I'm using codeblocks in karmic 64-bit...
and i cant't open a new project. It gives an error message saying that it cant create the relevant directories.
Couldn't create the project directory:
soo.... i used the terminal and opened codeblocks with root permission. then it worked.
Now when ever i want to build a new project i have to run it using a terminal...
$ sudo codeblocks %F
it's quite OK... but is there a workaround for this.
- mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'SET OPTION SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE=1'
- Bugzilla Error message: couldn't create child process: 720003: index.cgi
- mysqldump:Couldn't execute 'show create table `tablename`': Table tablename' doesn't exist (1146)
- 磁盘挂载失败Couldn't create temporary archive name
- should be a PTY based process或者couldn't create PTY
- 安装mysql-8.0.19-winx64遇到的问题:Can't create directory 'xxxx\Database\'
- codeblocks couldn't create the project directory