
时间:2021-06-25 13:30:00

Are these the same:


int foo(bar* p) {  return p->someInt();}


int foo(bar& r) {  return r.someInt();}

Ignore the null pointer potential. Are these two functions functionally identical no matter if someInt() is virtual or if they are passed a bar or a subclass of bar?


Does this slice anything:


bar& ref = *ptr_to_bar;

8 个解决方案



C++ references are intentionally not specified in the standard to be implemented using pointers. A reference is more like a "synonym" to a variable than a pointer to it. This semantics opens some possible optimizations for the compiler when it's possible to realize that a pointer would be an overkill in some situations.

有意在未使用指针实现的标准中指定C ++引用。引用更像是变量的“同义词”而不是指向它的指针。当有可能在某些情况下意识到指针过大时,这种语义会为编译器打开一些可能的优化。

A few more differences:


  • You can't assign NULL to a reference.This is a crucial difference and themain reason you'd prefer one over theother.
  • 你不能为引用分配NULL。这是一个至关重要的区别,也是你比其他人更喜欢的主要原因。

  • When you take the address of apointer, you get the address of thepointer variable. When you take theaddress of a reference, you get theaddress of the variable beingreferred to.
  • 获取apointer的地址时,将获得指针变量的地址。当您获取引用的地址时,您将获得所引用变量的地址。

  • You can't reassign a reference. Once it is initialized it points to the same object for its entire life.
  • 您无法重新分配参考。初始化后,它指向整个生命中的同一个对象。



Ignoring every syntactic sugar and possibilities that can be done with the one and not with the other and difference between pointers and references explained in other answers (to other questions) ... Yeah those two are functionally exactly the same! Both call the function and both handle virtual functions equally well.


And no, your line does not slice. It's just binding the reference directly to the object pointed to by a pointer.


Some questions on why you would want to use one over the other:


Instead of trying to come up with differences myself, i delegate you to those in case you want to know.




Reference is a constant pointer i.e., you can't change the reference to refer to other object. If you change, value of the referring object changes.


For Ex:

       int j = 10;       int &i = j;       int l = 20;       i = l; // Now value of j = 20       int *k = &j;       k = &l;   // Value of j is still 10



Yes they are functionally identical. Since a reference will require you to set it to an object before using it, you wont have to deal with null-pointers or pointers to invalid memory.


It is also important to see the semantical difference:


  • Use a reference when you would actually pass the object normal - but it is so large that it makes more sense to pass a reference to the object rather than making a copy (if you are not modifying the object that is).
  • 实际传递对象法线时使用引用 - 但是它太大以至于传递对象的引用而不是复制(如果你没有修改对象)更有意义。

  • Use a pointer when you want to deal with the memory address rather than with the object.
  • 如果要处理内存地址而不是对象,请使用指针。



I haven't used C++ in a long time, so I'm not even going to attempt to really answer your question (sorry); However, Eric Lippert just posted an excellent article about pointers/references that I figured I'd point you to.

我很久没有使用过C ++了,所以我甚至不打算真正回答你的问题(对不起);然而,Eric Lippert刚刚发布了一篇关于指针/参考文章的优秀文章,我认为我会指向你。



Not sure if anyone answered your 2nd question hidden at the bottom about slicing... no that won't cause slicing.


Slicing is when a derived object is assigned (copied) to a base class object -- the derived class's specialization is "sliced" off. Note that I said the object is copied, we're not talking about pointers being copied/assigned, but the objects themselves.

切片是指将派生对象分配(复制)到基类对象时 - 派生类的特化是“切片”的。请注意,我说对象被复制了,我们不是在谈论被复制/分配的指针,而是对象本身。

In your example, that's not happening. You're just de-referencing a pointer to a Bar object (thereby resulting in a Bar object) being used as the rvalue in a reference initialization. Not sure I got my terminology right...




As everyone else has mentioned, in implementation references and pointers are largely the same. There are some minor caveats:


  • You can't assign NULL to a reference(shoosh mentioned this): that'ssignificant since there is no"undefined" or "invalid" referencevalue.


  • You can pass a temporaryvariable as a const reference,but it's not legal to pass a pointerto a temporary.


For example, this is okay:


class Thingy; // assume a constructor Thingy(int,int)void foo(const Thingy &a){    a.DoSomething();}void bar( ) {  foo( Thingy(1,2) );}

but most compilers will complain about


void foo2( Thingy * a);void bar2(){  foo( &Thingy(1,2) );}
  • Taking the address of a variable to get a pointer forces the compiler to save it to memory. Assigning a reference to a local variable just creates a synonym; in some cases this may allow the compiler to keep the data on the register and avoid a load-hit-store. However, this only applies to local variables -- once something is passed as a parameter by reference, there's no avoiding saving it to stack.
  • 获取变量的地址以获取指针会强制编译器将其保存到内存中。分配对局部变量的引用只会创建一个同义词;在某些情况下,这可能允许编译器将数据保留在寄存器上并避免加载命中存储。但是,这仅适用于局部变量 - 一旦通过引用将某些内容作为参数传递,就无法避免将其保存到堆栈中。


void foo(){   int a = 5;   // this may be slightly more efficient   int &b = a;   printf( "%d", ++b );   // than this   int *c = &a;   printf( "%d", ++(*c) );}
  • Similarly, the __restrict keyword cannot be applied to references, only pointers.

    同样,__ restrict关键字不能应用于引用,只能应用于指针。

  • You can't do pointer arithmetic with references, so whereas if you have a pointer into an array then the next element in the array can be had through p+1, a reference only ever points at one thing in its entire life.

    你不能用引用做指针运算,所以如果你有一个指向数组的指针,那么数组中的下一个元素可以通过p + 1,一个引用只指向它的整个生命中的一件事。



The functions are obviously not "the same", but with regard to virtual behaviour they will behave similarly. Regarding slicing, this only happens when you deal withvalues, not references or pointers.




C++ references are intentionally not specified in the standard to be implemented using pointers. A reference is more like a "synonym" to a variable than a pointer to it. This semantics opens some possible optimizations for the compiler when it's possible to realize that a pointer would be an overkill in some situations.

有意在未使用指针实现的标准中指定C ++引用。引用更像是变量的“同义词”而不是指向它的指针。当有可能在某些情况下意识到指针过大时,这种语义会为编译器打开一些可能的优化。

A few more differences:


  • You can't assign NULL to a reference.This is a crucial difference and themain reason you'd prefer one over theother.
  • 你不能为引用分配NULL。这是一个至关重要的区别,也是你比其他人更喜欢的主要原因。

  • When you take the address of apointer, you get the address of thepointer variable. When you take theaddress of a reference, you get theaddress of the variable beingreferred to.
  • 获取apointer的地址时,将获得指针变量的地址。当您获取引用的地址时,您将获得所引用变量的地址。

  • You can't reassign a reference. Once it is initialized it points to the same object for its entire life.
  • 您无法重新分配参考。初始化后,它指向整个生命中的同一个对象。



Ignoring every syntactic sugar and possibilities that can be done with the one and not with the other and difference between pointers and references explained in other answers (to other questions) ... Yeah those two are functionally exactly the same! Both call the function and both handle virtual functions equally well.


And no, your line does not slice. It's just binding the reference directly to the object pointed to by a pointer.


Some questions on why you would want to use one over the other:


Instead of trying to come up with differences myself, i delegate you to those in case you want to know.




Reference is a constant pointer i.e., you can't change the reference to refer to other object. If you change, value of the referring object changes.


For Ex:

       int j = 10;       int &i = j;       int l = 20;       i = l; // Now value of j = 20       int *k = &j;       k = &l;   // Value of j is still 10



Yes they are functionally identical. Since a reference will require you to set it to an object before using it, you wont have to deal with null-pointers or pointers to invalid memory.


It is also important to see the semantical difference:


  • Use a reference when you would actually pass the object normal - but it is so large that it makes more sense to pass a reference to the object rather than making a copy (if you are not modifying the object that is).
  • 实际传递对象法线时使用引用 - 但是它太大以至于传递对象的引用而不是复制(如果你没有修改对象)更有意义。

  • Use a pointer when you want to deal with the memory address rather than with the object.
  • 如果要处理内存地址而不是对象,请使用指针。



I haven't used C++ in a long time, so I'm not even going to attempt to really answer your question (sorry); However, Eric Lippert just posted an excellent article about pointers/references that I figured I'd point you to.

我很久没有使用过C ++了,所以我甚至不打算真正回答你的问题(对不起);然而,Eric Lippert刚刚发布了一篇关于指针/参考文章的优秀文章,我认为我会指向你。



Not sure if anyone answered your 2nd question hidden at the bottom about slicing... no that won't cause slicing.


Slicing is when a derived object is assigned (copied) to a base class object -- the derived class's specialization is "sliced" off. Note that I said the object is copied, we're not talking about pointers being copied/assigned, but the objects themselves.

切片是指将派生对象分配(复制)到基类对象时 - 派生类的特化是“切片”的。请注意,我说对象被复制了,我们不是在谈论被复制/分配的指针,而是对象本身。

In your example, that's not happening. You're just de-referencing a pointer to a Bar object (thereby resulting in a Bar object) being used as the rvalue in a reference initialization. Not sure I got my terminology right...




As everyone else has mentioned, in implementation references and pointers are largely the same. There are some minor caveats:


  • You can't assign NULL to a reference(shoosh mentioned this): that'ssignificant since there is no"undefined" or "invalid" referencevalue.


  • You can pass a temporaryvariable as a const reference,but it's not legal to pass a pointerto a temporary.


For example, this is okay:


class Thingy; // assume a constructor Thingy(int,int)void foo(const Thingy &a){    a.DoSomething();}void bar( ) {  foo( Thingy(1,2) );}

but most compilers will complain about


void foo2( Thingy * a);void bar2(){  foo( &Thingy(1,2) );}
  • Taking the address of a variable to get a pointer forces the compiler to save it to memory. Assigning a reference to a local variable just creates a synonym; in some cases this may allow the compiler to keep the data on the register and avoid a load-hit-store. However, this only applies to local variables -- once something is passed as a parameter by reference, there's no avoiding saving it to stack.
  • 获取变量的地址以获取指针会强制编译器将其保存到内存中。分配对局部变量的引用只会创建一个同义词;在某些情况下,这可能允许编译器将数据保留在寄存器上并避免加载命中存储。但是,这仅适用于局部变量 - 一旦通过引用将某些内容作为参数传递,就无法避免将其保存到堆栈中。


void foo(){   int a = 5;   // this may be slightly more efficient   int &b = a;   printf( "%d", ++b );   // than this   int *c = &a;   printf( "%d", ++(*c) );}
  • Similarly, the __restrict keyword cannot be applied to references, only pointers.

    同样,__ restrict关键字不能应用于引用,只能应用于指针。

  • You can't do pointer arithmetic with references, so whereas if you have a pointer into an array then the next element in the array can be had through p+1, a reference only ever points at one thing in its entire life.

    你不能用引用做指针运算,所以如果你有一个指向数组的指针,那么数组中的下一个元素可以通过p + 1,一个引用只指向它的整个生命中的一件事。



The functions are obviously not "the same", but with regard to virtual behaviour they will behave similarly. Regarding slicing, this only happens when you deal withvalues, not references or pointers.
