
时间:2022-04-04 13:17:13


I've attached a picture of what I'm trying to do. Let's say I have a list of T in a class


public class MyClass<T> 
    where T : IMyInterface
    public List<T> list = new List<T>;

Now, another class has a list of MyClass.


public class AnotherClass
    public List<MyClass<IMyInterface>> list = new List<MyClass<IMyInterface>>;

What is the T that I should put for MyClass? If I put T, then it assumes all types in that class are the same, but it isn't. If I put IMyInterface, I couldn't cast IMyInterface to T when accessing these classes.


new AnotherClass().list.Add(new MyClass<T>()); 

What is the type here right now? The list in AnotherClass generic type is IMyInterface but the thing I want to add in is T, which T I want to be dynamic but they are still under IMyInterface.

现在这里的类型是什么? AnotherClass泛型类型中的列表是IMyInterface,但我要添加的内容是T,我希望T是动态的,但它们仍然在IMyInterface下。

4 个解决方案



The T in a generic must be the same through out its lifetime.


for an example


var a = new MyClass<int>();
a.list.Add(1); //since a's generic T is declared as int the list is now also int

var b = new MyClass<string>()
b.list.Add("string"); //in b its now declared as a string and avccepts only string

So when you are doing this.


var c = new MyClass<IMyInterface>();
c.list.Add(ObjectImplementingIMyInterface); //You must add something that implements IMyInterface

The only thing you know about the content is that it implements IMyInterface now if you want to split the execution of the object then you must check the type of the object via reflection.


if(c.list[i].GetType() == typeof(ClassA_IMyInterface)
    //Execute on ClassA_IMyInterface
    //If you are after the ClassA 
    //and want to run something speciffic for it the cast
    ClassA clA = = (ClassA)c.list[i];
    //Now you have access to the implementation of ClassA instead of just the interface 
else if (c.list[i].GetType() == typeof(ClassB_IMyInterface)
    //Execute on ClassB_IMyInterface

Here is an example i made in ConsoleApplication showing how it lays out.


public class MyClass<T> where T : IMyInterface
    public List<T> list = new List<T>();
public interface IMyInterface
public class Foo : IMyInterface
public class Bar : IMyInterface
public class FooBar
    public void Test()
        var content = new MyClass<IMyInterface>();
        content.list.Add(new Foo());
        if (content.list[0] is Foo)
            //Execute on Foo 
            var g = (Foo)content.list[0];
            //Now you can access Foo's methods and not only the Interfaces
        else if (content.list[0] is Bar)
            //Execute on Bar
            var g = (Bar)content.list[0];
            //Now you can access Bar's methods and not only the Interfaces



I think your issue is that you do not need to use generics for this. If you specify your class as:


public class MyClass
    public IList<IMyInterface> list = new List<IMyImterface>();

Then you can add to this any instance of any class implementing the interface.


public class DummyClass : IMyInterface {}

public class AnotherClass {
    IList<MyClass> anotherList = new List<MyClass>();

    public void AMethod()
        MyClass myList = new MyClass();
        myList.Add(new DummyClass());


Then you can access all items from the list as IMyInterface directly, or if you want items of a specific class, you can use LINQ:


foreach (IMyImterface item in myList.Where(x => x is DummyClass))
    DummyClass dummy = (DummyClass)item;

// or
foreach (IMyImterface item in myList.OfType<DummyClass>())
    DummyClass dummy = (DummyClass)item;

Or you can just try casting and check if null:


foreach (IMyIntetface item in myList)
    DummyClass dummy = item as DummyClass;
    if (dummy != null)
        // do something



I think you mean that you want to have multiple generic types in one list eg:


var ac = new AnotherClass();
ac.list.Add(new MyClass<int>()); 
ac.list.Add(new MyClass<bool>()); 
ac.list.Add(new MyClass<double>());

A simple way to do this is to define your list as a list of object:


public class AnotherClass
    public List<object> list = new List<object>();

The issue here is you could anything you like to that list, not just your generic class. The following would also be possible:



The only way you could restrict what you can add is to use an abstract base class.


public class MyClassBase 

public class MyClass<T> : MyClassBase
    where T : IMyInterface
    public List<T> list = new List<T>();

And then have a list of those:


public class AnotherClass
    public List<MyClassBase> list = new List<MyClassBase>();

You'll still have to do some type checking when accessing those objects but at least you'll know that the objects are restricted to those inheriting MyClassBase




Using covariant?


public interface IMyInterface { }
public class A : IMyInterface { }
public class B : IMyInterface { }

// Covariant interface
public interface IMyClass<out T> { }

// Inherit IMyClass
public class MyClass<T> : IMyClass<T> where T : IMyInterface 
    public List<T> list = new List<T>(); 

public class AnotherClass
    // Note the list using IMyClass instead of the concrete MyClass type
    // The covariant interface type would allow any IMyInterface conversion
    public List<IMyClass<IMyInterface>> list = new List<IMyClass<IMyInterface>>();

    public AnotherClass()
        this.list.Add(new MyClass<A>());
        this.list.Add(new MyClass<B>());



The T in a generic must be the same through out its lifetime.


for an example


var a = new MyClass<int>();
a.list.Add(1); //since a's generic T is declared as int the list is now also int

var b = new MyClass<string>()
b.list.Add("string"); //in b its now declared as a string and avccepts only string

So when you are doing this.


var c = new MyClass<IMyInterface>();
c.list.Add(ObjectImplementingIMyInterface); //You must add something that implements IMyInterface

The only thing you know about the content is that it implements IMyInterface now if you want to split the execution of the object then you must check the type of the object via reflection.


if(c.list[i].GetType() == typeof(ClassA_IMyInterface)
    //Execute on ClassA_IMyInterface
    //If you are after the ClassA 
    //and want to run something speciffic for it the cast
    ClassA clA = = (ClassA)c.list[i];
    //Now you have access to the implementation of ClassA instead of just the interface 
else if (c.list[i].GetType() == typeof(ClassB_IMyInterface)
    //Execute on ClassB_IMyInterface

Here is an example i made in ConsoleApplication showing how it lays out.


public class MyClass<T> where T : IMyInterface
    public List<T> list = new List<T>();
public interface IMyInterface
public class Foo : IMyInterface
public class Bar : IMyInterface
public class FooBar
    public void Test()
        var content = new MyClass<IMyInterface>();
        content.list.Add(new Foo());
        if (content.list[0] is Foo)
            //Execute on Foo 
            var g = (Foo)content.list[0];
            //Now you can access Foo's methods and not only the Interfaces
        else if (content.list[0] is Bar)
            //Execute on Bar
            var g = (Bar)content.list[0];
            //Now you can access Bar's methods and not only the Interfaces



I think your issue is that you do not need to use generics for this. If you specify your class as:


public class MyClass
    public IList<IMyInterface> list = new List<IMyImterface>();

Then you can add to this any instance of any class implementing the interface.


public class DummyClass : IMyInterface {}

public class AnotherClass {
    IList<MyClass> anotherList = new List<MyClass>();

    public void AMethod()
        MyClass myList = new MyClass();
        myList.Add(new DummyClass());


Then you can access all items from the list as IMyInterface directly, or if you want items of a specific class, you can use LINQ:


foreach (IMyImterface item in myList.Where(x => x is DummyClass))
    DummyClass dummy = (DummyClass)item;

// or
foreach (IMyImterface item in myList.OfType<DummyClass>())
    DummyClass dummy = (DummyClass)item;

Or you can just try casting and check if null:


foreach (IMyIntetface item in myList)
    DummyClass dummy = item as DummyClass;
    if (dummy != null)
        // do something



I think you mean that you want to have multiple generic types in one list eg:


var ac = new AnotherClass();
ac.list.Add(new MyClass<int>()); 
ac.list.Add(new MyClass<bool>()); 
ac.list.Add(new MyClass<double>());

A simple way to do this is to define your list as a list of object:


public class AnotherClass
    public List<object> list = new List<object>();

The issue here is you could anything you like to that list, not just your generic class. The following would also be possible:



The only way you could restrict what you can add is to use an abstract base class.


public class MyClassBase 

public class MyClass<T> : MyClassBase
    where T : IMyInterface
    public List<T> list = new List<T>();

And then have a list of those:


public class AnotherClass
    public List<MyClassBase> list = new List<MyClassBase>();

You'll still have to do some type checking when accessing those objects but at least you'll know that the objects are restricted to those inheriting MyClassBase




Using covariant?


public interface IMyInterface { }
public class A : IMyInterface { }
public class B : IMyInterface { }

// Covariant interface
public interface IMyClass<out T> { }

// Inherit IMyClass
public class MyClass<T> : IMyClass<T> where T : IMyInterface 
    public List<T> list = new List<T>(); 

public class AnotherClass
    // Note the list using IMyClass instead of the concrete MyClass type
    // The covariant interface type would allow any IMyInterface conversion
    public List<IMyClass<IMyInterface>> list = new List<IMyClass<IMyInterface>>();

    public AnotherClass()
        this.list.Add(new MyClass<A>());
        this.list.Add(new MyClass<B>());