使用Java中的WCF WsHttpBinding web服务

时间:2022-02-15 09:49:43

I'm trying to get a Java Client to communicate with a WCF wshttpbinding WebService. But I am unable to do so. The call either hangs, or I get "musunderstoodheader expcetions".

我正在尝试让Java客户机与WCF wshttpbinding web服务进行通信。但我做不到。通话要么挂起,要么我得到“musunderstoodheader expcetions”。

My Web Service is just the default Visual Studio generated "WCF Service Library Template".

我的Web服务只是默认的Visual Studio生成的“WCF服务库模板”。

My Web Service Client is just a blank IntelliJ project, with the corresponding stub generated using "Add Web Service Client" (the webservice platform specified is JAX-WS 2.X).

我的Web服务客户机只是一个空白的IntelliJ项目,对应的存根是通过“添加Web服务客户机”(指定的Web服务平台是JAX-WS 2.X)生成的。

When I change my binding to BasicHttpBinding everything works flawlessly.


I've tried playing with the WsHttpBinding configuration, including turning off security, but I've had no success.


Suggestions ? Thoughts ? Is the WsHttpBinding only partially supported by JAX-WS 2.0?

建议吗?想法吗?WsHttpBinding是否只被JAX-WS 2.0部分支持?

2 个解决方案



Your problem is that JAX-WS doesn't support the same WS protocols that are used in the wsHttpBinding. You need to use WSIT instead. WSIT is available as part of the Metro library, which is also available on Glassfish.


I recommend using wsHttpBinding or ws2007HttpBinding where possible, but you can still do a fairly secure service with basicHttpBinding over SSL/Transport Auth.

我建议在可能的情况下使用wsHttpBinding或ws2007HttpBinding,但是您仍然可以使用basicHttpBinding在SSL/Transport Auth上执行相当安全的服务。



I would carefully examine your WCF config and remove all authenitcation, authoraization etc., properties. Remember, by default, WCF will expose your service securely when using a secure transport/binding. Therefore, unless you configure your Java client to honor those security demands, it will most likely fail to authenticate and you won't see the two converse.


Once you have the two talking, gradually work through adding each security element until you have your Java client cofigured correctly.




Your problem is that JAX-WS doesn't support the same WS protocols that are used in the wsHttpBinding. You need to use WSIT instead. WSIT is available as part of the Metro library, which is also available on Glassfish.


I recommend using wsHttpBinding or ws2007HttpBinding where possible, but you can still do a fairly secure service with basicHttpBinding over SSL/Transport Auth.

我建议在可能的情况下使用wsHttpBinding或ws2007HttpBinding,但是您仍然可以使用basicHttpBinding在SSL/Transport Auth上执行相当安全的服务。



I would carefully examine your WCF config and remove all authenitcation, authoraization etc., properties. Remember, by default, WCF will expose your service securely when using a secure transport/binding. Therefore, unless you configure your Java client to honor those security demands, it will most likely fail to authenticate and you won't see the two converse.


Once you have the two talking, gradually work through adding each security element until you have your Java client cofigured correctly.
