would be equivalent:


val f = () => println("Hola Mundo")

To invoke it you can just:



>"Hola mundo"

Or, since the functions are also objects you can invoke the apply method:


> "Hola Mundo"

That's why in your declaration you're saying "I'll have a list that will hold functions with no params and no return types" hence List[()=>Unit]


I hope this helps.




=> is the "function arrow". It is used both in function type signatures as well as anonymous function terms. () => Unit is a shorthand for Function0[Unit], which is the type of functions which take no arguments and return nothing useful (like void in other languages).




As the most simplified answer, you can substitute whatever is on the left-hand side of => with the word "LEFT" and whatever is on the right-hand side with the word "RIGHT".


Then, the meaning of "LEFT => RIGHT" becomes:

然后,“LEFT => RIGHT”的含义变为:

Take LEFT then do RIGHT.


This means that if you have a "()=>" that you can take nothing (that is, no parameters) and then do whatever is on the right-hand side.


This is the most common meaning.
