无法通过Android SDK Manager下载软件包

时间:2021-08-12 10:47:03

I have recently installed Android SDK on my computer running Windows 7 x64.

我最近在运行Windows 7 x64的计算机上安装了Android SDK。

I then installed the Eclipse ADT plugin. I am running Eclipse Juno JEE.

然后我安装了Eclipse ADT插件。我正在运行Eclipse Juno JEE。

When I attempt to run the SDK Manager through Eclipse, I receive the following errors:

当我尝试通过Eclipse运行SDK Manager时,收到以下错误:

无法通过Android SDK Manager下载软件包

Nothing I have tried has allowed me to download/install/update Android SDK and its packages.

我尝试过的任何内容都不允许我下载/安装/更新Android SDK及其软件包。

I have tried https and forcing http
I have tried running calling program as administrator.
I have added Eclipse, SDK Manager to Firewall exceptions.
I have turned off my antivirus.
I have turned off my firewall.
I have tried various combinations of the above.

我试过https并强制http我试过以管理员身份运行调用程序。我已将Eclipse,SDK Manager添加到防火墙例外。我关掉了我的防病毒软件。我关掉了防火墙。我尝试了以上的各种组合。

I can navigate my browser to both URLs (using Firefox). That should negate "Failed to read..." options 1 and 2. Option 3 seems to be the likely candidate as the XML files do not, in fact, include the <'xsd:schema'> tag. However, I don't know how, if, or where I might be able to point SDK Manager to a local, modified copy of these XML files, or if that would even solve anything.

我可以将浏览器导航到两个URL(使用Firefox)。这应该否定“无法读取...”选项1和2.选项3似乎是可能的候选者,因为XML文件实际上不包括<'xsd:schema'>标记。但是,我不知道如何,如果或在哪里我可以将SDK Manager指向这些XML文件的本地修改副本,或者甚至可以解决任何问题。

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Note: I have installed Android SDK/ Eclipse ADT Plugin on the same machine in the past. This is a fresh install after a recent reimage.

注意:我以前在同一台机器上安装了Android SDK / Eclipse ADT插件。这是最近重新映像后的全新安装。

1 个解决方案



I am not sure if this answer's your question exactly to the point but yet I hope this helps you.


As u wrote it looks like you have downloaded eclipse from its website and android sdk separately from Android website. Why don't you download the Android SDK ADT package with pre-eclipse setup.

正如你所写,你看起来已经从它的网站和Android sdk分别从Android网站下载了eclipse。为什么不下载带有pre-eclipse设置的Android SDK ADT软件包。

That will make your job way lot easier. The file name would be something like this:





I am not sure if this answer's your question exactly to the point but yet I hope this helps you.


As u wrote it looks like you have downloaded eclipse from its website and android sdk separately from Android website. Why don't you download the Android SDK ADT package with pre-eclipse setup.

正如你所写,你看起来已经从它的网站和Android sdk分别从Android网站下载了eclipse。为什么不下载带有pre-eclipse设置的Android SDK ADT软件包。

That will make your job way lot easier. The file name would be something like this:

