I did search through google and various forums, (this one as well).
I have created an application, a java benchmark, and wanted to create a runnable jar file, to use the program on other machines. Unfortunately, the jar is not working, everything is done perfect with the code to make jar file, the program runs on command line. I tried tricks found on this forum to fix my jar creation, but it didn't work as well.
Strangely enough, when i compile the JavaBenchmark.java file i do not get only one file (JavaBenchmark.class), but also JavaBenchmark$1.class :O (anyone knows why?)
奇怪的是,当我编译JavaBenchmark.java文件时,我不只得到一个文件(JavaBenchmark.class),还有JavaBenchmark $ 1.class:O(任何人都知道为什么?)
So I ask you to check my code if THERE might be some problems, I must say its a GUI app.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class JavaBenchmark implements ActionListener
private Frame mainWindow;
private Button exit;
private String dateAndTime;
private TextArea values;
private String stringMaxMemory;
private String stringFreeMemory;
private String stringTotalFreeMemory;
private String stringAllocatedMemory;
public JavaBenchmark(String s)
Date myDate = new Date();
dateAndTime = String.format("%tA, %<tF", myDate);
File[] roots = File.listRoots();
mainWindow = new Frame(s);
mainWindow.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we){System.exit(0);}});
String version = System.getProperty("java.version");
String jvmversion = System.getProperty("java.jvm.version");
String checkedJvmVersion;
if (jvmversion == null)
checkedJvmVersion = "Java Virtual Machine version: N/A";
checkedJvmVersion = "Java Virtual Machine version: " + jvmversion;
String jvmname = System.getProperty("java.vm.name");
String osname = System.getProperty("os.name");
String osarchitecture = System.getProperty("os.arch");
String osversion = System.getProperty("os.version");
String processor = System.getenv("PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER");
int processorCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
double freeMemory = runtime.freeMemory();
double allocatedMemory = runtime.totalMemory();
double maxMemory = runtime.maxMemory();
double totalFreeMemory = (freeMemory + (maxMemory - allocatedMemory));
stringFreeMemory = String.format("%5.2f", (freeMemory)/1024/1024);
stringAllocatedMemory = String.format("%5.2f", (allocatedMemory)/1024/1024);
stringMaxMemory = String.format("%5.2f", (maxMemory)/1024/1024);
stringTotalFreeMemory = String.format("%5.2f", (totalFreeMemory)/1024/1024);
exit = new Button("Exit"); exit.addActionListener(this);
values = new TextArea(30, 120);
Panel exitButton = new Panel();
mainWindow.add(values, "North");
values.append("Your Java benchmark, as on: " + dateAndTime + "\n\n");
values.append("Java version: " + version + "\n");
values.append("Java Virtual machine version: " + checkedJvmVersion + "\n");
values.append("Java Virtual Machine name: " + jvmname + "\n");
values.append("Operating System: " + osname + "\n" + osarchitecture + " os version: " + osversion + "\n");
values.append("Processor: " + processor + " (number of cores: " + processorCores + ")\n");
values.append("Memory info: \n");
values.append("Maximum RAM memory for JVM: " + stringMaxMemory + " Mb\n");
values.append("Allocated RAM memory for JVM: " + stringAllocatedMemory + " Mb\n");
values.append("Free RAM memory for JVM: " + stringFreeMemory + " Mb\n");
values.append("Total free RAM memory for JVM: " + stringTotalFreeMemory + " Mb\n\n\n");
values.append("HardDrive, and VirtualDrive details:\n");
for (File root : roots) {
if (root.getTotalSpace() == 0)
values.append("Disk: " + root.getAbsolutePath() + " space allocation:\n");
values.append("Total space :");
values.append(String.format("%5.2f", Double.valueOf(root.getTotalSpace())/1024/1024/1024));
values.append(" Gb\n");
values.append("Free space : ");
values.append(String.format("%5.2f", Double.valueOf(root.getFreeSpace())/1024/1024/1024));
values.append(" Gb\n");
values.append("Occupied disk space : ");
values.append(String.format("%5.2f", Double.valueOf(root.getTotalSpace() - root.getFreeSpace())/1024/1024/1024));
values.append(" Gb\n\n");
mainWindow.pack(); //Creating the window
mainWindow.setLocationRelativeTo(null); //true: position at (0,0) false: position at center
mainWindow.setResizable(false); //Intuitively known commands
mainWindow.setVisible(true); //Intuitively known commands
public static void main(String[] args)
new JavaBenchmark("Display");
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
2 个解决方案
The JavaBenchmark$1.class
is an anonymous class you create for WindowAdapter
when you add a window listener.
JavaBenchmark $ 1.class是您在添加窗口侦听器时为WindowAdapter创建的匿名类。
As far as the Jar not working, you'd have to describe what you're doing to create the Jar to identify where you're going wrong. Chances are you're simply issuing the wrong command.
JavaBenchmark$1.class is the anonymous class defined as follows:
JavaBenchmark $ 1.class是匿名类,定义如下:
new WindowAdapter(){public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we){System.exit(0);}}
The JavaBenchmark$1.class
is an anonymous class you create for WindowAdapter
when you add a window listener.
JavaBenchmark $ 1.class是您在添加窗口侦听器时为WindowAdapter创建的匿名类。
As far as the Jar not working, you'd have to describe what you're doing to create the Jar to identify where you're going wrong. Chances are you're simply issuing the wrong command.
JavaBenchmark$1.class is the anonymous class defined as follows:
JavaBenchmark $ 1.class是匿名类,定义如下:
new WindowAdapter(){public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we){System.exit(0);}}