这两者之间有什么区别?文件”和“。/文件“在Linux bash shell中?

时间:2022-01-15 13:28:29

When 'file' is executable, what is the difference between


$ ./file


$ . file

in Linux bash shell?

在Linux中bash shell ?

1 个解决方案



. is alias for source: it will execute the file that is its argument in the current bash process, just as if you typed the file out in the command line directly.


./file is just giving a path to a file; in that case, the file is launched as a subprocess, according to the file's type, or its hashbang in case of a text file. If the first line of the file is #!/bin/bash, it will launch it as a new bash process.


./ here just says the file is in the current directory. Saying cd /bin ; ./ls is no different than saying /bin/ls (except obviously for the fact that we change the current directory in one and not the other). The reason why we have to specify the current directory and can't simply give the file's name is that if there is no directory specified, bash only looks in PATH for programs to execute, and current directory is not normally in PATH in Unix-like systems. Since /bin is in PATH, a simple ls is (normally) equivalent to /bin/ls.

./这里只是说文件在当前目录中。说cd /箱;./ls与/bin/ls没有什么不同(除了显然我们在一个目录中更改了当前目录,而没有更改另一个目录)。我们必须指定当前目录而不能简单地给出文件名称的原因是,如果没有指定目录,bash仅在要执行的程序的路径中查找,并且在类unix系统中,当前目录通常不在路径中。由于/bin在路径中,一个简单的ls(通常)等价于/bin/ls

The difference is pretty stark if you want to define variables. Any environment variables only live for the current process and its subprocesses; so if you define an environment variable in a subprocess, the calling process will not have access to it.


For example, let's say you have a file called testvar.sh:




If you do this, you will not have the variable set:


./testvar.sh ; echo Hello, $what
# => Hello, 

But if you do this, you will:


. testvar.sh ; echo Hello, $what
# => Hello, world

Another obvious difference is, since . executes bash commands, that it only works on files containing bash scripts. Thus, cd /bin ; ./ls will execute the ls program; but cd /bin ; . ls will fail with an error.

另一个明显的区别是。执行bash命令,它只在包含bash脚本的文件上工作。因此,cd / bin;./ls将执行ls程序;但cd /箱;。ls会因错误而失败。



. is alias for source: it will execute the file that is its argument in the current bash process, just as if you typed the file out in the command line directly.


./file is just giving a path to a file; in that case, the file is launched as a subprocess, according to the file's type, or its hashbang in case of a text file. If the first line of the file is #!/bin/bash, it will launch it as a new bash process.


./ here just says the file is in the current directory. Saying cd /bin ; ./ls is no different than saying /bin/ls (except obviously for the fact that we change the current directory in one and not the other). The reason why we have to specify the current directory and can't simply give the file's name is that if there is no directory specified, bash only looks in PATH for programs to execute, and current directory is not normally in PATH in Unix-like systems. Since /bin is in PATH, a simple ls is (normally) equivalent to /bin/ls.

./这里只是说文件在当前目录中。说cd /箱;./ls与/bin/ls没有什么不同(除了显然我们在一个目录中更改了当前目录,而没有更改另一个目录)。我们必须指定当前目录而不能简单地给出文件名称的原因是,如果没有指定目录,bash仅在要执行的程序的路径中查找,并且在类unix系统中,当前目录通常不在路径中。由于/bin在路径中,一个简单的ls(通常)等价于/bin/ls

The difference is pretty stark if you want to define variables. Any environment variables only live for the current process and its subprocesses; so if you define an environment variable in a subprocess, the calling process will not have access to it.


For example, let's say you have a file called testvar.sh:




If you do this, you will not have the variable set:


./testvar.sh ; echo Hello, $what
# => Hello, 

But if you do this, you will:


. testvar.sh ; echo Hello, $what
# => Hello, world

Another obvious difference is, since . executes bash commands, that it only works on files containing bash scripts. Thus, cd /bin ; ./ls will execute the ls program; but cd /bin ; . ls will fail with an error.

另一个明显的区别是。执行bash命令,它只在包含bash脚本的文件上工作。因此,cd / bin;./ls将执行ls程序;但cd /箱;。ls会因错误而失败。