导入http = require('http');并从'http'导入*作为http;?

时间:2021-07-29 13:29:25

I haven't been able to find a worthwhile NodeJS with Typescript tutorial out there so I'm diving in unguided and sure enough I have a question.


I don't understand the difference between these two lines:


import * as http from 'http';
// and
import http = require('http');

They seem to function the same way but I imagine there's probably some nuance to their behavior or else one of them probably wouldn't exist.


I do understand that the first approach could let me selectively import from a module but if I'm importing all of the module then is there a difference between the two? Is there a preferred way? What if I'm importing from my own files, does that change anything?


2 个解决方案



In the first form, you create an http object in your code (totally clean), then, the interpreter will look for each possible import in http module and append it, one by one, to the http object in your code, this is a little slower (not much) than the second form where you are getting the module.exports object defined in the http module, then copying this reference to a new http object in your code, this is object in a node special function with a particular context, not only an object created in your code with the contents of the module.

在第一种形式中,您在代码中创建一个http对象(完全干净),然后,解释器将在http模块中查找每个可能的导入并将其逐个附加到代码中的http对象,这是一个你得到http模块中定义的module.exports对象,然后将此引用复制到代码中的新http对象,这是具有特定上下文的节点特殊函数中的对象,比第二种形式慢一点(不多) ,不仅是在代码中使用模块内容创建的对象。



While in a node environment where you've configured the module type to be common JS the output will be the same. Other module frameworks will utilize different syntax and by using the first approach you have the flexibility to change that at will.


Also of note about the import * as http from 'http'; approach is that it is the ES6 module import syntax, so once you are in an environment that fully supports ES6 your imports will just work.




In the first form, you create an http object in your code (totally clean), then, the interpreter will look for each possible import in http module and append it, one by one, to the http object in your code, this is a little slower (not much) than the second form where you are getting the module.exports object defined in the http module, then copying this reference to a new http object in your code, this is object in a node special function with a particular context, not only an object created in your code with the contents of the module.

在第一种形式中,您在代码中创建一个http对象(完全干净),然后,解释器将在http模块中查找每个可能的导入并将其逐个附加到代码中的http对象,这是一个你得到http模块中定义的module.exports对象,然后将此引用复制到代码中的新http对象,这是具有特定上下文的节点特殊函数中的对象,比第二种形式慢一点(不多) ,不仅是在代码中使用模块内容创建的对象。



While in a node environment where you've configured the module type to be common JS the output will be the same. Other module frameworks will utilize different syntax and by using the first approach you have the flexibility to change that at will.


Also of note about the import * as http from 'http'; approach is that it is the ES6 module import syntax, so once you are in an environment that fully supports ES6 your imports will just work.
