
时间:2022-06-16 09:51:35

I am looking at an algorithm that can map between characters with diacritics (tilde, circumflex, caret, umlaut, caron) and their "simple" character.


For example:


ń  ǹ  ň  ñ  ṅ  ņ  ṇ  ṋ  ṉ  ̈  ɲ  ƞ ᶇ ɳ ȵ  --> n
á --> a
ä --> a
ấ --> a
ṏ --> o



  1. I want to do this in Java, although I suspect it should be something Unicode-y and should be doable reasonably easily in any language.


  2. Purpose: to allow easily search for words with diacritical marks. For example, if I have a database of tennis players, and Björn_Borg is entered, I will also keep Bjorn_Borg so I can find it if someone enters Bjorn and not Björn.


12 个解决方案



I have done this recently in Java:


public static final Pattern DIACRITICS_AND_FRIENDS
    = Pattern.compile("[\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}\\p{IsLm}\\p{IsSk}]+");

private static String stripDiacritics(String str) {
    str = Normalizer.normalize(str, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
    str = DIACRITICS_AND_FRIENDS.matcher(str).replaceAll("");
    return str;

This will do as you specified:


stripDiacritics("Björn")  = Bjorn

but it will fail on for example Białystok, because the ł character is not diacritic.


If you want to have a full-blown string simplifier, you will need a second cleanup round, for some more special characters that are not diacritics. Is this map, I have included the most common special characters that appear in our customer names. It is not a complete list, but it will give you the idea how to do extend it. The immutableMap is just a simple class from google-collections.

如果你想拥有一个完整的字符串简化器,你需要进行第二轮清理,以获得一些不是变音符号的特殊字符。这张地图,我已经包含了我们客户名称中出现的最常见的特殊字符。它不是一个完整的列表,但它会让你知道如何扩展它。 immutableMap只是google-collections中的一个简单类。

public class StringSimplifier {
    public static final char DEFAULT_REPLACE_CHAR = '-';
    public static final String DEFAULT_REPLACE = String.valueOf(DEFAULT_REPLACE_CHAR);
    private static final ImmutableMap<String, String> NONDIACRITICS = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()

        //Remove crap strings with no sematics
        .put(".", "")
        .put("\"", "")
        .put("'", "")

        //Keep relevant characters as seperation
        .put(" ", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("]", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("[", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put(")", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("(", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("=", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("!", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("/", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("\\", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("&", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put(",", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("?", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("°", DEFAULT_REPLACE) //Remove ?? is diacritic?
        .put("|", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("<", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put(">", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put(";", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put(":", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("_", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("#", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("~", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("+", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("*", DEFAULT_REPLACE)

        //Replace non-diacritics as their equivalent characters
        .put("\u0141", "l") // BiaLystock
        .put("\u0142", "l") // Bialystock
        .put("ß", "ss")
        .put("æ", "ae")
        .put("ø", "o")
        .put("©", "c")
        .put("\u00D0", "d") // All Ð ð from http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%90
        .put("\u00F0", "d")
        .put("\u0110", "d")
        .put("\u0111", "d")
        .put("\u0189", "d")
        .put("\u0256", "d")
        .put("\u00DE", "th") // thorn Þ
        .put("\u00FE", "th") // thorn þ

    public static String simplifiedString(String orig) {
        String str = orig;
        if (str == null) {
            return null;
        str = stripDiacritics(str);
        str = stripNonDiacritics(str);
        if (str.length() == 0) {
            // Ugly special case to work around non-existing empty strings
            // in Oracle. Store original crapstring as simplified.
            // It would return an empty string if Oracle could store it.
            return orig;
        return str.toLowerCase();

    private static String stripNonDiacritics(String orig) {
        StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
        String lastchar = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < orig.length(); i++) {
            String source = orig.substring(i, i + 1);
            String replace = NONDIACRITICS.get(source);
            String toReplace = replace == null ? String.valueOf(source) : replace;
            if (DEFAULT_REPLACE.equals(lastchar) && DEFAULT_REPLACE.equals(toReplace)) {
                toReplace = "";
            } else {
                lastchar = toReplace;
        if (ret.length() > 0 && DEFAULT_REPLACE_CHAR == ret.charAt(ret.length() - 1)) {
            ret.deleteCharAt(ret.length() - 1);
        return ret.toString();

    Special regular expression character ranges relevant for simplification -> see http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl/prog3/ch05_04.htm
    InCombiningDiacriticalMarks: special marks that are part of "normal" ä, ö, î etc..
        IsSk: Symbol, Modifier see http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/category/Sk/list.htm
        IsLm: Letter, Modifier see http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/category/Lm/list.htm
    public static final Pattern DIACRITICS_AND_FRIENDS
        = Pattern.compile("[\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}\\p{IsLm}\\p{IsSk}]+");

    private static String stripDiacritics(String str) {
        str = Normalizer.normalize(str, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
        str = DIACRITICS_AND_FRIENDS.matcher(str).replaceAll("");
        return str;



The core java.text package was designed to address this use case (matching strings without caring about diacritics, case, etc.).


Configure a Collator to sort on PRIMARY differences in characters. With that, create a CollationKey for each string. If all of your code is in Java, you can use the CollationKey directly. If you need to store the keys in a database or other sort of index, you can convert it to a byte array.


These classes use the Unicode standard case folding data to determine which characters are equivalent, and support various decomposition strategies.


Collator c = Collator.getInstance();
Map<CollationKey, String> dictionary = new TreeMap<CollationKey, String>();
dictionary.put(c.getCollationKey("Björn"), "Björn");
CollationKey query = c.getCollationKey("bjorn");
System.out.println(dictionary.get(query)); // --> "Björn"

Note that collators are locale-specific. This is because "alphabetical order" is differs between locales (and even over time, as has been the case with Spanish). The Collator class relieves you from having to track all of these rules and keep them up to date.

请注意,collat​​ors是特定于语言环境的。这是因为“字母顺序”在区域设置之间是不同的(甚至随着时间的推移,与西班牙语的情况一样)。 Collat​​or类使您无需跟踪所有这些规则并使其保持最新状态。



It's part of Apache Commons Lang as of ver. 3.1.

它是Apache Commons Lang的一部分。 3.1。


returns An




You could use the Normalizer class from java.text:


System.out.println(new String(Normalizer.normalize("ń ǹ ň ñ ṅ ņ ṇ ṋ", Normalizer.Form.NFKD).getBytes("ascii"), "ascii"));

But there is still some work to do, since Java makes strange things with unconvertable Unicode characters (it does not ignore them, and it does not throw an exception). But I think you could use that as an starting point.




There is a draft report on character folding on the unicode website which has a lot of relevant material. See specifically Section 4.1. "Folding algorithm".

在unicode网站上有关于字符折叠的报告草案,其中有很多相关资料。具体见4.1节。 “折叠算法”。

Here's a discussion and implementation of diacritic marker removal using Perl.


These existing SO questions are related:




Please note that not all of these marks are just "marks" on some "normal" character, that you can remove without changing the meaning.


In Swedish, å ä and ö are true and proper first-class characters, not some "variant" of some other character. They sound different from all other characters, they sort different, and they make words change meaning ("mätt" and "matt" are two different words).




Unicode has specific diatric characters (which are composite characters) and a string can be converted so that the character and the diatrics are separated. Then, you can just remove the diatricts from the string and you're basically done.


For more information on normalization, decompositions and equivalence, see The Unicode Standard at the Unicode home page.


However, how you can actually achieve this depends on the framework/OS/... you're working on. If you're using .NET, you can use the String.Normalize method accepting the System.Text.NormalizationForm enumeration.

但是,如何实际实现这一点取决于您正在使用的框架/ OS / ....如果您使用的是.NET,则可以使用String.Normalize方法接受System.Text.NormalizationForm枚举。



The easiest way (to me) would be to simply maintain a sparse mapping array which simply changes your Unicode code points into displayable strings.


Such as:


start    = 0x00C0
size     = 23
mappings = {
    "E","E","E","E","I","I","I", "I",
start    = 0x00D8
size     = 6
mappings = {
start    = 0x00E0
size     = 23
mappings = {
    "e","e","e","e","i","i","i", "i",
start    = 0x00F8
size     = 6
mappings = {
: : :

The use of a sparse array will allow you to efficiently represent replacements even when they in widely spaced sections of the Unicode table. String replacements will allow arbitrary sequences to replace your diacritics (such as the æ grapheme becoming ae).


This is a language-agnostic answer so, if you have a specific language in mind, there will be better ways (although they'll all likely come down to this at the lowest levels anyway).




Something to consider: if you go the route of trying to get a single "translation" of each word, you may miss out on some possible alternates.


For instance, in German, when replacing the "s-set", some people might use "B", while others might use "ss". Or, replacing an umlauted o with "o" or "oe". Any solution you come up with, ideally, I would think should include both.




In Windows and .NET, I just convert using string encoding. That way I avoid manual mapping and coding.


Try to play with string encoding.




In case of German it's not wanted to remove diacritics from Umlauts (ä, ö, ü). Instead they are replaced by two letter combination (ae, oe, ue) For instance, Björn should be written as Bjoern (not Bjorn) to have correct pronounciation.


For that I would have rather a hardcoded mapping, where you can define the replacement rule individually for each special character group.




For future reference, here is a C# extension method that removes accents.


public static class StringExtensions
    public static string RemoveDiacritics(this string str)
        return new string(
                .Where(c => CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(c) != 
static void Main()
    var input = "ŃŅŇ ÀÁÂÃÄÅ ŢŤţť Ĥĥ àáâãäå ńņň";
    var output = input.RemoveDiacritics();
    Debug.Assert(output == "NNN AAAAAA TTtt Hh aaaaaa nnn");



I have done this recently in Java:


public static final Pattern DIACRITICS_AND_FRIENDS
    = Pattern.compile("[\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}\\p{IsLm}\\p{IsSk}]+");

private static String stripDiacritics(String str) {
    str = Normalizer.normalize(str, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
    str = DIACRITICS_AND_FRIENDS.matcher(str).replaceAll("");
    return str;

This will do as you specified:


stripDiacritics("Björn")  = Bjorn

but it will fail on for example Białystok, because the ł character is not diacritic.


If you want to have a full-blown string simplifier, you will need a second cleanup round, for some more special characters that are not diacritics. Is this map, I have included the most common special characters that appear in our customer names. It is not a complete list, but it will give you the idea how to do extend it. The immutableMap is just a simple class from google-collections.

如果你想拥有一个完整的字符串简化器,你需要进行第二轮清理,以获得一些不是变音符号的特殊字符。这张地图,我已经包含了我们客户名称中出现的最常见的特殊字符。它不是一个完整的列表,但它会让你知道如何扩展它。 immutableMap只是google-collections中的一个简单类。

public class StringSimplifier {
    public static final char DEFAULT_REPLACE_CHAR = '-';
    public static final String DEFAULT_REPLACE = String.valueOf(DEFAULT_REPLACE_CHAR);
    private static final ImmutableMap<String, String> NONDIACRITICS = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()

        //Remove crap strings with no sematics
        .put(".", "")
        .put("\"", "")
        .put("'", "")

        //Keep relevant characters as seperation
        .put(" ", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("]", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("[", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put(")", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("(", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("=", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("!", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("/", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("\\", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("&", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put(",", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("?", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("°", DEFAULT_REPLACE) //Remove ?? is diacritic?
        .put("|", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("<", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put(">", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put(";", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put(":", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("_", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("#", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("~", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("+", DEFAULT_REPLACE)
        .put("*", DEFAULT_REPLACE)

        //Replace non-diacritics as their equivalent characters
        .put("\u0141", "l") // BiaLystock
        .put("\u0142", "l") // Bialystock
        .put("ß", "ss")
        .put("æ", "ae")
        .put("ø", "o")
        .put("©", "c")
        .put("\u00D0", "d") // All Ð ð from http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%90
        .put("\u00F0", "d")
        .put("\u0110", "d")
        .put("\u0111", "d")
        .put("\u0189", "d")
        .put("\u0256", "d")
        .put("\u00DE", "th") // thorn Þ
        .put("\u00FE", "th") // thorn þ

    public static String simplifiedString(String orig) {
        String str = orig;
        if (str == null) {
            return null;
        str = stripDiacritics(str);
        str = stripNonDiacritics(str);
        if (str.length() == 0) {
            // Ugly special case to work around non-existing empty strings
            // in Oracle. Store original crapstring as simplified.
            // It would return an empty string if Oracle could store it.
            return orig;
        return str.toLowerCase();

    private static String stripNonDiacritics(String orig) {
        StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
        String lastchar = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < orig.length(); i++) {
            String source = orig.substring(i, i + 1);
            String replace = NONDIACRITICS.get(source);
            String toReplace = replace == null ? String.valueOf(source) : replace;
            if (DEFAULT_REPLACE.equals(lastchar) && DEFAULT_REPLACE.equals(toReplace)) {
                toReplace = "";
            } else {
                lastchar = toReplace;
        if (ret.length() > 0 && DEFAULT_REPLACE_CHAR == ret.charAt(ret.length() - 1)) {
            ret.deleteCharAt(ret.length() - 1);
        return ret.toString();

    Special regular expression character ranges relevant for simplification -> see http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl/prog3/ch05_04.htm
    InCombiningDiacriticalMarks: special marks that are part of "normal" ä, ö, î etc..
        IsSk: Symbol, Modifier see http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/category/Sk/list.htm
        IsLm: Letter, Modifier see http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/category/Lm/list.htm
    public static final Pattern DIACRITICS_AND_FRIENDS
        = Pattern.compile("[\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}\\p{IsLm}\\p{IsSk}]+");

    private static String stripDiacritics(String str) {
        str = Normalizer.normalize(str, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
        str = DIACRITICS_AND_FRIENDS.matcher(str).replaceAll("");
        return str;



The core java.text package was designed to address this use case (matching strings without caring about diacritics, case, etc.).


Configure a Collator to sort on PRIMARY differences in characters. With that, create a CollationKey for each string. If all of your code is in Java, you can use the CollationKey directly. If you need to store the keys in a database or other sort of index, you can convert it to a byte array.


These classes use the Unicode standard case folding data to determine which characters are equivalent, and support various decomposition strategies.


Collator c = Collator.getInstance();
Map<CollationKey, String> dictionary = new TreeMap<CollationKey, String>();
dictionary.put(c.getCollationKey("Björn"), "Björn");
CollationKey query = c.getCollationKey("bjorn");
System.out.println(dictionary.get(query)); // --> "Björn"

Note that collators are locale-specific. This is because "alphabetical order" is differs between locales (and even over time, as has been the case with Spanish). The Collator class relieves you from having to track all of these rules and keep them up to date.

请注意,collat​​ors是特定于语言环境的。这是因为“字母顺序”在区域设置之间是不同的(甚至随着时间的推移,与西班牙语的情况一样)。 Collat​​or类使您无需跟踪所有这些规则并使其保持最新状态。



It's part of Apache Commons Lang as of ver. 3.1.

它是Apache Commons Lang的一部分。 3.1。


returns An




You could use the Normalizer class from java.text:


System.out.println(new String(Normalizer.normalize("ń ǹ ň ñ ṅ ņ ṇ ṋ", Normalizer.Form.NFKD).getBytes("ascii"), "ascii"));

But there is still some work to do, since Java makes strange things with unconvertable Unicode characters (it does not ignore them, and it does not throw an exception). But I think you could use that as an starting point.




There is a draft report on character folding on the unicode website which has a lot of relevant material. See specifically Section 4.1. "Folding algorithm".

在unicode网站上有关于字符折叠的报告草案,其中有很多相关资料。具体见4.1节。 “折叠算法”。

Here's a discussion and implementation of diacritic marker removal using Perl.


These existing SO questions are related:




Please note that not all of these marks are just "marks" on some "normal" character, that you can remove without changing the meaning.


In Swedish, å ä and ö are true and proper first-class characters, not some "variant" of some other character. They sound different from all other characters, they sort different, and they make words change meaning ("mätt" and "matt" are two different words).




Unicode has specific diatric characters (which are composite characters) and a string can be converted so that the character and the diatrics are separated. Then, you can just remove the diatricts from the string and you're basically done.


For more information on normalization, decompositions and equivalence, see The Unicode Standard at the Unicode home page.


However, how you can actually achieve this depends on the framework/OS/... you're working on. If you're using .NET, you can use the String.Normalize method accepting the System.Text.NormalizationForm enumeration.

但是,如何实际实现这一点取决于您正在使用的框架/ OS / ....如果您使用的是.NET,则可以使用String.Normalize方法接受System.Text.NormalizationForm枚举。



The easiest way (to me) would be to simply maintain a sparse mapping array which simply changes your Unicode code points into displayable strings.


Such as:


start    = 0x00C0
size     = 23
mappings = {
    "E","E","E","E","I","I","I", "I",
start    = 0x00D8
size     = 6
mappings = {
start    = 0x00E0
size     = 23
mappings = {
    "e","e","e","e","i","i","i", "i",
start    = 0x00F8
size     = 6
mappings = {
: : :

The use of a sparse array will allow you to efficiently represent replacements even when they in widely spaced sections of the Unicode table. String replacements will allow arbitrary sequences to replace your diacritics (such as the æ grapheme becoming ae).


This is a language-agnostic answer so, if you have a specific language in mind, there will be better ways (although they'll all likely come down to this at the lowest levels anyway).




Something to consider: if you go the route of trying to get a single "translation" of each word, you may miss out on some possible alternates.


For instance, in German, when replacing the "s-set", some people might use "B", while others might use "ss". Or, replacing an umlauted o with "o" or "oe". Any solution you come up with, ideally, I would think should include both.




In Windows and .NET, I just convert using string encoding. That way I avoid manual mapping and coding.


Try to play with string encoding.




In case of German it's not wanted to remove diacritics from Umlauts (ä, ö, ü). Instead they are replaced by two letter combination (ae, oe, ue) For instance, Björn should be written as Bjoern (not Bjorn) to have correct pronounciation.


For that I would have rather a hardcoded mapping, where you can define the replacement rule individually for each special character group.




For future reference, here is a C# extension method that removes accents.


public static class StringExtensions
    public static string RemoveDiacritics(this string str)
        return new string(
                .Where(c => CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(c) != 
static void Main()
    var input = "ŃŅŇ ÀÁÂÃÄÅ ŢŤţť Ĥĥ àáâãäå ńņň";
    var output = input.RemoveDiacritics();
    Debug.Assert(output == "NNN AAAAAA TTtt Hh aaaaaa nnn");