This is the code:
using (backbuffer = D3Ddev.GetBackBuffer(0, 0, BackBufferType.Mono))
using (g = backbuffer.GetGraphics())
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
g.FillPie(myBrush, 256F - distanceFromCenterPixels, 255F - distanceFromCenterPixels,
distanceFromCenterPixels * 2F, distanceFromCenterPixels * 2F, angleF - 23F, 46F);
if (angleF < 360)
g.(@"c:\coneimages\" + angleF + ".gif");
g.Save is not the right way. But somehow i want to save the Pie the FillPie as gif file on the hard disk.
g.Save不是正确的方法。但不知何故,我想将Pie FillPie保存为硬盘上的gif文件。
1 个解决方案
Check this class out: Image.Save
And check out this post describing how to convert Graphics to an Image. convert Graphics to Image in c#
Check this class out: Image.Save
And check out this post describing how to convert Graphics to an Image. convert Graphics to Image in c#