
时间:2023-01-07 12:02:59

I'm simply trying to understand the technique of how event handlers are called in X11. So in Linux/X11, if a window registers for events in ASyncMode (i.e. PointerMotion), how does X11 call the event handler for that process?

我只是想了解在X11中如何调用事件处理程序的技术。所以在Linux / X11中,如果窗口注册ASyncMode中的事件(即PointerMotion),X11如何调用该进程的事件处理程序?

Are they using some form of interrupts?


What baffles me is that my process has nothing that is polling for X11 events. I even attached gdb and verified that there are no threads running under the scene that could've been started by X11 libs. So there must a gap in my knowledge as to how this actually works.


overflow me!

1 个解决方案



X11 clients use tcp or unix socket connection (usually port 6000 + display number for tcp and '/tmp/.X11-unix/X' + display number for domain socket) for communication. The protocol itself is duplex, you can send requests at any time and you receive replies, errors and events. Events and errors are always 32 bytes long packets.

X11客户端使用tcp或unix套接字连接(通常为端口6000 + tcp的显示编号和'/tmp/.X11-unix/X'+域套接字的显示编号)进行通信。协议本身是双工的,您可以随时发送请求,并收到回复,错误和事件。事件和错误总是32字节长的数据包。

There are various strategies on how to process incoming data from X server. With xlib, after each request known to produce response there is blocking read() call to read that much data. During 'idle' time you are expected to read all events and errors from connection manually:


   while(1) {
     XNextEvent(d, &e);
                        /* draw or redraw the window */
     if(e.type==Expose) {
       XFillRectangle(d, w, DefaultGC(d, s), 20, 20, 10, 10);
                        /* exit on key press */

     // Handle Windows Close Event

In this snippet XNextEvent consumes 32 bytes of data from socket into e structure, and code in while loop dispatches it depending on app logic and event type and payload.


In some other libraries like node-x11 (note: I'm author) event loop is hidden behind framework async io model and happens implicitly.


var x11 = require('x11');
var PointerMotion = x11.eventMask.PointerMotion;

x11.createClient(function(err, display) {
    var X = display.client;
    var root = display.screen[0].root;
    var wid = X.AllocID();
       wid, root, 
       0, 0, 400, 300, 
       0, 0, 0, 0,
           eventMask: PointerMotion  

    X.on('event', function(ev) {
        if (ev.name == 'PointerMotion')
            console.log('Mouse motion!', [ev.x, ev.y]);

    X.on('error', function(e) {



X11 clients use tcp or unix socket connection (usually port 6000 + display number for tcp and '/tmp/.X11-unix/X' + display number for domain socket) for communication. The protocol itself is duplex, you can send requests at any time and you receive replies, errors and events. Events and errors are always 32 bytes long packets.

X11客户端使用tcp或unix套接字连接(通常为端口6000 + tcp的显示编号和'/tmp/.X11-unix/X'+域套接字的显示编号)进行通信。协议本身是双工的,您可以随时发送请求,并收到回复,错误和事件。事件和错误总是32字节长的数据包。

There are various strategies on how to process incoming data from X server. With xlib, after each request known to produce response there is blocking read() call to read that much data. During 'idle' time you are expected to read all events and errors from connection manually:


   while(1) {
     XNextEvent(d, &e);
                        /* draw or redraw the window */
     if(e.type==Expose) {
       XFillRectangle(d, w, DefaultGC(d, s), 20, 20, 10, 10);
                        /* exit on key press */

     // Handle Windows Close Event

In this snippet XNextEvent consumes 32 bytes of data from socket into e structure, and code in while loop dispatches it depending on app logic and event type and payload.


In some other libraries like node-x11 (note: I'm author) event loop is hidden behind framework async io model and happens implicitly.


var x11 = require('x11');
var PointerMotion = x11.eventMask.PointerMotion;

x11.createClient(function(err, display) {
    var X = display.client;
    var root = display.screen[0].root;
    var wid = X.AllocID();
       wid, root, 
       0, 0, 400, 300, 
       0, 0, 0, 0,
           eventMask: PointerMotion  

    X.on('event', function(ev) {
        if (ev.name == 'PointerMotion')
            console.log('Mouse motion!', [ev.x, ev.y]);

    X.on('error', function(e) {