是否有跨平台库来调用/创建c ++过程

时间:2022-01-29 12:01:04

Is there any cross platform library to create process's (using createProcess win32 api in windows for example). for linux/windows/mac?

是否有任何跨平台库来创建进程(例如在Windows中使用createProcess win32 api)。对于linux / windows / mac?

5 个解决方案



  1. Boost.Process will do that
  2. Boost.Process会做到这一点

  3. as will PoCo (Processes namespace, in Foundation)
  4. 和PoCo一样(进程命名空间,在基金会)

None of these are intrusive libraries, and none of these imply UI frameworks. Both will support static linkage without major size overhead.




You could use Qt which implements many OS utilities in a platform-independent way, eg. processes, threads, networking, GUI of course,....




Have a look at https://github.com/eidheim/tiny-process-library, a modern C++(11) platform independent process library without external dependencies.

看看https://github.com/eidheim/tiny-process-library,这是一个没有外部依赖关系的现代C ++(11)平*立流程库。



I was able to run notepad using: std::system("notepad.exe"); I beleive in linux it also should work.

我能够使用:std :: system(“notepad.exe”)运行记事本;我在linux中相信它也应该工作。



wxWidgets also contains a cross-platform process control library for spawning child processes through the wxProcess class. If cross-platform threading is needed, it can be handled through the wxThread class as well. Overall, wxWidgets a nice cross-platform library that's fairly light-weight and pretty straight-forward to use. You can find some great getting-started tutorials on the main website that show you how to get an application up and running.




  1. Boost.Process will do that
  2. Boost.Process会做到这一点

  3. as will PoCo (Processes namespace, in Foundation)
  4. 和PoCo一样(进程命名空间,在基金会)

None of these are intrusive libraries, and none of these imply UI frameworks. Both will support static linkage without major size overhead.




You could use Qt which implements many OS utilities in a platform-independent way, eg. processes, threads, networking, GUI of course,....




Have a look at https://github.com/eidheim/tiny-process-library, a modern C++(11) platform independent process library without external dependencies.

看看https://github.com/eidheim/tiny-process-library,这是一个没有外部依赖关系的现代C ++(11)平*立流程库。



I was able to run notepad using: std::system("notepad.exe"); I beleive in linux it also should work.

我能够使用:std :: system(“notepad.exe”)运行记事本;我在linux中相信它也应该工作。



wxWidgets also contains a cross-platform process control library for spawning child processes through the wxProcess class. If cross-platform threading is needed, it can be handled through the wxThread class as well. Overall, wxWidgets a nice cross-platform library that's fairly light-weight and pretty straight-forward to use. You can find some great getting-started tutorials on the main website that show you how to get an application up and running.
