关于iphone sdk最好的SQLite 3教程在哪里?

时间:2022-10-09 10:42:15

I'm looking for an complete tutorial which not just tells me how an query is executed, but also how I set up the whole thing including setting up the library, creating an database, and so on.


Where can I find it?


4 个解决方案



Using SQLite 3 on the iPhone is really not that different from using it on any other platform. You should read the general SQLite documentation.

在iPhone上使用SQLite 3与在任何其他平台上使用都没有什么不同。您应该阅读一般的SQLite文档。

In your iPhone app, you usually open your SQLite database in the applicationDidFinishLaunching: method of your application delegate. After that, you can just use your database.


I've used Gus Mueller's FMDatabase classes on the iPhone. They provide a thin wrapper around SQLite.

我在iPhone上使用了Gus Mueller的FMDatabase类。它们为SQLite提供了一个薄薄的包装。

A final note: It seems CoreData will become available on the iPhone with OS version 3. You can use SQLite through the CoreData framework.

最后一点要注意的是:看来CoreData将会与OS 3版本一起出现在iPhone上。您可以通过CoreData框架使用SQLite。



Stanfords cs193p iPhone application development previous semester showed how to setup and use sqlite3 with iphone.

上学期,Stanfords cs193p iPhone应用程序开发展示了如何在iPhone上安装和使用sqlite3。

I haven't checked the latest lecture's but there is a reference to sqlite in latest semester. There are lecture notes and video in iTunesU - check out cs193p web site for links/references/example code/lecture notes.




I have some iPhone SQLite links in my Delicious bookmarks. There should be enough links there to teach you all the SQLite you will ever need. Lots of the tutorials are pretty simple and easy to understand. There are a few wrappers out there too. I haven't used any of the wrappers, but they look interesting. Also, check out other bookmarked items tagged SQLite on Delicious.

我的美味书签里有一些iPhone SQLite链接。这里应该有足够的链接来教你所有需要的SQLite。很多教程都非常简单易懂。外面也有一些包装。我没有使用任何包装,但它们看起来很有趣。另外,你可以看看其他标有SQLite的书签。



Apart from Peter Quade's excellent answer, may I also suggest you to check out http://www.iphonekicks.com/tags/SQLite - here you would find many bookmarks to SQLite topics.

除了Peter Quade出色的回答之外,我还建议你看看http://www.iphonekicks.com/tags/SQLite -在这里你会发现很多SQLite主题的书签。

And just FYI, iPhone Kicks is a social book marking site, a Digg clone but purely for the iPhone SDK links :-)

仅供参考,iPhone Kicks是一个社会化的图书标记网站,一个Digg的克隆但是纯粹是为了iPhone SDK链接:-)



Using SQLite 3 on the iPhone is really not that different from using it on any other platform. You should read the general SQLite documentation.

在iPhone上使用SQLite 3与在任何其他平台上使用都没有什么不同。您应该阅读一般的SQLite文档。

In your iPhone app, you usually open your SQLite database in the applicationDidFinishLaunching: method of your application delegate. After that, you can just use your database.


I've used Gus Mueller's FMDatabase classes on the iPhone. They provide a thin wrapper around SQLite.

我在iPhone上使用了Gus Mueller的FMDatabase类。它们为SQLite提供了一个薄薄的包装。

A final note: It seems CoreData will become available on the iPhone with OS version 3. You can use SQLite through the CoreData framework.

最后一点要注意的是:看来CoreData将会与OS 3版本一起出现在iPhone上。您可以通过CoreData框架使用SQLite。



Stanfords cs193p iPhone application development previous semester showed how to setup and use sqlite3 with iphone.

上学期,Stanfords cs193p iPhone应用程序开发展示了如何在iPhone上安装和使用sqlite3。

I haven't checked the latest lecture's but there is a reference to sqlite in latest semester. There are lecture notes and video in iTunesU - check out cs193p web site for links/references/example code/lecture notes.




I have some iPhone SQLite links in my Delicious bookmarks. There should be enough links there to teach you all the SQLite you will ever need. Lots of the tutorials are pretty simple and easy to understand. There are a few wrappers out there too. I haven't used any of the wrappers, but they look interesting. Also, check out other bookmarked items tagged SQLite on Delicious.

我的美味书签里有一些iPhone SQLite链接。这里应该有足够的链接来教你所有需要的SQLite。很多教程都非常简单易懂。外面也有一些包装。我没有使用任何包装,但它们看起来很有趣。另外,你可以看看其他标有SQLite的书签。



Apart from Peter Quade's excellent answer, may I also suggest you to check out http://www.iphonekicks.com/tags/SQLite - here you would find many bookmarks to SQLite topics.

除了Peter Quade出色的回答之外,我还建议你看看http://www.iphonekicks.com/tags/SQLite -在这里你会发现很多SQLite主题的书签。

And just FYI, iPhone Kicks is a social book marking site, a Digg clone but purely for the iPhone SDK links :-)

仅供参考,iPhone Kicks是一个社会化的图书标记网站,一个Digg的克隆但是纯粹是为了iPhone SDK链接:-)