无法在Mac OS X上安装bioperl

时间:2022-02-27 10:39:36

I'm trying to get biotools working on my Mac so that I can run some Perl5 code that uses Bio::DB::Sam, but am stymied.

我正在尝试让生物工具在我的Mac上工作,这样我就可以运行一些使用Bio: DB::Sam的Perl5代码,但是受到了阻碍。

  • Mac OS X 10.10.4

    Mac OS X 10.10.4

  • perl 5.18.2

    perl 5.18.2

  • upgraded CPAN as per INSTALL instructions


  • 'brew install expat' tells me that expat-2.1.0_1 is already installed

    “brew install expat”告诉我,expat-2.1.0_1已经安装

  • 'sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell'

    'sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell'

  • 'install CJFIELDS/BioPerl-1.6.924.tar.gz'

    “安装CJFIELDS / BioPerl-1.6.924.tar.gz”

  • 'Do you want to run the Bio::DB::GFF or Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store live database tests?' => 'n'

    您是否想运行Bio::DB::GFF或Bio::DB::SeqFeature::存储实时数据库测试?' = > ' n '

  • Install all


  • 'Do you want to run tests that require connection to servers across the internet' => 'n'

    '您想要运行需要连接到internet上的服务器的测试' => 'n'吗'

Eventually get (with some lines deleted):


Running Build test
t/Align/AlignStats.t ................... ok     
t/Align/AlignUtil.t .................... ok     
t/Align/Graphics.t ..................... skipped: The optional module GD (or dependencies thereof) was not installed
t/AlignIO/msf.t ........................ ok   
t/AlignIO/nexml.t ...................... skipped: The optional module Bio::Phylo (or dependencies thereof) was not installed
t/AlignIO/nexus.t ...................... ok     
t/Assembly/ContigSpectrum.t ............ ok       
t/Assembly/IO/bowtie.t ................. skipped: The optional module Bio::DB::Sam (or dependencies thereof) was not installed
t/Assembly/IO/sam.t .................... skipped: The optional module Bio::DB::Sam (or dependencies thereof) was not installed
t/Assembly/core.t ...................... ok       
t/Cluster/UniGene.t .................... ok   

Afterwards, I test with:


perl -e "use Bio::DB::Sam;"

and get:


Can't locate Bio/DB/Sam.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Bio::DB::Sam module) (@INC contains: /Library/Perl/5.18/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.18 /Network/Library/Perl/5.18/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl/5.18 /Library/Perl/Updates/5.18.2/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/Updates/5.18.2 /System/Library/Perl/5.18/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5.18 /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.18/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.18 .) at -e line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.

I get the same results when cloning bioperl-live from GitHub (sync'd to revision 73c446c69a77) and trying to install that way.


Note that I have installed samtools 0.1.18 (to match the version on our cluster) by:

注意,我已经安装了samtools 0.1.18(以匹配我们集群上的版本):

  • downloading the .tar.gz


  • running 'make'


  • copying 'samtools', 'bcftools/bcftools', and 'misc/*.pl' to ~/debarcer-packages/bin, which is on my path


Afterward, I get this:


$ which samtools

This build did not produce a '.so' file, even though there is a rule in the samtools-0.1.18 Makefile that looks like it (maybe?) ought to produce one.

这个建筑没有产生a '。因此,' file,即使samtools-0.1.18 Makefile中有一条规则(可能?)应该生成一个。

2 个解决方案



You need to install an additional (optional) module to use samtools. That's the The optional module Bio::DB::Sam message is about. You don't need it for the rest of BioPerl, so it's not a hard dependency.


For Bio::DB::Sam, you need samtools-0.1.17 (the latest version the module works with according to its docs). I downloaded the source and ran make. There were some warnings, but it appears to work. From your question, I don't think you had a problem here.


I then installed Bio::DB::Sam:


 $ cpan Bio::DB::Sam

There were some compiler warnings, but the module passed its tests and installed. The cpan command took care of dependencies too, so it also installed BioPerl for me.


If you need some environment variables, you can set them for a one-off run of the command:


$ CFLAGS=... SAMTOOLS=... cpan Bio::DB::Sam

Note that installing Bio::DB::Sam prompted me for the location of samtools. I pointed it at the build directory:


$ cpan5.22.0 Bio::DB::Sam
Running install for module 'Bio::DB::Sam'
Configuring L/LD/LDS/Bio-SamTools-1.43.tar.gz with Build.PL
This module requires samtools 0.1.10 or higher (samtools.sourceforge.net).
Please enter the location of the bam.h and compiled libbam.a files: /Users/brian/Downloads/samtools-0.1.17

I'm betting there's not something complicated like the answer SES gave. You just need an optional module. The README for Bio::DB::Sam notes some problems that people might have and offers so workarounds, but I didn't run into these problems and my setup is close to yours.


Note that Alien::SamTools is a Perl package that installs the non-Perl samtools, but it says it installs 0.1.19. Maybe that works too, but that's not what Bio::DB::Sam says on the tin.

注意Alien: SamTools是一个安装非Perl SamTools的Perl包,但是它说安装的是0.1.19。也许这也行得通,但这不是Bio: DB: Sam在罐头上说的。



The module Bio::DB::Sam provides bindings to an older version of samtools that did not rely htslib. This is an important point because you may run into issues using SAM/BAM files generated with samtools or other aligners because most tools use htslib these days.


For building the module, you are on the right track with the version you are using but it is difficult to build if you do not know the correct flags. I previously provided a solution to do this and I'll show a better way here (just use a package manager for the Perl module).


wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/samtools/files/samtools/0.1.18/samtools-0.1.18.tar.bz2
tar xjf samtools-0.1.18.tar.bz2 && cd samtools-0.1.18
export SAMTOOLS=`pwd`

The last command will allow you to install the Perl module without looking for the PATH to samtools and being prompted for it. Note, the extra CFLAGS argument may not be needed on your Mac, so try without it first. It is required on Linux, and since the module uses so much memory you will likely only be using this on a Linux machine. Now, install the Perl module.


cpanm Bio::DB::Sam

or cpan if you prefer. That should get you a working Bio::DB::Sam. I don't know what you are trying to do but I will mention that the fine folks over at EBI have developed bindings to htslib called Bio::DB::HTS based on Lincoln Stein's XS code in the Bio::DB::Sam module. This is really what you should be using because the version of SAMtools mentioned above is really old and not being developed. That is my opinion and a word of caution though, nothing wrong with Bio::DB::Sam.

或者cpan,如果你喜欢的话。那应该会给你带来一个工作履历::::山姆。我不知道您想要做什么,但是我要提到的是EBI的优秀人员已经开发了一个名为Bio::DB::HTS的绑定,基于Lincoln Stein的XS代码在Bio::::Sam模块。这正是您应该使用的,因为上面提到的SAMtools的版本非常旧,而且还没有开发。这是我的观点,但我还是要小心一点,Bio:::::Sam。



You find it easier to manage Perl without using the "system" Perl, and here is one solution. Other people may have their preferred method, but perlbrew (combined with cpanminus) will make this type of work fun and much less of a pain (and they are popular choices). That would be my first step: set up perlbrew, install Perl 5.22, then install cpanminus. That might sound challenging but it is just a few commands. Something along the lines of:

您发现在不使用“系统”Perl的情况下更容易管理Perl,这里有一个解决方案。其他人可能有他们喜欢的方法,但是perlbrew(与cpan负号结合)将使这种类型的工作更有趣,更少的痛苦(他们是流行的选择)。这将是我的第一步:设置perlbrew,安装Perl 5.22,然后安装cpan负号。这听起来可能很有挑战性,但这只是几个命令而已。一些类似的东西:

curl -L http://install.perlbrew.pl | bash
source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
perlbrew install perl-5.22.1
perlbrew switch perl-5.22.1
perlbrew install-cpanm

should do the trick. That will give you a kick-ass Perl with some nice features not available with your "system" Perl. This is a good idea because using /usr/bin/perl requires sudo, it involves messing with the system libraries which might cause an issue, and the recent Apple changes mean that working with root directories/libraries is completely unstable.




You need to install an additional (optional) module to use samtools. That's the The optional module Bio::DB::Sam message is about. You don't need it for the rest of BioPerl, so it's not a hard dependency.


For Bio::DB::Sam, you need samtools-0.1.17 (the latest version the module works with according to its docs). I downloaded the source and ran make. There were some warnings, but it appears to work. From your question, I don't think you had a problem here.


I then installed Bio::DB::Sam:


 $ cpan Bio::DB::Sam

There were some compiler warnings, but the module passed its tests and installed. The cpan command took care of dependencies too, so it also installed BioPerl for me.


If you need some environment variables, you can set them for a one-off run of the command:


$ CFLAGS=... SAMTOOLS=... cpan Bio::DB::Sam

Note that installing Bio::DB::Sam prompted me for the location of samtools. I pointed it at the build directory:


$ cpan5.22.0 Bio::DB::Sam
Running install for module 'Bio::DB::Sam'
Configuring L/LD/LDS/Bio-SamTools-1.43.tar.gz with Build.PL
This module requires samtools 0.1.10 or higher (samtools.sourceforge.net).
Please enter the location of the bam.h and compiled libbam.a files: /Users/brian/Downloads/samtools-0.1.17

I'm betting there's not something complicated like the answer SES gave. You just need an optional module. The README for Bio::DB::Sam notes some problems that people might have and offers so workarounds, but I didn't run into these problems and my setup is close to yours.


Note that Alien::SamTools is a Perl package that installs the non-Perl samtools, but it says it installs 0.1.19. Maybe that works too, but that's not what Bio::DB::Sam says on the tin.

注意Alien: SamTools是一个安装非Perl SamTools的Perl包,但是它说安装的是0.1.19。也许这也行得通,但这不是Bio: DB: Sam在罐头上说的。



The module Bio::DB::Sam provides bindings to an older version of samtools that did not rely htslib. This is an important point because you may run into issues using SAM/BAM files generated with samtools or other aligners because most tools use htslib these days.


For building the module, you are on the right track with the version you are using but it is difficult to build if you do not know the correct flags. I previously provided a solution to do this and I'll show a better way here (just use a package manager for the Perl module).


wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/samtools/files/samtools/0.1.18/samtools-0.1.18.tar.bz2
tar xjf samtools-0.1.18.tar.bz2 && cd samtools-0.1.18
export SAMTOOLS=`pwd`

The last command will allow you to install the Perl module without looking for the PATH to samtools and being prompted for it. Note, the extra CFLAGS argument may not be needed on your Mac, so try without it first. It is required on Linux, and since the module uses so much memory you will likely only be using this on a Linux machine. Now, install the Perl module.


cpanm Bio::DB::Sam

or cpan if you prefer. That should get you a working Bio::DB::Sam. I don't know what you are trying to do but I will mention that the fine folks over at EBI have developed bindings to htslib called Bio::DB::HTS based on Lincoln Stein's XS code in the Bio::DB::Sam module. This is really what you should be using because the version of SAMtools mentioned above is really old and not being developed. That is my opinion and a word of caution though, nothing wrong with Bio::DB::Sam.

或者cpan,如果你喜欢的话。那应该会给你带来一个工作履历::::山姆。我不知道您想要做什么,但是我要提到的是EBI的优秀人员已经开发了一个名为Bio::DB::HTS的绑定,基于Lincoln Stein的XS代码在Bio::::Sam模块。这正是您应该使用的,因为上面提到的SAMtools的版本非常旧,而且还没有开发。这是我的观点,但我还是要小心一点,Bio:::::Sam。



You find it easier to manage Perl without using the "system" Perl, and here is one solution. Other people may have their preferred method, but perlbrew (combined with cpanminus) will make this type of work fun and much less of a pain (and they are popular choices). That would be my first step: set up perlbrew, install Perl 5.22, then install cpanminus. That might sound challenging but it is just a few commands. Something along the lines of:

您发现在不使用“系统”Perl的情况下更容易管理Perl,这里有一个解决方案。其他人可能有他们喜欢的方法,但是perlbrew(与cpan负号结合)将使这种类型的工作更有趣,更少的痛苦(他们是流行的选择)。这将是我的第一步:设置perlbrew,安装Perl 5.22,然后安装cpan负号。这听起来可能很有挑战性,但这只是几个命令而已。一些类似的东西:

curl -L http://install.perlbrew.pl | bash
source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
perlbrew install perl-5.22.1
perlbrew switch perl-5.22.1
perlbrew install-cpanm

should do the trick. That will give you a kick-ass Perl with some nice features not available with your "system" Perl. This is a good idea because using /usr/bin/perl requires sudo, it involves messing with the system libraries which might cause an issue, and the recent Apple changes mean that working with root directories/libraries is completely unstable.
