I've recently started learning programming to make my own 3D OpenGL game on the iPhone and have made reasonably decent progress so far. I started off using the basic OpenGL example that is provided with the iPhone SDK which helped me get off to a good start. However, as I'm starting to get the hang of things, it has occurred to me that I'm unnecessarily programming in Objective C which will make it harder to port the game to other platforms in the future. So I figured that it would be best to make it properly C++ now to avoid lots of extra work later.
我最近开始学习编程,在iPhone上制作我自己的3D OpenGL游戏,到目前为止已取得了相当不错的进展。我开始使用随iPhone SDK提供的基本OpenGL示例,这帮助我开始了一个良好的开端。然而,当我开始掌握一些事情时,我发现我在Objective C中进行了不必要的编程,这将使得将来将游戏移植到其他平台变得更加困难。所以我认为最好现在正确地使用C ++来避免以后的大量额外工作。
To clarify: I'm not actually using any calls to Apple (Objective C) functions or anything, its just that I've based all my clases on the Objective C-style init/dealloc/etc, so that my engine looks like Objective C classes when used. My aim is to replace all the objective C stuff with the C++ equivalents... the trouble is that, being pretty new to C++, I'm not sure what corresponds with what!
澄清一下:我实际上并没有使用任何对Apple(Objective C)函数或其他任何函数的调用,只是因为我将所有的条款都基于Objective C风格的init / dealloc / etc,所以我的引擎看起来像Objective使用C类时。我的目标是用C ++等价物替换所有目标C的东西...麻烦的是,对于C ++来说是新手,我不确定什么对应于什么!
Here's a simple example of one of my classes (myLight), in its current Objective C incarnation:
这是我的一个类(myLight)的简单示例,在其当前的Objective C化身中:
// myLight.h
#import <OpenGLES/EAGL.h>
#import <OpenGLES/ES1/gl.h>
#import <OpenGLES/ES1/glext.h>
@interface myLight : NSObject {
char *name;
GLfloat *ambient, *diffuse, *specular, *position, *spotDirection;
GLfloat spotRadius;
GLfloat *matAmbient, *matDiffuse, *matSpecular;
GLfloat shininess;
Byte lightType;
@property (readonly) char *name;
@property (assign) GLfloat *position;
@property (assign) GLfloat *spotDirection;
@property (assign) GLfloat *ambient;
@property (assign) GLfloat *diffuse;
@property (assign) GLfloat *specular;
- (id)initWithContentsFromDatastream:(NSData *)fileData;
- (void)set;
And the corresponding .mm file:
// myLight.m
#import "myLight.h"
@implementation myLight
@synthesize name, ambient, diffuse, specular, position, spotDirection;
- (id)initWithContentsFromDatastream:(NSData *)fileData {
self = [super init];
NSData *fileContents = fileData;
uint ptr = 0;
Byte nameLength;
[fileContents getBytes:&nameLength range: NSMakeRange(ptr, sizeof(Byte))];
name = new char[nameLength];
[fileContents getBytes:name range: NSMakeRange(ptr, (nameLength * sizeof(char)) )];
ptr = ptr + (nameLength * sizeof(char) );
[fileContents getBytes:&lightType range: NSMakeRange(ptr, sizeof(Byte))];
position = new GLfloat[4];
for(int j = 0; j < (4); j++)
[fileContents getBytes:&position[j] range: NSMakeRange( (j* sizeof(float) ) + ptr, sizeof(float))];
ptr = ptr + (4 * sizeof(float));
spotDirection = new GLfloat[3];
for(int j = 0; j < (3); j++)
[fileContents getBytes:&spotDirection[j] range: NSMakeRange( (j* sizeof(float) ) + ptr, sizeof(float))];
ptr = ptr + (3 * sizeof(float));
[fileContents getBytes:&spotRadius range: NSMakeRange(ptr, sizeof(float))];
ptr = ptr + sizeof(float);
} else
spotDirection = NULL;
diffuse = new GLfloat[4];
for(int j = 0; j < (4); j++)
[fileContents getBytes:&diffuse[j] range: NSMakeRange( (j* sizeof(float) ) + ptr, sizeof(float))];
ptr = ptr + (4 * sizeof(float));
ambient = new GLfloat[4];
for(int j = 0; j < (4); j++)
[fileContents getBytes:&ambient[j] range: NSMakeRange( (j* sizeof(float) ) + ptr, sizeof(float))];
ptr = ptr + (4 * sizeof(float));
specular = new GLfloat[4];
for(int j = 0; j < (4); j++)
[fileContents getBytes:&specular[j] range: NSMakeRange( (j* sizeof(float) ) + ptr, sizeof(float))];
ptr = ptr + (4 * sizeof(float));
[self set];
return self;
- (void)set{
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, ambient);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, specular);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, position);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, spotDirection);
- (void)dealloc {
delete[] specular;
delete[] ambient;
delete[] diffuse;
if (spotDirection)
delete[] spotDirection;
delete[] position;
delete[] name;
[super dealloc];
If someone could point out which lines need to be changed and, more importantly, what they should be changed to to make it compile as pure C++, I'd really appreciate it.
如果有人可以指出哪些行需要更改,更重要的是,应该将它们更改为使其编译为纯C ++,我真的很感激。
Many Thanks!
2 个解决方案
First of all, please keep in mind that Objective-C is not just a "different format" of C, it's a separate language and more important, in the case of Cocoa, a separate framework. Therefore if you want to be able to port your project to other platforms in the future, you not only have to get rid of Objective-C but also of the Cocoa framework.
To map the classes from Objective-C to C++ you would have to do the following:
要将类从Objective-C映射到C ++,您必须执行以下操作:
- create a new C++ class to replace the old class
- create constructors for the
methods - create a destructor for the
method - create other methods which duplicate the functionality
- for properties you would probably create getters and setters instead
- replace the
directives, as this directive only exists in Objective-C (make sure that the headers you include are protected against multiple includes) - get rid of usages of NS... classes and methods, as those are part of the Cocoa framework and most probably cannot be ported
创建一个新的C ++类来替换旧类
为-init ...方法创建构造函数
摆脱NS ...类和方法的用法,因为它们是Cocoa框架的一部分,很可能无法移植
You should take some time to consider how you will use the code you're writing. Porting 1:1 is probably not such a great idea as there are many differences in idioms between coding in Cocoa and C++ (or any other language/framework).
您应该花些时间考虑如何使用您正在编写的代码。移植1:1可能不是一个好主意,因为在Cocoa和C ++(或任何其他语言/框架)中编码之间的习语存在很多差异。
Most of the applications logic may be translatable to C++, but there are going to be things that have no straightforward equivalent in C++. For example:
大多数应用程序逻辑可以翻译成C ++,但是在C ++中会有一些没有直接等价的东西。例如:
- There is no
compiler directive (which is used for NSValue and a few other classes). - There is no straightforward equivalent to
(and other methods of similar nature). - In Objective-C it is fine to send a message to
, but in C++ it is not OK to call a member function on a null pointer. - Objective-C allows extending existing classes using class categories, for example, you can add a method to
which counts the number of spaces, callednumberOfSpaces
and it will be available for allNSString
instances in your application. - C++ does not have a
block fortry
, but Objective-C has@finally
没有简单的等效于doesNotRecognizeSelector:,respondsToSelector:,conformsToProtocol:或performSelector :(和其他类似性质的方法)。
在Objective-C中,可以将消息发送到nil,但在C ++中,在空指针上调用成员函数是不行的。
C ++没有try / catch的finally块,但是Objective-C的@finally @ try / @ catch。
If you plan on releasing your application to multiple platforms, what you could do is try to abstract as much as you can into a separate library. Your iPhone application can be written in Objective-C and use functions from your library, and if you plan on porting it to another system whose frameworks require C++, then you can write a C++ application and use the same functions from the same library. I imagine your library would basically consist of [at least] your drawing routines and core game engine logic.
如果您计划将应用程序发布到多个平台,那么您可以尝试尽可能多地抽象到一个单独的库中。您的iPhone应用程序可以使用Objective-C编写并使用库中的函数,如果您计划将其移植到其框架需要C ++的另一个系统,那么您可以编写C ++应用程序并使用相同库中的相同函数。我想你的库基本上包括[至少]你的绘图例程和核心游戏引擎逻辑。
First of all, please keep in mind that Objective-C is not just a "different format" of C, it's a separate language and more important, in the case of Cocoa, a separate framework. Therefore if you want to be able to port your project to other platforms in the future, you not only have to get rid of Objective-C but also of the Cocoa framework.
To map the classes from Objective-C to C++ you would have to do the following:
要将类从Objective-C映射到C ++,您必须执行以下操作:
- create a new C++ class to replace the old class
- create constructors for the
methods - create a destructor for the
method - create other methods which duplicate the functionality
- for properties you would probably create getters and setters instead
- replace the
directives, as this directive only exists in Objective-C (make sure that the headers you include are protected against multiple includes) - get rid of usages of NS... classes and methods, as those are part of the Cocoa framework and most probably cannot be ported
创建一个新的C ++类来替换旧类
为-init ...方法创建构造函数
摆脱NS ...类和方法的用法,因为它们是Cocoa框架的一部分,很可能无法移植
You should take some time to consider how you will use the code you're writing. Porting 1:1 is probably not such a great idea as there are many differences in idioms between coding in Cocoa and C++ (or any other language/framework).
您应该花些时间考虑如何使用您正在编写的代码。移植1:1可能不是一个好主意,因为在Cocoa和C ++(或任何其他语言/框架)中编码之间的习语存在很多差异。
Most of the applications logic may be translatable to C++, but there are going to be things that have no straightforward equivalent in C++. For example:
大多数应用程序逻辑可以翻译成C ++,但是在C ++中会有一些没有直接等价的东西。例如:
- There is no
compiler directive (which is used for NSValue and a few other classes). - There is no straightforward equivalent to
(and other methods of similar nature). - In Objective-C it is fine to send a message to
, but in C++ it is not OK to call a member function on a null pointer. - Objective-C allows extending existing classes using class categories, for example, you can add a method to
which counts the number of spaces, callednumberOfSpaces
and it will be available for allNSString
instances in your application. - C++ does not have a
block fortry
, but Objective-C has@finally
没有简单的等效于doesNotRecognizeSelector:,respondsToSelector:,conformsToProtocol:或performSelector :(和其他类似性质的方法)。
在Objective-C中,可以将消息发送到nil,但在C ++中,在空指针上调用成员函数是不行的。
C ++没有try / catch的finally块,但是Objective-C的@finally @ try / @ catch。
If you plan on releasing your application to multiple platforms, what you could do is try to abstract as much as you can into a separate library. Your iPhone application can be written in Objective-C and use functions from your library, and if you plan on porting it to another system whose frameworks require C++, then you can write a C++ application and use the same functions from the same library. I imagine your library would basically consist of [at least] your drawing routines and core game engine logic.
如果您计划将应用程序发布到多个平台,那么您可以尝试尽可能多地抽象到一个单独的库中。您的iPhone应用程序可以使用Objective-C编写并使用库中的函数,如果您计划将其移植到其框架需要C ++的另一个系统,那么您可以编写C ++应用程序并使用相同库中的相同函数。我想你的库基本上包括[至少]你的绘图例程和核心游戏引擎逻辑。