
时间:2022-01-11 13:20:26

My question is similar to "What is the difference between include and extend in Ruby?".


What's the difference between require and include in Ruby? If I just want to use the methods from a module in my class, should I require it or include it?


10 个解决方案



What's the difference between "include" and "require" in Ruby?




The include and require methods do very different things.


The require method does what include does in most other programming languages: run another file. It also tracks what you've required in the past and won't require the same file twice. To run another file without this added functionality, you can use the load method.


The include method takes all the methods from another module and includes them into the current module. This is a language-level thing as opposed to a file-level thing as with require. The include method is the primary way to "extend" classes with other modules (usually referred to as mix-ins). For example, if your class defines the method "each", you can include the mixin module Enumerable and it can act as a collection. This can be confusing as the include verb is used very differently in other languages.



So if you just want to use a module, rather than extend it or do a mix-in, then you'll want to use require.


Oddly enough, Ruby's require is analogous to C's include, while Ruby's include is almost nothing like C's include.




From the Metaprogramming Ruby book,


The require() method is quite similar to load(), but it’s meant for a different purpose. You use load() to execute code, and you use require() to import libraries.




If you're using a module, that means you're bringing all the methods into your class. If you extend a class with a module, that means you're "bringing in" the module's methods as class methods. If you include a class with a module, that means you're "bringing in" the module's methods as instance methods.




 module A
   def say
     puts "this is module A"

 class B
   include A

 class C
   extend A

B.say => undefined method 'say' for B:Class

B。say => undefined method‘say’for B:Class => this is module A。这是A模块。

C.say => this is module A

C。这是A模块。 => undefined method 'say' for C:Class。对于C:Class, say =>未定义的方法‘say’



  • Ruby require is more like "include" in other languages (such as C). It tells Ruby that you want to bring in the contents of another file. Similar mechanisms in other languages are:

    Ruby require更类似于其他语言(如C)中的“include”,它告诉Ruby您希望引入另一个文件的内容。其他语文的类似机制是:

  • Ruby includeis an object-oriented inheritance mechanism used for mixins.

    Ruby includeis是一种用于mixin的面向对象的继承机制。

There is a good explanation here:


[The] simple answer is that require and include are essentially unrelated.


"require" is similar to the C include, which may cause newbie confusion. (One notable difference is that locals inside the required file "evaporate" when the require is done.)

“require”类似于C include,这可能会导致新手混淆。(一个显著的区别是,当完成需求时,所需文件“蒸发”中的本地变量。)

The Ruby include is nothing like the C include. The include statement "mixes in" a module into a class. It's a limited form of multiple inheritance. An included module literally bestows an "is-a" relationship on the thing including it.

Ruby include与C include完全不同。include语句“混合”一个模块到一个类中。它是一种有限形式的多重继承。包含的模块实际上赋予了包含它的东西一个“is-a”关系。

Emphasis added.




Have you ever tried to require a module? What were the results? Just try:


MyModule =
require MyModule # see what happens

Modules cannot be required, only included!




From Programming Ruby 1.9

从编程Ruby 1.9

We’ll make a couple of points about the include statement before we go on. First, it has nothing to do with files. C programmers use a preprocessor directive called #include to insert the contents of one file into another during compilation. The Ruby include statement simply makes a reference to a module. If that module is in a separate file, you must use require (or its less commonly used cousin, load) to drag that file in before using include. Second, a Ruby include does not simply copy the module’s instance methods into the class. Instead, it makes a reference from the class to the included module. If multiple classes include that module, they’ll all point to the same thing. If you change the definition of a method within a module, even while your program is running, all classes that include that module will exhibit the new behavior.

在继续之前,我们将对include语句做一些说明。首先,它与文件无关。C程序员使用一个叫做#include的预处理指令在编译期间将一个文件的内容插入到另一个文件中。Ruby include语句只是对模块的引用。如果该模块位于一个单独的文件中,那么在使用include之前,您必须使用require(或其不常用的表亲load)将该文件拖到其中。其次,Ruby include并不简单地将模块的实例方法复制到类中。相反,它从类中引用所包含的模块。如果多个类包括那个模块,它们都指向相同的东西。如果在模块中更改方法的定义,即使在程序运行时,包含该模块的所有类都将显示新的行为。




It will return bolean true/false


The name which is passed as parameter to the require, ruby will try to find the source file with that name in your load path. The require method will return ‘false’ if you try to load the same library after the first time. The require method only needs to be used if library you are loading is defined in a separate file. So it keeps track of whether that library was already loaded or not.

作为参数传递给require的名称,ruby将尝试在您的加载路径中查找具有该名称的源文件。如果在第一次加载相同的库之后,require方法将返回' false '。如果正在加载的库是在单独的文件中定义的,那么只需要使用require方法。因此它会跟踪那个库是否已经被加载。

include module_name

Suppose if you have some methods that you need to have in two different classes. Then you don't have to write them in both the classes. Instead what you can do is, define it in module. And then include this module in other classes. It is provided by Ruby just to ensure DRY principle. It’s used to DRY up your code to avoid duplication




Include When you Include a module into your class as shown below, it’s as if you took the code defined within the module and inserted it within the class, where you ‘include’ it. It allows the ‘mixin’ behavior. It’s used to DRY up your code to avoid duplication, for instance, if there were multiple classes that would need the same code within the module.


Load The load method is almost like the require method except it doesn’t keep track of whether or not that library has been loaded. So it’s possible to load a library multiple times and also when using the load method you must specify the “.rb” extension of the library file name.


Require The require method allows you to load a library and prevents it from being loaded more than once. The require method will return ‘false’ if you try to load the same library after the first time. The require method only needs to be used if library you are loading is defined in a separate file, which is usually the case.

要求方法允许您加载一个库并防止它被加载不止一次。如果在第一次加载相同的库之后,require方法将返回' false '。如果正在加载的库是在单独的文件中定义的,那么只需要使用require方法。

You can prefer this






When you include a module into your class, it’s as if you took the code defined within the module and inserted it within the class, where you ‘include’ it. It allows the ‘mixin’ behavior. It’s used to DRY up your code to avoid duplication, for instance, if there were multiple classes that would need the same code within the module.


module Log 
  def class_type
    "This class is of type: #{self.class}"

class TestClass 
  include Log 
  # ... 

tc = # -> success
tc = TestClass.class_type # -> error



The require method allows you to load a library and prevents it from being loaded more than once. The require method will return ‘false’ if you try to load the same library after the first time. The require method only needs to be used if library you are loading is defined in a separate file, which is usually the case.

require方法允许您加载一个库,并防止它多次加载。如果在第一次加载相同的库之后,require方法将返回' false '。如果正在加载的库是在单独的文件中定义的,那么只需要使用require方法。

So it keeps track of whether that library was already loaded or not. You also don’t need to specify the “.rb” extension of the library file name. Here’s an example of how to use require. Place the require method at the very top of your “.rb” file:




The load method is almost like the require method except it doesn’t keep track of whether or not that library has been loaded. So it’s possible to load a library multiple times and also when using the load method you must specify the “.rb” extension of the library file name.




When using the extend method instead of include, you are adding the module’s methods as class methods instead of as instance methods.


module Log 
  def class_type
    "This class is of type: #{self.class}"

class TestClass 
  extend Log 
  # ... 

tc = TestClass.class_type



Below are few basic differences between require and include:




  1. Require reads the file from the file system, parses it, saves to the memory and runs it in a given place which means if you will even change anything while the script is running than that change will not reflect.
  2. 需要从文件系统中读取文件,解析它,保存到内存中,并在给定的位置运行它,这意味着如果您在脚本运行时更改任何内容,那么该更改将不会反映出来。
  3. We require file by name, not by module name.
  4. 我们要求文件名,而不是模块名。
  5. It is typically used for libraries and extensions.
  6. 它通常用于库和扩展。



  1. When you include a module into your class it behaves as if you took the code defined in your module and inserted it in your class.
  2. 当您将一个模块包含到类中时,它的行为就好像您将模块中定义的代码插入到类中一样。
  3. We include module name, not the file name.
  4. 我们包括模块名,而不是文件名。
  5. It is typically used to dry up the code and to remove duplication in the code.
  6. 它通常用于干枯代码并删除代码中的重复。



What's the difference between "include" and "require" in Ruby?




The include and require methods do very different things.


The require method does what include does in most other programming languages: run another file. It also tracks what you've required in the past and won't require the same file twice. To run another file without this added functionality, you can use the load method.


The include method takes all the methods from another module and includes them into the current module. This is a language-level thing as opposed to a file-level thing as with require. The include method is the primary way to "extend" classes with other modules (usually referred to as mix-ins). For example, if your class defines the method "each", you can include the mixin module Enumerable and it can act as a collection. This can be confusing as the include verb is used very differently in other languages.



So if you just want to use a module, rather than extend it or do a mix-in, then you'll want to use require.


Oddly enough, Ruby's require is analogous to C's include, while Ruby's include is almost nothing like C's include.




From the Metaprogramming Ruby book,


The require() method is quite similar to load(), but it’s meant for a different purpose. You use load() to execute code, and you use require() to import libraries.




If you're using a module, that means you're bringing all the methods into your class. If you extend a class with a module, that means you're "bringing in" the module's methods as class methods. If you include a class with a module, that means you're "bringing in" the module's methods as instance methods.




 module A
   def say
     puts "this is module A"

 class B
   include A

 class C
   extend A

B.say => undefined method 'say' for B:Class

B。say => undefined method‘say’for B:Class => this is module A。这是A模块。

C.say => this is module A

C。这是A模块。 => undefined method 'say' for C:Class。对于C:Class, say =>未定义的方法‘say’



  • Ruby require is more like "include" in other languages (such as C). It tells Ruby that you want to bring in the contents of another file. Similar mechanisms in other languages are:

    Ruby require更类似于其他语言(如C)中的“include”,它告诉Ruby您希望引入另一个文件的内容。其他语文的类似机制是:

  • Ruby includeis an object-oriented inheritance mechanism used for mixins.

    Ruby includeis是一种用于mixin的面向对象的继承机制。

There is a good explanation here:


[The] simple answer is that require and include are essentially unrelated.


"require" is similar to the C include, which may cause newbie confusion. (One notable difference is that locals inside the required file "evaporate" when the require is done.)

“require”类似于C include,这可能会导致新手混淆。(一个显著的区别是,当完成需求时,所需文件“蒸发”中的本地变量。)

The Ruby include is nothing like the C include. The include statement "mixes in" a module into a class. It's a limited form of multiple inheritance. An included module literally bestows an "is-a" relationship on the thing including it.

Ruby include与C include完全不同。include语句“混合”一个模块到一个类中。它是一种有限形式的多重继承。包含的模块实际上赋予了包含它的东西一个“is-a”关系。

Emphasis added.




Have you ever tried to require a module? What were the results? Just try:


MyModule =
require MyModule # see what happens

Modules cannot be required, only included!




From Programming Ruby 1.9

从编程Ruby 1.9

We’ll make a couple of points about the include statement before we go on. First, it has nothing to do with files. C programmers use a preprocessor directive called #include to insert the contents of one file into another during compilation. The Ruby include statement simply makes a reference to a module. If that module is in a separate file, you must use require (or its less commonly used cousin, load) to drag that file in before using include. Second, a Ruby include does not simply copy the module’s instance methods into the class. Instead, it makes a reference from the class to the included module. If multiple classes include that module, they’ll all point to the same thing. If you change the definition of a method within a module, even while your program is running, all classes that include that module will exhibit the new behavior.

在继续之前,我们将对include语句做一些说明。首先,它与文件无关。C程序员使用一个叫做#include的预处理指令在编译期间将一个文件的内容插入到另一个文件中。Ruby include语句只是对模块的引用。如果该模块位于一个单独的文件中,那么在使用include之前,您必须使用require(或其不常用的表亲load)将该文件拖到其中。其次,Ruby include并不简单地将模块的实例方法复制到类中。相反,它从类中引用所包含的模块。如果多个类包括那个模块,它们都指向相同的东西。如果在模块中更改方法的定义,即使在程序运行时,包含该模块的所有类都将显示新的行为。




It will return bolean true/false


The name which is passed as parameter to the require, ruby will try to find the source file with that name in your load path. The require method will return ‘false’ if you try to load the same library after the first time. The require method only needs to be used if library you are loading is defined in a separate file. So it keeps track of whether that library was already loaded or not.

作为参数传递给require的名称,ruby将尝试在您的加载路径中查找具有该名称的源文件。如果在第一次加载相同的库之后,require方法将返回' false '。如果正在加载的库是在单独的文件中定义的,那么只需要使用require方法。因此它会跟踪那个库是否已经被加载。

include module_name

Suppose if you have some methods that you need to have in two different classes. Then you don't have to write them in both the classes. Instead what you can do is, define it in module. And then include this module in other classes. It is provided by Ruby just to ensure DRY principle. It’s used to DRY up your code to avoid duplication




Include When you Include a module into your class as shown below, it’s as if you took the code defined within the module and inserted it within the class, where you ‘include’ it. It allows the ‘mixin’ behavior. It’s used to DRY up your code to avoid duplication, for instance, if there were multiple classes that would need the same code within the module.


Load The load method is almost like the require method except it doesn’t keep track of whether or not that library has been loaded. So it’s possible to load a library multiple times and also when using the load method you must specify the “.rb” extension of the library file name.


Require The require method allows you to load a library and prevents it from being loaded more than once. The require method will return ‘false’ if you try to load the same library after the first time. The require method only needs to be used if library you are loading is defined in a separate file, which is usually the case.

要求方法允许您加载一个库并防止它被加载不止一次。如果在第一次加载相同的库之后,require方法将返回' false '。如果正在加载的库是在单独的文件中定义的,那么只需要使用require方法。

You can prefer this






When you include a module into your class, it’s as if you took the code defined within the module and inserted it within the class, where you ‘include’ it. It allows the ‘mixin’ behavior. It’s used to DRY up your code to avoid duplication, for instance, if there were multiple classes that would need the same code within the module.


module Log 
  def class_type
    "This class is of type: #{self.class}"

class TestClass 
  include Log 
  # ... 

tc = # -> success
tc = TestClass.class_type # -> error



The require method allows you to load a library and prevents it from being loaded more than once. The require method will return ‘false’ if you try to load the same library after the first time. The require method only needs to be used if library you are loading is defined in a separate file, which is usually the case.

require方法允许您加载一个库,并防止它多次加载。如果在第一次加载相同的库之后,require方法将返回' false '。如果正在加载的库是在单独的文件中定义的,那么只需要使用require方法。

So it keeps track of whether that library was already loaded or not. You also don’t need to specify the “.rb” extension of the library file name. Here’s an example of how to use require. Place the require method at the very top of your “.rb” file:




The load method is almost like the require method except it doesn’t keep track of whether or not that library has been loaded. So it’s possible to load a library multiple times and also when using the load method you must specify the “.rb” extension of the library file name.




When using the extend method instead of include, you are adding the module’s methods as class methods instead of as instance methods.


module Log 
  def class_type
    "This class is of type: #{self.class}"

class TestClass 
  extend Log 
  # ... 

tc = TestClass.class_type



Below are few basic differences between require and include:




  1. Require reads the file from the file system, parses it, saves to the memory and runs it in a given place which means if you will even change anything while the script is running than that change will not reflect.
  2. 需要从文件系统中读取文件,解析它,保存到内存中,并在给定的位置运行它,这意味着如果您在脚本运行时更改任何内容,那么该更改将不会反映出来。
  3. We require file by name, not by module name.
  4. 我们要求文件名,而不是模块名。
  5. It is typically used for libraries and extensions.
  6. 它通常用于库和扩展。



  1. When you include a module into your class it behaves as if you took the code defined in your module and inserted it in your class.
  2. 当您将一个模块包含到类中时,它的行为就好像您将模块中定义的代码插入到类中一样。
  3. We include module name, not the file name.
  4. 我们包括模块名,而不是文件名。
  5. It is typically used to dry up the code and to remove duplication in the code.
  6. 它通常用于干枯代码并删除代码中的重复。