使用服务器激活对象使用.NET Remoting时,SingleCall和Singleton激活之间的权衡是什么?

时间:2020-12-16 12:16:03

I am trying to discern the difference between SingleCall and Singleton activation methods when implementing a server to host an object using .NET Remoting. It would appear that SingleCall has the overhead of having to construct and clean up an object for each client-side call, whereas Singleton has the limitation of only being able to service a limited number of simultaneous requests. I am looking to make performance as good as possible. Which should I choose?

我试图在使用.NET Remoting实现服务器来托管对象时,辨别SingleCall和Singleton激活方法之间的区别。似乎SingleCall具有必须为每个客户端调用构造和清理对象的开销,而Singleton具有仅能够服务有限数量的同时请求的限制。我希望尽可能提高性能。我该选哪个?

2 个解决方案



By default, you should use SingleCall.


Also, keep in mind that, when using SingleCall objects, you cannot share state accross calls.


I found this site a good resource when it comes to .NET remoting: http://www.thinktecture.com/resourcearchive/net-remoting-faq/remotingusecases




You are right. SingleCall builds the object per each call and can accept multiple simultaneous requests, but data can't be shared between calls, while Singleton builds a single object to handle multiple calls allowing data sharing, but limits simultaneous connections. However, there are tweaks that you can do if you have some concept of how to build thread safe objects.

你是对的。 SingleCall为每个调用构建对象,并且可以接受多个同时请求,但是不能在调用之间共享数据,而Singleton构建单个对象来处理允许数据共享的多个调用,但限制了同时连接。但是,如果你有一些如何构建线程安全对象的概念,那么你可以做一些调整。

First, I would suggest using the Singleton as it is created only once for many. This also has the advantage of allowing you to store information and share it between users connecting to it without having to constantly hit an outside store.


Second, I would look into adding the ConcurrencyMode=ConcurrencyMode.Multiple into the ServiceBehaviors of your service. This allows multiple users to hit your singleton simultaneously.

其次,我会考虑将ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple添加到服务的ServiceBehaviors中。这允许多个用户同时击中您的单身人士。

[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode=ConcurrencyMode.Multiple, InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)] 
public class CalculatorService : ICalculatorConcurrency 

Third, clean up any code that would make this class not thread safe. You should lock the object when accessing local variables that multiple threads could access simultaneously.


Lots of good information about these topics can be found here:






By default, you should use SingleCall.


Also, keep in mind that, when using SingleCall objects, you cannot share state accross calls.


I found this site a good resource when it comes to .NET remoting: http://www.thinktecture.com/resourcearchive/net-remoting-faq/remotingusecases




You are right. SingleCall builds the object per each call and can accept multiple simultaneous requests, but data can't be shared between calls, while Singleton builds a single object to handle multiple calls allowing data sharing, but limits simultaneous connections. However, there are tweaks that you can do if you have some concept of how to build thread safe objects.

你是对的。 SingleCall为每个调用构建对象,并且可以接受多个同时请求,但是不能在调用之间共享数据,而Singleton构建单个对象来处理允许数据共享的多个调用,但限制了同时连接。但是,如果你有一些如何构建线程安全对象的概念,那么你可以做一些调整。

First, I would suggest using the Singleton as it is created only once for many. This also has the advantage of allowing you to store information and share it between users connecting to it without having to constantly hit an outside store.


Second, I would look into adding the ConcurrencyMode=ConcurrencyMode.Multiple into the ServiceBehaviors of your service. This allows multiple users to hit your singleton simultaneously.

其次,我会考虑将ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple添加到服务的ServiceBehaviors中。这允许多个用户同时击中您的单身人士。

[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode=ConcurrencyMode.Multiple, InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)] 
public class CalculatorService : ICalculatorConcurrency 

Third, clean up any code that would make this class not thread safe. You should lock the object when accessing local variables that multiple threads could access simultaneously.


Lots of good information about these topics can be found here:


