I use the Botan library for encrypting and my encrypting code looks like below.
LibraryInitializer init;
AutoSeeded_RNG rng;
string passphrase="mypassword";
PBKDF* pbkdf = get_pbkdf("PBKDF2(SHA-256)");
SecureVector<byte> salt = rng.random_vec(16);
InitializationVector iv(rng,16);
OctetString aes256_key = pbkdf->derive_key(32, passphrase,&salt[0], salt.size(), 10000 );
cout<<"Encryption key : " << aes256_key.as_string() <<endl ;
ifstream infile ("readme.txt");
ofstream outfile ("encrypt.txt");
Pipe pipe(get_cipher("AES-256/EAX", aes256_key,iv, ENCRYPTION) );
SecureVector<byte> cl = pipe.read_all();
outfile.write((const char*)cl.begin(), cl.size());
this code looks working great and encrypt the input file. i posted this code to determine if there is an error in the encryption. (but I assume that the encryption is done correctly)
此代码看起来很好用并加密输入文件。我发布此代码以确定加密中是否存在错误。 (但我假设加密正确完成)
now the above encrypted file is tried to decrypt by the following code.
ifstream infile2 ("encrypt.txt");
ofstream outfile2 ("decrypt.txt");
Pipe pipe2 (get_cipher("AES-256/EAX", aes256_key, iv, DECRYPTION) );
infile2 >> pipe2;
SecureVector<byte> cl2 = pipe2.read_all();
outfile2.write((const char*)cl2.begin(), cl2.size());
the same above generated decryption key and the InitializationVector iv
is used for the decryption.
同样的上述生成的解密密钥和InitializationVector iv用于解密。
the decryption throws an exception AES-256/EAX : message authentication failed
解密会引发异常AES-256 / EAX:消息验证失败
what am I doing wrong here and how to decrypt the above encryptrd file correctly.
1 个解决方案
The problem is that ifstream
and ofstream
assumes character output. If you configure it to handle binary by using std::ios::binary
as second argument then your code should be alright. This is also used by the Botan API reference if it doesn't explicitly encode the ciphertext as well.
问题是ifstream和ofstream假设字符输出。如果你通过使用std :: ios :: binary作为第二个参数来配置它来处理二进制文件,那么你的代码应该没问题。如果它也没有明确编码密文,则Botan API参考也会使用它。
The problem is that ifstream
and ofstream
assumes character output. If you configure it to handle binary by using std::ios::binary
as second argument then your code should be alright. This is also used by the Botan API reference if it doesn't explicitly encode the ciphertext as well.
问题是ifstream和ofstream假设字符输出。如果你通过使用std :: ios :: binary作为第二个参数来配置它来处理二进制文件,那么你的代码应该没问题。如果它也没有明确编码密文,则Botan API参考也会使用它。