
时间:2021-01-09 13:31:53

I need to write an application with which I can do complex queries using spring-data and mongodb. I have been starting by using the MongoRepository but struggled with complex queries to find examples or to actually understand the Syntax.


I'm talking about queries like this:


public interface UserRepositoryInterface extends MongoRepository<User, String> {
    List<User> findByEmailOrLastName(String email, String lastName);

or the use of JSON based queries which I tried by trial and error because I don't get the syntax right. Even after reading the mongodb documentation (non-working example due to wrong syntax).


public interface UserRepositoryInterface extends MongoRepository<User, String> {
    List<User> findByEmailOrFirstnameOrLastnameLike(String searchText);

After reading through all the documentation it seems that mongoTemplate is far better documented then MongoRepository. I'm referring to following documentation:




Can you tell me what is more convenient and powerful to use? mongoTemplate or MongoRepository? Are both same mature or does one of them lack more features then the other?

你能告诉我用什么更方便、更强大吗?mongoTemplate还是MongoRepository ?两者都是成熟的还是一个比另一个缺少更多的特性?

3 个解决方案



"Convenient" and "powerful to use" are contradicting goals to some degree. Repositories are by far more convenient that the templates but the latter of course give you more fine-grained control over what to execute.


As the repository programming model is available for multiple Spring Data modules you find more in-depth documentation of it in the general section of the Spring Data MongoDB reference docs.

由于存储库编程模型可用于多个Spring数据模块,因此您可以在Spring Data MongoDB参考文档的一般部分找到更深入的文档。



We generally recommend the following approach:


  1. Start with the repository abstract and just declare simple queries using the query derivation mechanism or manually defined queries.
  2. 从存储库抽象开始,使用查询派生机制或手动定义查询声明简单查询。
  3. For more complex queries, add manually implemented methods to the repository (as documented here). For the implementation use MongoTemplate.
  4. 对于更复杂的查询,请向存储库中添加手动实现的方法(如本文所述)。对于实现使用MongoTemplate。



For your example this would look something like this:


  1. Define an interface for your custom code:


    interface CustomUserRepository {
      List<User> yourCustomMethod();
  2. Add an implementation for this class and follow the naming convention to make sure we can find the class.


    class UserRepositoryImpl implements CustomUserRepository {
      private final MongoOperations operations;
      public UserRepositoryImpl(MongoOperations operations) {
        Assert.notNull(operations, "MongoOperations must not be null!");
        this.operations = operations;
      public List<User> yourCustomMethod() {
        // custom implementation here
  3. Now let your base repository interface extend the custom one and the infrastructure will automatically use your custom implementation:


    interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long>, CustomUserRepository {

This way you essentially get the choice: everything that just easy to declare goes into UserRepository, everything that's better implemented manually goes into CustomUserRepository. The customization options are documented here.




This answer may be a bit delayed, but I would recommend avoiding the whole repository route. You get very little implemented methods of any great practical value. In order to make it work you run into the Java configuration nonsense which you can spend days and weeks on without much help in the documentation.


Instead, go with the MongoTemplate route and create your own Data access layer which frees you from the configuration nightmares faced by Spring programmers. MongoTemplate is really the savior for engineers who are comfortable architecting their own classes and interactions since there is lot of flexibility. The structure can be something like this:


  1. Create a MongoClientFactory class that will run at the application level and give you a MongoClient object. You can implement this as a Singleton or using an Enum Singleton (this is thread safe)
  2. 创建将在应用程序级别上运行的MongoClientFactory类,并为您提供MongoClient对象。您可以将其实现为单例或使用Enum单例(这是线程安全的)
  3. Create a Data access base class from which you can inherit a data access object for each domain object). The base class can implement a method for creating a MongoTemplate object which you class specific methods can use for all DB accesses
  4. 创建一个数据访问基类,从中可以继承每个域对象的数据访问对象)。基类可以实现创建MongoTemplate对象的方法,您可以将特定的方法用于所有的DB访问
  5. Each data access class for each domain object can implement the basic methods or you can implement them in the base class
  6. 每个域对象的每个数据访问类都可以实现基本方法,或者您可以在基类中实现它们。
  7. The Controller methods can then call methods in the Data access classes as needed.
  8. 然后,控制器方法可以根据需要调用数据访问类中的方法。



FWIW, regarding updates in a multi-threaded environment:


  • MongoTemplate provides out-of-the-box updateFirst, updateMulti, findAndModify, upsert... methods which allow you to modify a document in a single operation. The Update object used by these methods also allows you to target only the relevant fields.
  • MongoTemplate提供开箱即用的updateFirst、updateMulti、findAndModify、upsert…方法,允许您在单个操作中修改文档。这些方法使用的Update对象还允许您只针对相关字段。
  • MongoRepository only gives you the basic find, insert, save, delete operations, which work with POJOs containing all the fields. This forces you to either update the documents in several steps (find the document to update, modify the relevant fields from the returned POJO, and then save it), or define your own update queries by hand using @Query.
  • MongoRepository只提供基本的查找、插入、保存、删除操作,这些操作与包含所有字段的pojo一起使用。这将迫使您在几个步骤中更新文档(找到要更新的文档,从返回的POJO中修改相关字段,然后保存它),或者使用@Query手工定义您自己的更新查询。

In a multi-threaded environment, like e.g. a Java back-end with several REST endpoints, single-method updates are the way to go, in order to reduce the chances of two concurrent updates overwriting one another's changes.


Example: given a document like this: { _id: "ID1", field1: "a string", field2: 10.0 } and two different threads concurrently updating it...

例如:给定这样的文档:{_id:“ID1”、field1:“一个字符串”、field2: 10.0}和两个不同的线程同时更新它……

With MongoTemplate it would look somewhat like this:


THREAD_001                                                      THREAD_002
|                                                               |
|update(query("ID1"), Update().set("field1", "another string")) |update(query("ID1"), Update().inc("field2", 5))
|                                                               |
|                                                               |

and the final state for the document is always { _id: "ID1", field1: "another string", field2: 15.0 } since each thread is accesing the DB only once and only the specified field is changed.

而文档的最终状态总是{_id:“ID1”、field1:“另一个字符串”、field2: 15.0},因为每个线程只修改DB一次,并且只修改指定的字段。

Whereas the same case scenario with MongoRepository would look like this:


THREAD_001                                                      THREAD_002
|                                                               |
|pojo = findById("ID1")                                         |pojo = findById("ID1")
|pojo.setField1("another string") /* field2 still 10.0 */       |pojo.setField2(pojo.getField2()+5) /* field1 still "a string" */
|save(pojo)                                                     |save(pojo)
|                                                               |
|                                                               |

and the final document being either { _id: "ID1", field1: "another string", field2: 10.0 } or { _id: "ID1", field1: "a string", field2: 15.0 } depending on which save operation hits the DB first.

最后一个文档是{_id:“ID1”,field1:“另一个字符串”,field2: 10.0}或{_id:“ID1”,field1:“一个字符串”,field2: 15.0},这取决于保存操作对DB的优先级。

So I'd say that MongoTemplate is a better option, unless you have a very elaborated POJO model or need the custom queries capabilities of MongoRepository for some reason.




"Convenient" and "powerful to use" are contradicting goals to some degree. Repositories are by far more convenient that the templates but the latter of course give you more fine-grained control over what to execute.


As the repository programming model is available for multiple Spring Data modules you find more in-depth documentation of it in the general section of the Spring Data MongoDB reference docs.

由于存储库编程模型可用于多个Spring数据模块,因此您可以在Spring Data MongoDB参考文档的一般部分找到更深入的文档。



We generally recommend the following approach:


  1. Start with the repository abstract and just declare simple queries using the query derivation mechanism or manually defined queries.
  2. 从存储库抽象开始,使用查询派生机制或手动定义查询声明简单查询。
  3. For more complex queries, add manually implemented methods to the repository (as documented here). For the implementation use MongoTemplate.
  4. 对于更复杂的查询,请向存储库中添加手动实现的方法(如本文所述)。对于实现使用MongoTemplate。



For your example this would look something like this:


  1. Define an interface for your custom code:


    interface CustomUserRepository {
      List<User> yourCustomMethod();
  2. Add an implementation for this class and follow the naming convention to make sure we can find the class.


    class UserRepositoryImpl implements CustomUserRepository {
      private final MongoOperations operations;
      public UserRepositoryImpl(MongoOperations operations) {
        Assert.notNull(operations, "MongoOperations must not be null!");
        this.operations = operations;
      public List<User> yourCustomMethod() {
        // custom implementation here
  3. Now let your base repository interface extend the custom one and the infrastructure will automatically use your custom implementation:


    interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long>, CustomUserRepository {

This way you essentially get the choice: everything that just easy to declare goes into UserRepository, everything that's better implemented manually goes into CustomUserRepository. The customization options are documented here.




This answer may be a bit delayed, but I would recommend avoiding the whole repository route. You get very little implemented methods of any great practical value. In order to make it work you run into the Java configuration nonsense which you can spend days and weeks on without much help in the documentation.


Instead, go with the MongoTemplate route and create your own Data access layer which frees you from the configuration nightmares faced by Spring programmers. MongoTemplate is really the savior for engineers who are comfortable architecting their own classes and interactions since there is lot of flexibility. The structure can be something like this:


  1. Create a MongoClientFactory class that will run at the application level and give you a MongoClient object. You can implement this as a Singleton or using an Enum Singleton (this is thread safe)
  2. 创建将在应用程序级别上运行的MongoClientFactory类,并为您提供MongoClient对象。您可以将其实现为单例或使用Enum单例(这是线程安全的)
  3. Create a Data access base class from which you can inherit a data access object for each domain object). The base class can implement a method for creating a MongoTemplate object which you class specific methods can use for all DB accesses
  4. 创建一个数据访问基类,从中可以继承每个域对象的数据访问对象)。基类可以实现创建MongoTemplate对象的方法,您可以将特定的方法用于所有的DB访问
  5. Each data access class for each domain object can implement the basic methods or you can implement them in the base class
  6. 每个域对象的每个数据访问类都可以实现基本方法,或者您可以在基类中实现它们。
  7. The Controller methods can then call methods in the Data access classes as needed.
  8. 然后,控制器方法可以根据需要调用数据访问类中的方法。



FWIW, regarding updates in a multi-threaded environment:


  • MongoTemplate provides out-of-the-box updateFirst, updateMulti, findAndModify, upsert... methods which allow you to modify a document in a single operation. The Update object used by these methods also allows you to target only the relevant fields.
  • MongoTemplate提供开箱即用的updateFirst、updateMulti、findAndModify、upsert…方法,允许您在单个操作中修改文档。这些方法使用的Update对象还允许您只针对相关字段。
  • MongoRepository only gives you the basic find, insert, save, delete operations, which work with POJOs containing all the fields. This forces you to either update the documents in several steps (find the document to update, modify the relevant fields from the returned POJO, and then save it), or define your own update queries by hand using @Query.
  • MongoRepository只提供基本的查找、插入、保存、删除操作,这些操作与包含所有字段的pojo一起使用。这将迫使您在几个步骤中更新文档(找到要更新的文档,从返回的POJO中修改相关字段,然后保存它),或者使用@Query手工定义您自己的更新查询。

In a multi-threaded environment, like e.g. a Java back-end with several REST endpoints, single-method updates are the way to go, in order to reduce the chances of two concurrent updates overwriting one another's changes.


Example: given a document like this: { _id: "ID1", field1: "a string", field2: 10.0 } and two different threads concurrently updating it...

例如:给定这样的文档:{_id:“ID1”、field1:“一个字符串”、field2: 10.0}和两个不同的线程同时更新它……

With MongoTemplate it would look somewhat like this:


THREAD_001                                                      THREAD_002
|                                                               |
|update(query("ID1"), Update().set("field1", "another string")) |update(query("ID1"), Update().inc("field2", 5))
|                                                               |
|                                                               |

and the final state for the document is always { _id: "ID1", field1: "another string", field2: 15.0 } since each thread is accesing the DB only once and only the specified field is changed.

而文档的最终状态总是{_id:“ID1”、field1:“另一个字符串”、field2: 15.0},因为每个线程只修改DB一次,并且只修改指定的字段。

Whereas the same case scenario with MongoRepository would look like this:


THREAD_001                                                      THREAD_002
|                                                               |
|pojo = findById("ID1")                                         |pojo = findById("ID1")
|pojo.setField1("another string") /* field2 still 10.0 */       |pojo.setField2(pojo.getField2()+5) /* field1 still "a string" */
|save(pojo)                                                     |save(pojo)
|                                                               |
|                                                               |

and the final document being either { _id: "ID1", field1: "another string", field2: 10.0 } or { _id: "ID1", field1: "a string", field2: 15.0 } depending on which save operation hits the DB first.

最后一个文档是{_id:“ID1”,field1:“另一个字符串”,field2: 10.0}或{_id:“ID1”,field1:“一个字符串”,field2: 15.0},这取决于保存操作对DB的优先级。

So I'd say that MongoTemplate is a better option, unless you have a very elaborated POJO model or need the custom queries capabilities of MongoRepository for some reason.
