
时间:2021-03-15 13:13:22

I'm debugging from the python console and would like to reload a module every time I make a change so I don't have to exit the console and re-enter it. I'm doing:


>>> from project.model.user import *
>>> reload(user)

but I receive:


>>>NameError: name 'user' is not defined

What is the proper way to reload the entire user class? Is there a better way to do this, perhaps auto-updating while debugging?



6 个解决方案



As asked, the best you can do is


>>> from project.models.user import *
>>> import project # get module reference for reload
>>> reload(project.models.user) # reload step 1
>>> from project.models.user import * # reload step 2

it would be better and cleaner if you used the user module directly, rather than doing import * (which is almost never the right way to do it). Then it would just be


>>> from project.models import user
>>> reload(user)

This would do what you want. But, it's not very nice. If you really need to reload modules so often, I've got to ask: why?


My suspicion (backed up by previous experience with people asking similar questions) is that you're testing your module. There are lots of ways to test a module out, and doing it by hand in the interactive interpreter is among the worst ways. Save one of your sessions to a file and use doctest, for a quick fix. Alternatively, write it out as a program and use python -i. The only really great solution, though, is using the unittest module.

我怀疑(以前人们提出类似问题的经验支持)是你正在测试你的模块。有很多方法可以测试模块,在交互式解释器中手动执行是最糟糕的方法。将您的一个会话保存到文件并使用doctest进行快速修复。或者,将其作为程序写出来并使用python -i。但是,唯一真正优秀的解决方案是使用unittest模块。

If that's not it, hopefully it's something better, not worse. There's really no good use of reload (in fact, it's removed in 3.x). It doesn't work effectively-- you might reload a module but leave leftovers from previous versions. It doesn't even work on all kinds of modules-- extension modules will not reload properly, or sometimes even break horribly, when reloaded.

如果那不是它,希望它更好,而不是更糟。实际上并没有很好地利用重载(事实上,它已经在3.x中删除了)。它无法有效工作 - 您可能会重新加载模块,但会留下以前版本的剩余部分。它甚至不适用于所有类型的模块 - 扩展模块在重新加载时不会正确地重新加载,或者有时甚至会破坏。

The context of using it in the interactive interpreter doesn't leave a lot of choices as to what you are doing, and what the real best solution would be. Outside it, sometimes people used reload() to implement plugins etc. This is dangerous at best, and can frequently be done differently using either exec (ah the evil territory we find ourselves in), or a segregated process.




You can't use reload() in a effective way.


Python does not provide an effective support for reloading or unloading of previously imported modules; module references makes it impractical to reload a module because references could exist in many places of your program.


Python 3 has removed reload() feature entirely.

Python 3完全删除了reload()功能。



Unfortunately you've got to use:


>>> from project.model import user
>>> reload(user)

I don't know off the top of my head of something which will automatically reload modules at the interactive prompt… But I don't see any reason one shouldn't exist (in fact, it wouldn't be too hard to implement, either…)


Now, you could do something like this:


from types import ModuleType
import sys
_reload_builtin = reload
def reload(thing):
    if isinstance(thing, ModuleType):
    elif hasattr(thing, '__module__') and thing.__module__:
        module = sys.modules[thing.__module__]
        raise TypeError, "reload() argument must be a module or have an __module__"



IPython can reload modules before executing every new line:


%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Where %autoreload 2reloads "all modules (except those excluded by %aimport) every time before executing the Python code typed."

每次执行输入的Python代码之前%%autoreload 2都会加载“所有模块(%aimport排除的模块除外)”。

See the docs:




For python3, reload has been moved to imp module. you can use imp.reload(). You can refer to this post.


>>> import imp
>>> import project # get module reference for reload
>>> imp.reload(project.models.user) # reload step 1
>>> from project.models.user import * # reload step 2



You could also try twisted.python.rebuild.rebuild.




As asked, the best you can do is


>>> from project.models.user import *
>>> import project # get module reference for reload
>>> reload(project.models.user) # reload step 1
>>> from project.models.user import * # reload step 2

it would be better and cleaner if you used the user module directly, rather than doing import * (which is almost never the right way to do it). Then it would just be


>>> from project.models import user
>>> reload(user)

This would do what you want. But, it's not very nice. If you really need to reload modules so often, I've got to ask: why?


My suspicion (backed up by previous experience with people asking similar questions) is that you're testing your module. There are lots of ways to test a module out, and doing it by hand in the interactive interpreter is among the worst ways. Save one of your sessions to a file and use doctest, for a quick fix. Alternatively, write it out as a program and use python -i. The only really great solution, though, is using the unittest module.

我怀疑(以前人们提出类似问题的经验支持)是你正在测试你的模块。有很多方法可以测试模块,在交互式解释器中手动执行是最糟糕的方法。将您的一个会话保存到文件并使用doctest进行快速修复。或者,将其作为程序写出来并使用python -i。但是,唯一真正优秀的解决方案是使用unittest模块。

If that's not it, hopefully it's something better, not worse. There's really no good use of reload (in fact, it's removed in 3.x). It doesn't work effectively-- you might reload a module but leave leftovers from previous versions. It doesn't even work on all kinds of modules-- extension modules will not reload properly, or sometimes even break horribly, when reloaded.

如果那不是它,希望它更好,而不是更糟。实际上并没有很好地利用重载(事实上,它已经在3.x中删除了)。它无法有效工作 - 您可能会重新加载模块,但会留下以前版本的剩余部分。它甚至不适用于所有类型的模块 - 扩展模块在重新加载时不会正确地重新加载,或者有时甚至会破坏。

The context of using it in the interactive interpreter doesn't leave a lot of choices as to what you are doing, and what the real best solution would be. Outside it, sometimes people used reload() to implement plugins etc. This is dangerous at best, and can frequently be done differently using either exec (ah the evil territory we find ourselves in), or a segregated process.




You can't use reload() in a effective way.


Python does not provide an effective support for reloading or unloading of previously imported modules; module references makes it impractical to reload a module because references could exist in many places of your program.


Python 3 has removed reload() feature entirely.

Python 3完全删除了reload()功能。



Unfortunately you've got to use:


>>> from project.model import user
>>> reload(user)

I don't know off the top of my head of something which will automatically reload modules at the interactive prompt… But I don't see any reason one shouldn't exist (in fact, it wouldn't be too hard to implement, either…)


Now, you could do something like this:


from types import ModuleType
import sys
_reload_builtin = reload
def reload(thing):
    if isinstance(thing, ModuleType):
    elif hasattr(thing, '__module__') and thing.__module__:
        module = sys.modules[thing.__module__]
        raise TypeError, "reload() argument must be a module or have an __module__"



IPython can reload modules before executing every new line:


%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Where %autoreload 2reloads "all modules (except those excluded by %aimport) every time before executing the Python code typed."

每次执行输入的Python代码之前%%autoreload 2都会加载“所有模块(%aimport排除的模块除外)”。

See the docs:




For python3, reload has been moved to imp module. you can use imp.reload(). You can refer to this post.


>>> import imp
>>> import project # get module reference for reload
>>> imp.reload(project.models.user) # reload step 1
>>> from project.models.user import * # reload step 2



You could also try twisted.python.rebuild.rebuild.
