如何为Eclipse下载MS 932文本文件编码?

时间:2022-09-28 10:42:35

I want to run a java file in eclipse, but it has some essential Japanese characters in order to run. I went to Window->Preferences->Text File Encoding->Other, but there is no MS 932 listed. How can I get this library to Eclipse. I tried checking online, of course, but nothing. I tried switching to UTF-8, but still does not work.

我想在eclipse中运行一个java文件,但它有一些必要的日文字符才能运行。我去了Window-> Preferences-> Text File Encoding-> Other,但没有列出MS 932。我怎样才能将这个库带到Eclipse。当然,我尝试在线检查,但没有。我尝试切换到UTF-8,但仍然无法正常工作。

1 个解决方案



The encodings might be restricted; try maybe SJIS too.


native2ascii -reverse -encoding MS932 My.java temp.txt
... rename My.Java
native2ascii -encoding UTF-8 temp.txt My.java



The encodings might be restricted; try maybe SJIS too.


native2ascii -reverse -encoding MS932 My.java temp.txt
... rename My.Java
native2ascii -encoding UTF-8 temp.txt My.java