错误安装包(“party”)- R studio IDE。

时间:2021-08-12 10:46:51

I am trying to install packages - party with its dependencies mtvnorm, multcomp, coin and party however when running the script - install.packages("party") I get this error: also installing the dependencies ‘multcomp’, ‘mvtnorm’, ‘coin’

我正在尝试安装包——在运行脚本的时候,它的依赖项mtvnorm、multcomp、coin和party都有。我得到了这个错误:也安装了依赖项的multcomp, mvtnorm,“coin”

trying URL 'https://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib/multcomp_1.4-6.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 606470 bytes (592 KB)

尝试URL ' https://cran.rstudio.com/src/resulb/multcomp_1.4 -6.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-gzip'长度606470字节(592 KB)

installing source package ‘mvtnorm’ ... ** package ‘mvtnorm’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** libs clang -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib/R/include -DNDEBUG -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/include -fPIC -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/include -c C_FORTRAN_interface.c -o C_FORTRAN_interface.o clang -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib/R/include -DNDEBUG -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/include -fPIC -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/include -c miwa.c -o miwa.o gfortran -fPIC -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/include -L/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib -c mvt.f -o mvt.o make: gfortran: No such file or directory make: *** [mvt.o] Error 1 ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘mvtnorm’ removing ‘/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib/R/library/mvtnorm’ Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘mvtnorm’ had non-zero exit status ERROR: dependency ‘mvtnorm’ is not available for package ‘multcomp’ removing ‘/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib/R/library/multcomp’ Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘multcomp’ had non-zero exit status ERROR: dependencies ‘mvtnorm’, ‘multcomp’ are not available for package ‘coin’ removing ‘/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib/R/library/coin’ Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘coin’ had non-zero exit status ERROR: dependencies ‘mvtnorm’, ‘coin’ are not available for package ‘party’ removing ‘/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib/R/library/party’ Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘party’ had non-zero exit status The downloaded source packages are in ‘/private/var/folders/34/ydtmhytx0hj33tlmstcdrxsc0000gn/T/RtmptjKdvN/downloaded_packages’ Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library' Making 'packages.html' ... done

安装源包“mvtnorm”…**包的mvtnorm成功地解除了包装,MD5金额检查** libs clang -I/用户/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib/R/包括-DNDEBUG -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/包括-fPIC -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/包含-c C_FORTRAN_interface。c - o C_FORTRAN_interface。clang -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib/R/包括-DNDEBUG -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/包括-fPIC -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/include -c miwa。c - o古板。o gfortran -fPIC -I/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/include -L/Users/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib -c mvt。f - o测试。o make: gfortran:没有这样的文件或目录:*** (mvt)。错误1:在安装过程中,包的mvtnorm“删除”/用户/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib/R/库/mvtnorm的警告失败。软件包:软件包的mvtnorm的安装有非零的退出状态错误:在安装过程中,包的multcomp删除/用户/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib/R/库/multcomp的警告不能使用依赖的mvtnorm。软件包:安装软件包' multcomp '有非零退出状态错误:依赖' mvtnorm ', ' multcomp '不能用于' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '软件包:安装包的“硬币”有非零退出状态错误:依赖“mvtnorm”,“硬币”不能用于包的“删除”/用户/feliperuiz/anaconda/lib/R/library/party的警告安装。软件包:软件包“party”的安装有非零的退出状态,下载的源包在' /private/var/文件夹/34/ydtmhytx0hj33tlmstcdrxsc0000gn/T/RtmptjKdvN/downloaded_packages '更新HTML索引包中'。图书馆“制造”包。html的……完成

have searched and read other installation error regarding other packages and their dependence nothing on party. I read yet those steps don't apply to my particular situation. I have removed other versions of r studio w/o anaconda, r, because I felt that maybe some files got corrupted. I don't know how to access the private/var/folder/34... what it means????

对其他包的安装错误和其他安装错误进行了搜索和读取。我读到这些步骤并不适用于我的特殊情况。我已经删除了r studio w/o anaconda的其他版本,因为我觉得可能有些文件被损坏了。我不知道如何访问私有/var/文件夹/34…这意味着什么? ? ? ?

I am working on using classification to predict, my system is a macOS Sierra ver 10.12 using R studio with Anaconda.

我正在使用分类来预测,我的系统是一个macOS Sierra ver 10.12使用R工作室和Anaconda。

1 个解决方案





For future readers of this problem:


  • R Packages may be distributed in source form or compiled binary form. Installing source packages which contain C/C++/Fortran code requires that compilers and related tools be installed if no binary form can be found in the CRAN repository.
  • R包可以以源形式或编译的二进制形式分发。安装包含C/ c++ /Fortran代码的源代码包,如果在CRAN存储库中没有任何二进制形式,则需要安装编译器和相关工具。

thus when you see a combination of these words when installing an R package on MAC OS X:

因此,当你在MAC OS X上安装一个R包时,你会看到这些词的组合:

ERROR / installing source package / FORTRAN

it is highly likely you have not got Fortran installed.


nb. This will trigger a need to install Mac OSX Xcode.

nb。这将触发安装Mac OSX Xcode的需要。

Direct Install of R on Mac OSX

The following link shows the steps etc.


I hope the above is useful for future reference of the error and resolution path.


Anaconda / Conda

If you are using Anaconda / Conda for R package management you can also use conda to install GFortran: Personally, I prefer to install directly above.

如果您正在使用Anaconda / Conda进行R包管理,您还可以使用Conda来安装GFortran:个人来说,我更喜欢直接安装在上面。

conda install -c r r-essentials
conda install -c uvcdat gfortran=4.9.3







For future readers of this problem:


  • R Packages may be distributed in source form or compiled binary form. Installing source packages which contain C/C++/Fortran code requires that compilers and related tools be installed if no binary form can be found in the CRAN repository.
  • R包可以以源形式或编译的二进制形式分发。安装包含C/ c++ /Fortran代码的源代码包,如果在CRAN存储库中没有任何二进制形式,则需要安装编译器和相关工具。

thus when you see a combination of these words when installing an R package on MAC OS X:

因此,当你在MAC OS X上安装一个R包时,你会看到这些词的组合:

ERROR / installing source package / FORTRAN

it is highly likely you have not got Fortran installed.


nb. This will trigger a need to install Mac OSX Xcode.

nb。这将触发安装Mac OSX Xcode的需要。

Direct Install of R on Mac OSX

The following link shows the steps etc.


I hope the above is useful for future reference of the error and resolution path.


Anaconda / Conda

If you are using Anaconda / Conda for R package management you can also use conda to install GFortran: Personally, I prefer to install directly above.

如果您正在使用Anaconda / Conda进行R包管理,您还可以使用Conda来安装GFortran:个人来说,我更喜欢直接安装在上面。

conda install -c r r-essentials
conda install -c uvcdat gfortran=4.9.3

