
时间:2022-06-17 13:28:34

I was working with React JS and I was wondering the difference between calling setState() twice to set two different state variables like this:

我正在使用React JS,我想知道调用setState()两次以设置两个不同的状态变量之间的区别,如下所示:

this.setState({fruit1: “apple”});
this.setState({fruit2: “mango”});


calling setState() once and passing both state variables as JSON like this:


this.setState({fruit1: “apple”, fruit2: “mango”});

Also what is the better practice: putting state variable names in double quotes like this: this.setState({"fruit1": “apple”}) or simply ignoring the quotes?


3 个解决方案


Inside a React event handler (that is, a function called from a React-based onChange={...} property and the like), multiple calls to setState are batched and the component is only re-rendered a single time. So, there's no difference between

在React事件处理程序内部(即,从基于React的onChange = {...}属性调用的函数等)中,对setState的多次调用进行批处理,并且组件仅重新呈现一次。所以,两者之间没有区别

handleClick: function() {
  this.setState({fruit1: "apple"});
  this.setState({fruit2: "mango"});


handleClick: function() {
  this.setState({fruit1: "apple", fruit2: "mango"});

However, outside of the React event system, the two calls to setState will not be merged unless you wrap them in a function passed to React.addons.batchedUpdates. This is normally not something you have to worry about, but may become an issue if you start setting state in response to asynchronous events (e.g. timers, promises, callbacks, etc). For that reason, I would generally recommend the second form (with the two objects merged into one) over the first.



From React documentation:


NEVER mutate this.state directly, as calling setState() afterwards may replace the mutation you made. Treat this.state as if it were immutable. setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this method can potentially return the existing value. There is no guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may be batched for performance gains. setState() will always trigger a re-render unless conditional rendering logic is implemented in shouldComponentUpdate(). If mutable objects are being used and the logic cannot be implemented in shouldComponentUpdate(), calling setState() only when the new state differs from the previous state will avoid unnecessary re-renders.

永远不要直接改变this.state,因为之后调用setState()可能会替换你所做的突变。把this.state看作是不可变的。 setState()不会立即改变this.state,但会创建挂起状态转换。调用此方法后访问this.state可能会返回现有值。无法保证对setState的调用进行同步操作,并且可以对调用进行批处理以提高性能。除非在shouldComponentUpdate()中实现条件呈现逻辑,否则setState()将始终触发重新呈现。如果正在使用可变对象并且无法在shouldComponentUpdate()中实现逻辑,则仅当新状态与先前状态不同时调用setState()将避免不必要的重新呈现。

So, use this.setState({fruit1: “apple”, fruit2: “mango”});


For the second question you can look here and here



Here is a detailed explanation of React States and setState() method.

以下是React States和setState()方法的详细说明。

States (and props) are only two reasons why React re-renders/recalculate the DOM. It means if we change State, we are telling react to change the related behaviour of our app.


State is a Java-Script object with key:value pair. Now we may have many States (many key:value pairs) and let's say at certain point only one state is changing. in that case we may use this.setState() method to change only that specific state.


state = { fruit1: 'mango', fruit2: 'apple' }

state = {fruit1:'mango',fruit2:'apple'}

let's say we want to update fruit1: 'watermelon'.


Here we can say:


this.setState( {fruit1: 'watermelon'} ); 

Here, we did not say anything about second state (fruit2), so react will merge changed state (fruit1) with old state (fruit2).


While, we can also say:


this.setState( {fruit1: 'watermelon' ,fruit2:'apple'} ); 

But it is not necessary.


Correct and Re-commanded way of setting/changing State:


From React Official docs:


Think of setState() as a request rather than an immediate command to update the component. For better perceived performance, React may delay it, and then update several components in a single pass. React does not guarantee that the state changes are applied immediately.

将setState()视为请求而不是更新组件的立即命令。为了获得更好的感知性能,React可能会延迟它,然后在一次通过中更新几个组件。 React不保证立即应用状态更改。

So here is a better way to do it: If we are updating the counter or calculating something:


this.setState((prevState,props) => {
 return {
           { counter: prevState.counter+1; }


Inside a React event handler (that is, a function called from a React-based onChange={...} property and the like), multiple calls to setState are batched and the component is only re-rendered a single time. So, there's no difference between

在React事件处理程序内部(即,从基于React的onChange = {...}属性调用的函数等)中,对setState的多次调用进行批处理,并且组件仅重新呈现一次。所以,两者之间没有区别

handleClick: function() {
  this.setState({fruit1: "apple"});
  this.setState({fruit2: "mango"});


handleClick: function() {
  this.setState({fruit1: "apple", fruit2: "mango"});

However, outside of the React event system, the two calls to setState will not be merged unless you wrap them in a function passed to React.addons.batchedUpdates. This is normally not something you have to worry about, but may become an issue if you start setting state in response to asynchronous events (e.g. timers, promises, callbacks, etc). For that reason, I would generally recommend the second form (with the two objects merged into one) over the first.



From React documentation:


NEVER mutate this.state directly, as calling setState() afterwards may replace the mutation you made. Treat this.state as if it were immutable. setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this method can potentially return the existing value. There is no guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may be batched for performance gains. setState() will always trigger a re-render unless conditional rendering logic is implemented in shouldComponentUpdate(). If mutable objects are being used and the logic cannot be implemented in shouldComponentUpdate(), calling setState() only when the new state differs from the previous state will avoid unnecessary re-renders.

永远不要直接改变this.state,因为之后调用setState()可能会替换你所做的突变。把this.state看作是不可变的。 setState()不会立即改变this.state,但会创建挂起状态转换。调用此方法后访问this.state可能会返回现有值。无法保证对setState的调用进行同步操作,并且可以对调用进行批处理以提高性能。除非在shouldComponentUpdate()中实现条件呈现逻辑,否则setState()将始终触发重新呈现。如果正在使用可变对象并且无法在shouldComponentUpdate()中实现逻辑,则仅当新状态与先前状态不同时调用setState()将避免不必要的重新呈现。

So, use this.setState({fruit1: “apple”, fruit2: “mango”});


For the second question you can look here and here



Here is a detailed explanation of React States and setState() method.

以下是React States和setState()方法的详细说明。

States (and props) are only two reasons why React re-renders/recalculate the DOM. It means if we change State, we are telling react to change the related behaviour of our app.


State is a Java-Script object with key:value pair. Now we may have many States (many key:value pairs) and let's say at certain point only one state is changing. in that case we may use this.setState() method to change only that specific state.


state = { fruit1: 'mango', fruit2: 'apple' }

state = {fruit1:'mango',fruit2:'apple'}

let's say we want to update fruit1: 'watermelon'.


Here we can say:


this.setState( {fruit1: 'watermelon'} ); 

Here, we did not say anything about second state (fruit2), so react will merge changed state (fruit1) with old state (fruit2).


While, we can also say:


this.setState( {fruit1: 'watermelon' ,fruit2:'apple'} ); 

But it is not necessary.


Correct and Re-commanded way of setting/changing State:


From React Official docs:


Think of setState() as a request rather than an immediate command to update the component. For better perceived performance, React may delay it, and then update several components in a single pass. React does not guarantee that the state changes are applied immediately.

将setState()视为请求而不是更新组件的立即命令。为了获得更好的感知性能,React可能会延迟它,然后在一次通过中更新几个组件。 React不保证立即应用状态更改。

So here is a better way to do it: If we are updating the counter or calculating something:


this.setState((prevState,props) => {
 return {
           { counter: prevState.counter+1; }