
时间:2022-05-10 10:40:30


select * from icclasstableinfo where fkey <> ffieldname and fclasstypeid >= 200000000
and ffieldname not in ('fentryid','fid','findex','fname','fnumber')
and fkey not like 'FBaseProperty%'

update icclasstableinfo set fkey = ffieldname, FDescription  = '1' where fkey <> ffieldname and fclasstypeid >= 200000000
and ffieldname not in ('fentryid','fid','findex','fname','fnumber')
and fkey not like 'FBaseProperty%'

update icclasstableinfo set fkey = ffieldname  where fkey <> ffieldname and fclasstypeid >= 200000000
and ffieldname not in ('fentryid','fid','findex','fname')
and fkey not like 'FBaseProperty%'

update ICClassTableInfo set FFont = 'FontName=微软雅黑|FontSize=11|FontBold=False|FontItalic=False|'
where FClassTypeID >= 200000000