
时间:2022-08-29 09:53:26

How can I send a message from server to client with PHP, avoiding extraneous Ajax calls.


Here is the idea:


  1. User: Alice makes a change which gets sent to the server.


  2. The Server then checks to see which users are not up to date, and if not calls some code to send the information pertaining to the change to Bob (who is not up to date in this case).


How do I send Bob the message?


3 个解决方案



You can use Server Sent Events.


These are the often over looked cousin of websockets that are lighter weight and one way. They essentially allow the client to wait for a message from the server (which you can then respond to via a different channel such as AJAX)


Example Client Code:


var source = new EventSource('/newFile');

source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
  // Use AJAX and pull new file here
}, false);

Unfortuantely it seems (of course) that there is no IE support. One could use a library such as EventSource HQ to support cross browser server sent events. It will abstract away needing to handle the devil's browser.

不幸的是,似乎(当然)没有IE支持。可以使用诸如EventSource HQ之类的库来支持跨浏览器服务器发送的事件。它将抽象出需要处理魔鬼的浏览器。



What you are looking for is something which is (now) quite common, and is sometimes called "real-time web". It's the ability to have your server-side code push content to the connected clients as it happens, in real-time.


This is possible through a couple of new mechanisms which are supported by newest browsers (and servers), and by some other mechanisms which weren't really designed to do that, but which can be used as "hacks" to make it work.


The first thing you have to understand is that what you are asking for (a server "pushing" a message to a client) is not how the web (or, at least, http) is (or better, was) intended to work. The classic web is stateless, request-response, half-duplex: the client initiates the communication, opens a connection to the server, the server serve something, and the connection is closed. And there used to be no way for a server to send a message to a web client: the client (i.e. your browser) should support the reverse model (offering an endpoint on which it listens), becoming effectively a server.

您必须要了解的第一件事是您所要求的(服务器“向客户端”发送消息)并不是Web(或者至少是http)是如何工作的(或更好的)。经典Web是无状态,请求 - 响应,半双工:客户端启动通信,打开与服务器的连接,服务器提供服务,连接关闭。并且以前服务器无法向Web客户端发送消息:客户端(即您的浏览器)应该支持反向模型(提供它侦听的端点),成为有效的服务器。

This is, more or less, what newer standards like WebSockets offer (another standard worth mentioning is Server-sent events (SSE); however, its support is even scarcer than WebSockets, and they seem more apt to "stream" content than sending single messages).


Unlike HTTP, WebSocket provides full-duplex communication (either party can initiate it), which is what you are looking for. The correct version of the WebSocket protocol (an older, buggy implementation exist in some browsers) is implemented in Firefox 6, Safari 6, Google Chrome 14, Opera 12.10 and Internet Explorer 10.

与HTTP不同,WebSocket提供全双工通信(任何一方都可以启动它),这正是您所寻求的。 WebSocket协议的正确版本(某些浏览器中存在较旧的错误实现)在Firefox 6,Safari 6,Google Chrome 14,Opera 12.10和Internet Explorer 10中实现。

So, what if your browser does not support WebSockets? You have to use those "tricks" I mentioned earlier. Those "trick" fall under the unbrella of Push technologies.


In particular, a common technique is long polling. Like the name says, it is not "push"; long polling is polling, i.e. a "pull" technique, but it allows to emulate a push mechanism. With long polling, the client requests information from the server exactly as in a normal AJAX call, except it issues its HTTP/S requests (polls) at a much slower frequency.

特别是,常见的技术是长轮询。就像名字所说,它不是“推”;长轮询是轮询,即“拉”技术,但它允许模拟推送机制。使用长轮询,客户端从服务器请求的信息与在正常的AJAX调用中完全相同,除非它以更慢的频率发出HTTP / S请求(轮询)。

Upon connection, the server (your server, your API: a servlet, an HTTP handler, a REST controller, whatever! It is usually the same mechanism with which you provide support for your standard AJAX calls) sends some info if there is already an update already available; if there is nothing new, instead of sending an empty response, it holds the request open and waits for response information to become available.


You have a "traditional" client-initiated request, but that is put "on hold" until there is something that the server wants to communicate to you. Once there is something, the server sends a response (via the HTTP channel, still open!) to the client, completing the open HTTP Request.


Other techniques (like using sockets provided by plugins - Silverlight, Java applets, Flash..) can be used, but then again for exploiting them you need the correct client (brower/plugin combo).

可以使用其他技术(比如使用插件提供的套接字 - Silverlight,Java applets,Flash ..),但是再次使用它们需要正确的客户端(浏览器/插件组合)。

Of course, you could implement all this stuff by yourself. And I encourage you to try as a learning exercise.


For your production code, you better use a library that encapsulates all these concepts and techniques, like SignalR (for ASP.NET) Ratchet (for PHP), Signal.IO (for node.js), Faye (for Ruby).... Some of these libraries will implement more than one technique, choose the best technique based on the client, falling back to other ones automatically. They really spare you a lot of trouble!




As was said in the comments the technology that you are looking for is WebSockets. They are a way for you to have a socket (a unix lingo term for essential a bidrectional pipe) between your server and the web browsing client.


While one can work with the raw websocket api. I prefer to use a library like Socket.IO to abstract away the nasty details for me.

虽然可以使用原始websocket api。我更喜欢使用像Socket.IO这样的库来为我抽象出讨厌的细节。

After installing the package as one normally would (assuming you're using node) Socket.IO gives you many different easy ways such as events and broadcasts in integrate into your application. You can also just use it as a just a cross browser websocket (it implements fallback long polling for browsers that don't support websockets).


For your case you would want to send a message from the server to the client when ever a file is changed on the server.


One the server side (Node.js):


var io = require('socket.io').listen(80);

io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  socket.on('message', function () { });
  socket.on('disconnect', function () { });

  // more stuff here
  if(somethingChanged) {
    socket.send(JSON.stringify({changed: true, file: 'file1.txt', newContent: 'Im fresh off the press yo!'});

For the client:


  var socket = io('http://localhost/');
  socket.on('connect', function () {

    socket.on('message', function (msg) {
      if(JSON.parse(msg).changed) {
        // Do stuff here

While that is a very bare example it's hopefully enough to get you started.




You can use Server Sent Events.


These are the often over looked cousin of websockets that are lighter weight and one way. They essentially allow the client to wait for a message from the server (which you can then respond to via a different channel such as AJAX)


Example Client Code:


var source = new EventSource('/newFile');

source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
  // Use AJAX and pull new file here
}, false);

Unfortuantely it seems (of course) that there is no IE support. One could use a library such as EventSource HQ to support cross browser server sent events. It will abstract away needing to handle the devil's browser.

不幸的是,似乎(当然)没有IE支持。可以使用诸如EventSource HQ之类的库来支持跨浏览器服务器发送的事件。它将抽象出需要处理魔鬼的浏览器。



What you are looking for is something which is (now) quite common, and is sometimes called "real-time web". It's the ability to have your server-side code push content to the connected clients as it happens, in real-time.


This is possible through a couple of new mechanisms which are supported by newest browsers (and servers), and by some other mechanisms which weren't really designed to do that, but which can be used as "hacks" to make it work.


The first thing you have to understand is that what you are asking for (a server "pushing" a message to a client) is not how the web (or, at least, http) is (or better, was) intended to work. The classic web is stateless, request-response, half-duplex: the client initiates the communication, opens a connection to the server, the server serve something, and the connection is closed. And there used to be no way for a server to send a message to a web client: the client (i.e. your browser) should support the reverse model (offering an endpoint on which it listens), becoming effectively a server.

您必须要了解的第一件事是您所要求的(服务器“向客户端”发送消息)并不是Web(或者至少是http)是如何工作的(或更好的)。经典Web是无状态,请求 - 响应,半双工:客户端启动通信,打开与服务器的连接,服务器提供服务,连接关闭。并且以前服务器无法向Web客户端发送消息:客户端(即您的浏览器)应该支持反向模型(提供它侦听的端点),成为有效的服务器。

This is, more or less, what newer standards like WebSockets offer (another standard worth mentioning is Server-sent events (SSE); however, its support is even scarcer than WebSockets, and they seem more apt to "stream" content than sending single messages).


Unlike HTTP, WebSocket provides full-duplex communication (either party can initiate it), which is what you are looking for. The correct version of the WebSocket protocol (an older, buggy implementation exist in some browsers) is implemented in Firefox 6, Safari 6, Google Chrome 14, Opera 12.10 and Internet Explorer 10.

与HTTP不同,WebSocket提供全双工通信(任何一方都可以启动它),这正是您所寻求的。 WebSocket协议的正确版本(某些浏览器中存在较旧的错误实现)在Firefox 6,Safari 6,Google Chrome 14,Opera 12.10和Internet Explorer 10中实现。

So, what if your browser does not support WebSockets? You have to use those "tricks" I mentioned earlier. Those "trick" fall under the unbrella of Push technologies.


In particular, a common technique is long polling. Like the name says, it is not "push"; long polling is polling, i.e. a "pull" technique, but it allows to emulate a push mechanism. With long polling, the client requests information from the server exactly as in a normal AJAX call, except it issues its HTTP/S requests (polls) at a much slower frequency.

特别是,常见的技术是长轮询。就像名字所说,它不是“推”;长轮询是轮询,即“拉”技术,但它允许模拟推送机制。使用长轮询,客户端从服务器请求的信息与在正常的AJAX调用中完全相同,除非它以更慢的频率发出HTTP / S请求(轮询)。

Upon connection, the server (your server, your API: a servlet, an HTTP handler, a REST controller, whatever! It is usually the same mechanism with which you provide support for your standard AJAX calls) sends some info if there is already an update already available; if there is nothing new, instead of sending an empty response, it holds the request open and waits for response information to become available.


You have a "traditional" client-initiated request, but that is put "on hold" until there is something that the server wants to communicate to you. Once there is something, the server sends a response (via the HTTP channel, still open!) to the client, completing the open HTTP Request.


Other techniques (like using sockets provided by plugins - Silverlight, Java applets, Flash..) can be used, but then again for exploiting them you need the correct client (brower/plugin combo).

可以使用其他技术(比如使用插件提供的套接字 - Silverlight,Java applets,Flash ..),但是再次使用它们需要正确的客户端(浏览器/插件组合)。

Of course, you could implement all this stuff by yourself. And I encourage you to try as a learning exercise.


For your production code, you better use a library that encapsulates all these concepts and techniques, like SignalR (for ASP.NET) Ratchet (for PHP), Signal.IO (for node.js), Faye (for Ruby).... Some of these libraries will implement more than one technique, choose the best technique based on the client, falling back to other ones automatically. They really spare you a lot of trouble!




As was said in the comments the technology that you are looking for is WebSockets. They are a way for you to have a socket (a unix lingo term for essential a bidrectional pipe) between your server and the web browsing client.


While one can work with the raw websocket api. I prefer to use a library like Socket.IO to abstract away the nasty details for me.

虽然可以使用原始websocket api。我更喜欢使用像Socket.IO这样的库来为我抽象出讨厌的细节。

After installing the package as one normally would (assuming you're using node) Socket.IO gives you many different easy ways such as events and broadcasts in integrate into your application. You can also just use it as a just a cross browser websocket (it implements fallback long polling for browsers that don't support websockets).


For your case you would want to send a message from the server to the client when ever a file is changed on the server.


One the server side (Node.js):


var io = require('socket.io').listen(80);

io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  socket.on('message', function () { });
  socket.on('disconnect', function () { });

  // more stuff here
  if(somethingChanged) {
    socket.send(JSON.stringify({changed: true, file: 'file1.txt', newContent: 'Im fresh off the press yo!'});

For the client:


  var socket = io('http://localhost/');
  socket.on('connect', function () {

    socket.on('message', function (msg) {
      if(JSON.parse(msg).changed) {
        // Do stuff here

While that is a very bare example it's hopefully enough to get you started.
