
时间:2020-12-10 13:16:23

I was able to successfully create a .exe file from an executable jar. From Launch4j I can test the wrapper, and the output on the log is what I expect. However if I try to run the exe from the command line or from Windows Explorer, nothing happens. No error, no output to the console as expected. The program is also supposed to edit a text file which does happen when I run the jar using a batch file, but not when I run the exe. This is all on the same computer so I doubt it is a problem with the JRE. I have searched * extensively but found nothing that helps with this situation. I did find this post with a similar problem: Launch4J executable not executing as expected but nobody actually answered the question. Thank you in advance for helping


2 个解决方案



I found the issue. Under Header, I had to switch the Header type from GUI to Console. After that I was able to run the exe.




You may be accepting something as a command line argument which may be throwing an error like in my case .




I found the issue. Under Header, I had to switch the Header type from GUI to Console. After that I was able to run the exe.




You may be accepting something as a command line argument which may be throwing an error like in my case .
