与ZooKeeper的Cassandra交易 - 这有用吗?

时间:2021-03-26 13:43:44

I am trying to implement a transaction system for Cassandra with the help of ZooKeeper. Since I don't think I have enough experience in database implementation, I would like to know if my idea would work in principle, or is there any major flaw.


Here is the high level description of the steps:


  1. identify all the rows(keys) and columns to be edited. Let the keys be [K0..Kn]
  2. 识别要编辑的所有行(键)和列。让键为[K0..Kn]
  3. apply write lock on all the rows involved (locks are in-memory Zookeeper implementation)
  4. 对所有涉及的行应用写锁定(锁是内存中的Zookeeper实现)
  5. copy the old values to separate locations in Cassandra which are uniquely identified by key: [K'0..K'n]
  6. 将旧值复制到Cassandra中由键唯一标识的不同位置:[K'0..K'n]
  7. store [K'0..K'n] and the mapping of them to [K0..Kn] in ZooKeeper using persistent mode
  8. 使用持久模式存储[K'0..K'n]并将它们映射到ZooKeeper中的[K0..Kn]
  9. go ahead apply the update to the data
  10. 继续将更新应用于数据
  11. delete the entries in ZooKeeper
  12. 删除ZooKeeper中的条目
  13. unlock the rows
  14. 解锁行
  15. delete the entries of [K'0..K'n] lazily on a maintenance thread (cassandra deletion uses timestamp, so K'0..K'n can be reused for another transaction with a newer time stamp)
  16. 在维护线程上懒洋洋地删除[K'0..K'n]的条目(cassandra删除使用时间戳,因此K'0..K'n可以重新用于具有较新时间戳的另一个事务)



  1. if the transaction failed on step 1-4, no change is applied, I can abort the transaction and delete whatever is stored in zookeeper and backup-ed in cassandra, if any.
  2. 如果在步骤1-4中事务失败,则不应用任何更改,我可以中止事务并删除存储在zookeeper中的任何内容并在cassandra中备份,如果有的话。
  3. if the transaction failed on step 5, the information saved on step 3 is used to rollback the any changes.
  4. 如果在步骤5中事务失败,则在步骤3中保存的信息用于回滚任何更改。
  5. if the server happen to be failed/crashed/stolen by cleaning man, upon restart before serving any request, I check if there is any keys persisted in the zookeeper from step 4, if so, i will use those keys to fetch backed up data stored by step 3, and put those data to where they were, thus roll-back any failed transactions.
  6. 如果服务器碰巧被清理人员发生故障/崩溃/被盗,在重新启动服务器任务请求之前,我会检查动物园管理员是否在步骤4中保留了任何密钥,如果是,我将使用这些密钥来获取备份数据由步骤3存储,并将这些数据放到它们所在的位置,从而回滚任何失败的事务。

One of my concern is what would happen if some of the servers are partitioned from the cluster. I have no experience in this area, does my scheme work at all? and does it work if partition happens?


1 个解决方案



You should look into Cages: http://ria101.wordpress.com/2010/05/12/locking-and-transactions-over-cassandra-using-cages/






You should look into Cages: http://ria101.wordpress.com/2010/05/12/locking-and-transactions-over-cassandra-using-cages/


