
时间:2021-01-18 13:23:47

I am getting a segfault when accessing shared memory (memory mapped file, using a fixed address of 0x60000000 ) from within a share object (.so).


We have many applications accessing this shared memory without difficulty. My app is different in that I create a small .so with it and the .so is the one calling mmap and accessing the shared memory.


The mmap() returns just fine. My requested address is returned back properly. But as soon as I try to access the memory from within this .so, it seg faults.


I can't figure out what is unique about a .so that would prevent it from accessing shared memory this way.


Anyone have thoughts?


1 个解决方案



In general, accessing mmaped memory from a shared library is in no way different from accessing it from a main executable, and you are likely barking up the wrong tree. That said, this:


memory mapped file, using a fixed address of 0x60000000


is generally a very bad idea, because you have no control over what (if anything) was mmaped there before. A MAP_FIXED mapping will simply remove any previous mapping that existed. If your library itself happens to be mapped there, then you'll replace the library .text, or .data, and the result is almost certain to be a mysterious crash.

通常是一个非常糟糕的主意,因为你无法控制以前曾在那里做过什么(如果有的话)。 MAP_FIXED映射将简单地删除任何先前存在的映射。如果您的库本身恰好映射到那里,那么您将替换库.text或.data,结果几乎肯定是一个神秘的崩溃。



In general, accessing mmaped memory from a shared library is in no way different from accessing it from a main executable, and you are likely barking up the wrong tree. That said, this:


memory mapped file, using a fixed address of 0x60000000


is generally a very bad idea, because you have no control over what (if anything) was mmaped there before. A MAP_FIXED mapping will simply remove any previous mapping that existed. If your library itself happens to be mapped there, then you'll replace the library .text, or .data, and the result is almost certain to be a mysterious crash.

通常是一个非常糟糕的主意,因为你无法控制以前曾在那里做过什么(如果有的话)。 MAP_FIXED映射将简单地删除任何先前存在的映射。如果您的库本身恰好映射到那里,那么您将替换库.text或.data,结果几乎肯定是一个神秘的崩溃。
