将WCF服务公开为.NET 2.0目标客户端的Web服务时,是否真的需要basicHttpBinding?

时间:2022-01-17 09:54:19

I have a WCF service and am hosting it in a Windows Service.


I tried to add a reference for the service from a Windows Form client built on .NET 2.0. I could get the Web Reference by pointing to the httpGetUrl="http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/help/mex" but when I check the Reference.cs---It only contains a namespace with nothing in it.

我尝试从基于.NET 2.0构建的Windows窗体客户端添加该服务的引用。我可以通过指向httpGetUrl =“http:// localhost:8002 / HBAccess / help / mex”来获取Web引用,但是当我检查Reference.cs时---它只包含一个没有任何内容的命名空间。

Now I add the basicHttpBinding and repeat the same steps:


And now I can see the classes for the web service.


My senior colleague insist that setting the httpGetEnabled to true would be sufficient to export the WCF service via http and make a proper web reference.


Could anyone point me to what I am missing here?


  <service behaviorConfiguration="HBAcsNX.HBAccessBehavior" name="HBAcsNX.HBAccess">
        <!--<endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="HBAcsNX.HBAccess" />-->
        <endpoint address="HBAccess" binding="netTcpBinding" contract="HBAcsNX.HBAccess" />
        <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
                <add baseAddress="net.tcp://localhost:18264/HBAccess/" />
                <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/" />
        <behavior name="HBAcsNX.HBAccessBehavior">
          <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="True" httpHelpPageUrl="http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/help" />
          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" httpGetUrl="http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/help/mex" />

// Resulting Reference.cs (Empty proxy stub with only namespace)


#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace Form.ServiceClient {
#pragma warning restore 1591

3 个解决方案


the problem is mexHttpBinding isn't actually exposing your service, its only exposing a defenition of your service, and since .net 2.0 doesn't understand nettcp you get an empty namespace, you need basicHttpBinding becuase that is your actually service endpoint.

问题是mexHttpBinding实际上并没有暴露你的服务,它只暴露了你的服务的防御,并且由于.net 2.0不理解nettcp你得到一个空的命名空间,你需要basicHttpBinding,因为你的实际服务端点。

if you look at the contracts you see that the contract for mexHttpBinding isn't even "HBAcsNX.HBAccess" but rather "IMetadataExchange".



You have to specify a binding, and basicHttpBinding is the only one that interoperates with a .NET 2.0 client. .NET 2.0 ASMX clients only support XML over HTTP, and with no WS-* protocols.

您必须指定绑定,而basicHttpBinding是唯一可与.NET 2.0客户端互操作的绑定。 .NET 2.0 ASMX客户端仅支持基于HTTP的XML,并且不支持WS- *协议。


Your config doesn't quite line up.....


<service name="HBAcsNX.HBAccess"
         behaviorConfiguration="HBAcsNX.HBAccessBehavior" >
            <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/" />

   <endpoint address="mex" 
             binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />

If you take all this into account, you get http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/ from the base address, plus mex from the MEX endpoint --> http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/mex

如果考虑到所有这些,你可以从基地址获得http:// localhost:8002 / HBAccess /,从MEX端点获得mex - > http:// localhost:8002 / HBAccess / mex

But in your behavior configuration, you use a different address for MEX:


<behavior name="HBAcsNX.HBAccessBehavior">
    <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"
                     httpGetUrl="http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/help/mex" />

Here, you point at http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/help/mex - note the extra /help in there. Now which one is it really??

在这里,你指向http:// localhost:8002 / HBAccess / help / mex - 注意那里的额外/帮助。现在哪一个真的?

I would recommend tossing away the explicit httpGetUrl in the service behavior config - just use:

我建议在服务行为配置中抛弃显式的httpGetUrl - 只需使用:

<behavior name="HBAcsNX.HBAccessBehavior">
    <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />

and you should be able to get your MEX at http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/mex.

你应该能够在http:// localhost:8002 / HBAccess / mex上获得你的MEX。



the problem is mexHttpBinding isn't actually exposing your service, its only exposing a defenition of your service, and since .net 2.0 doesn't understand nettcp you get an empty namespace, you need basicHttpBinding becuase that is your actually service endpoint.

问题是mexHttpBinding实际上并没有暴露你的服务,它只暴露了你的服务的防御,并且由于.net 2.0不理解nettcp你得到一个空的命名空间,你需要basicHttpBinding,因为你的实际服务端点。

if you look at the contracts you see that the contract for mexHttpBinding isn't even "HBAcsNX.HBAccess" but rather "IMetadataExchange".



You have to specify a binding, and basicHttpBinding is the only one that interoperates with a .NET 2.0 client. .NET 2.0 ASMX clients only support XML over HTTP, and with no WS-* protocols.

您必须指定绑定,而basicHttpBinding是唯一可与.NET 2.0客户端互操作的绑定。 .NET 2.0 ASMX客户端仅支持基于HTTP的XML,并且不支持WS- *协议。


Your config doesn't quite line up.....


<service name="HBAcsNX.HBAccess"
         behaviorConfiguration="HBAcsNX.HBAccessBehavior" >
            <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/" />

   <endpoint address="mex" 
             binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />

If you take all this into account, you get http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/ from the base address, plus mex from the MEX endpoint --> http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/mex

如果考虑到所有这些,你可以从基地址获得http:// localhost:8002 / HBAccess /,从MEX端点获得mex - > http:// localhost:8002 / HBAccess / mex

But in your behavior configuration, you use a different address for MEX:


<behavior name="HBAcsNX.HBAccessBehavior">
    <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"
                     httpGetUrl="http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/help/mex" />

Here, you point at http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/help/mex - note the extra /help in there. Now which one is it really??

在这里,你指向http:// localhost:8002 / HBAccess / help / mex - 注意那里的额外/帮助。现在哪一个真的?

I would recommend tossing away the explicit httpGetUrl in the service behavior config - just use:

我建议在服务行为配置中抛弃显式的httpGetUrl - 只需使用:

<behavior name="HBAcsNX.HBAccessBehavior">
    <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />

and you should be able to get your MEX at http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/mex.

你应该能够在http:// localhost:8002 / HBAccess / mex上获得你的MEX。
