
时间:2021-05-05 09:51:03

beginner here. My first question. Go easy on me.


Given the following hash:


pets_ages = {"Eric" => 6, "Harry" => 3, "Georgie" => 12, "Bogart" => 4, "Poly" => 4,
        "Annie" => 1, "Dot" => 3}

and running the following method:


pets_ages.sort {|x, y| x[1] <=> y[1]}.to_h

the following is returned:


      "Annie" => 1,
        "Dot" => 3,
      "Harry" => 3,
       "Poly" => 4,
     "Bogart" => 4,
       "Eric" => 6,
    "Georgie" => 12

You will notice the hash is nicely sorted by the value, as intended. What I'd like to change is the ordering of the keys, so that they remain alphabetical in the case of a tie. Notice "Dot" and "Harry" are correct in that regard, but for some reason "Poly" and "Bogart" are not. My theory is that it is automatically sorting the keys by length in the case of a tie, and not alphabetically. How can I change that?


3 个解决方案



In many languages, Hashes/Dicts aren't ordered, because of how the are implemented under the covers. Ruby 1.9+ is nice enough to guarantee ordering.

在许多语言中,散列/命令不是有序的,因为它们是在幕后实现的。Ruby 1.9+足够好,可以保证订购。

You can do this in a single pass - Ruby allows you to sort by arbitrary criteria.


# Given
pets_ages = {"Eric" => 6, "Harry" => 3, "Georgie" => 12, "Bogart" => 4, "Poly" => 4, "Annie" => 1, "Dot" => 3}

# Sort pets by the critera of "If names are equal, sort by name, else, sort by age"
pets_ages.sort {|(n1, a1), (n2, a2)| a1 == a2 ? n1 <=> n2 : a1 <=> a2 }.to_h

# => {"Annie"=>1, "Dot"=>3, "Harry"=>3, "Bogart"=>4, "Poly"=>4, "Eric"=>6, "Georgie"=>12}

Hash#sort will return an array of [k, v] pairs, but those k, v pairs can be sorted by any criteria you want in a single pass. Once we have the sorted pairs, we turn it back into a Hash with Array#to_h (Ruby 2.1+), or you can use Hash[sorted_result] in earlier versions, as Beartech points out.

散列#sort将返回一个[k, v]对的数组,但是这些k, v对可以根据您想要的任何条件在单遍中排序。一旦我们有了排序对,我们就把它转换成一个带有#to_h (Ruby 2.1+)数组的散列,或者您可以在早期版本中使用散列[sorted_result], Beartech指出。

You could get as complex as you want in the sort block; if you're familiar with Javascript sorting, Ruby actually works the same here. The <=> method returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on how the objects compare to each other. #sort just expects one of those return values, which tells it how the two given values relate to each other. You don't even have to use <=> at all if you don't want to - something like this is equivalent to the more compact form:

你可以在排序块中得到你想要的最复杂的东西;如果您熟悉Javascript排序,Ruby在这里的工作原理也是一样的。<=>方法返回- 1,0或1,具体取决于对象之间的比较。#sort只需要其中一个返回值,它告诉它给定的两个值是如何相互关联的。你甚至不需要使用<=>如果你不想-类似这样的东西等于更紧凑的形式:

pets_ages.sort do |a, b|
  if a[1] == b[1]
    if a[0] > b[0]
    elsif a[0] < b[0]
    if a[1] > b[1]
    elsif a[1] < b[1]

As you can see, as long as you always return something in the set (-1 0 1), your sort function can do whatever you want, so you can compose them however you'd like. However, such verbose forms are practically never necessary in Ruby, because of the super handy <=> operator!

正如您所看到的,只要您始终返回集合中的某些内容(-1 0 1),您的排序函数可以做任何您想做的事情,因此您可以按照自己的意愿组合它们。然而,这种冗长的表单在Ruby中实际上是没有必要的,因为超级方便的<=>操作符!

As Stefan points out, though, you have a BIG shortcut here: Array#<=> is nice enough to compare each entry between the compared arrays. This means that we can do something like:


pets_ages.sort {|a, b| a.reverse <=> b.reverse }.to_h

This takes each [k, v] pair, reverses it into [v, k], and uses Array#<=> to compare it. Since you need to perform this same operation on each [k, v] pair compared, you can shortcut it even further with #sort_by

这将获取每个[k, v]对,并将其转换为[v, k],并使用数组#<=>对其进行比较。由于您需要对每个[k, v]对执行相同的操作,所以您可以使用#sort_by进一步简化它

pets_ages.sort_by {|k, v| [v, k] }.to_h

What this does is for each hash entry, it passes the key and value to the block, and the return result of the block is what is used to compare this [k, v] pair to other entries. Since comparing [v, k] to another [v, k] pair will give us the result we want, we just return an array consisting of [v, k], which sort_by collects and sorts the original [k, v] pairs by.

对于每个散列条目,它将键和值传递给块,块的返回结果就是用来将这个[k, v]对与其他条目进行比较的结果。由于将[v, k]与另一个[v, k]对进行比较会得到我们想要的结果,所以我们只返回一个由[v, k]组成的数组,sort_by收集并对原始的[k, v]对进行排序。



As Philip pointed out, hashes were not meant to preserve order, though I think in the latest Ruby they might. But let's say they don't. Here's an array based solution that could then be re-hashed:


Edit here it is in a one-liner:


 new_pets_ages = Hash[pets_ages.sort.sort_by {|a| a[1]}]

previous answer:


pets_ages = {"Eric" => 6, "Harry" => 3, "Georgie" => 12, "Bogart" => 4, "Poly" => 4,
    "Annie" => 1, "Dot" => 3}

arr = pets_ages.sort

# [["Annie", 1], ["Bogart", 4], ["Dot", 3], ["Eric", 6], ["Georgie", 12],
#    ["Harry", 3], ["Poly", 4]]

new_arr = arr.sort_by {|a| a[1]}

#[["Annie", 1], ["Dot", 3], ["Harry", 3], ["Bogart", 4], ["Poly", 4], ["Eric", 6],
#    ["Georgie", 12]]

And finally to get a hash back:


h = Hash[new_arr]

#{"Annie"=>1, "Dot"=>3, "Harry"=>3, "Bogart"=>4, "Poly"=>4, "Eric"=>6, 
#   "Georgie"=>12}

So when we sort a hash, it gives us an array of arrays with the items sorted by the original keys. Then we sort that array of arrays by the second value of each, and since it's a lazy sort, it only shifts them if need be. Then we can send it back to a hash. I'm sure there's a trick way to do a two-pass sort in one line but this seems pretty simple.




As you already know few methods of ruby for sorting that you have used. So I would not explain it you in detail rather keep it very simple one liner for you. Here is your answer:


pets_ages.sort.sort_by{|pets| pets[1]}.to_h





In many languages, Hashes/Dicts aren't ordered, because of how the are implemented under the covers. Ruby 1.9+ is nice enough to guarantee ordering.

在许多语言中,散列/命令不是有序的,因为它们是在幕后实现的。Ruby 1.9+足够好,可以保证订购。

You can do this in a single pass - Ruby allows you to sort by arbitrary criteria.


# Given
pets_ages = {"Eric" => 6, "Harry" => 3, "Georgie" => 12, "Bogart" => 4, "Poly" => 4, "Annie" => 1, "Dot" => 3}

# Sort pets by the critera of "If names are equal, sort by name, else, sort by age"
pets_ages.sort {|(n1, a1), (n2, a2)| a1 == a2 ? n1 <=> n2 : a1 <=> a2 }.to_h

# => {"Annie"=>1, "Dot"=>3, "Harry"=>3, "Bogart"=>4, "Poly"=>4, "Eric"=>6, "Georgie"=>12}

Hash#sort will return an array of [k, v] pairs, but those k, v pairs can be sorted by any criteria you want in a single pass. Once we have the sorted pairs, we turn it back into a Hash with Array#to_h (Ruby 2.1+), or you can use Hash[sorted_result] in earlier versions, as Beartech points out.

散列#sort将返回一个[k, v]对的数组,但是这些k, v对可以根据您想要的任何条件在单遍中排序。一旦我们有了排序对,我们就把它转换成一个带有#to_h (Ruby 2.1+)数组的散列,或者您可以在早期版本中使用散列[sorted_result], Beartech指出。

You could get as complex as you want in the sort block; if you're familiar with Javascript sorting, Ruby actually works the same here. The <=> method returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on how the objects compare to each other. #sort just expects one of those return values, which tells it how the two given values relate to each other. You don't even have to use <=> at all if you don't want to - something like this is equivalent to the more compact form:

你可以在排序块中得到你想要的最复杂的东西;如果您熟悉Javascript排序,Ruby在这里的工作原理也是一样的。<=>方法返回- 1,0或1,具体取决于对象之间的比较。#sort只需要其中一个返回值,它告诉它给定的两个值是如何相互关联的。你甚至不需要使用<=>如果你不想-类似这样的东西等于更紧凑的形式:

pets_ages.sort do |a, b|
  if a[1] == b[1]
    if a[0] > b[0]
    elsif a[0] < b[0]
    if a[1] > b[1]
    elsif a[1] < b[1]

As you can see, as long as you always return something in the set (-1 0 1), your sort function can do whatever you want, so you can compose them however you'd like. However, such verbose forms are practically never necessary in Ruby, because of the super handy <=> operator!

正如您所看到的,只要您始终返回集合中的某些内容(-1 0 1),您的排序函数可以做任何您想做的事情,因此您可以按照自己的意愿组合它们。然而,这种冗长的表单在Ruby中实际上是没有必要的,因为超级方便的<=>操作符!

As Stefan points out, though, you have a BIG shortcut here: Array#<=> is nice enough to compare each entry between the compared arrays. This means that we can do something like:


pets_ages.sort {|a, b| a.reverse <=> b.reverse }.to_h

This takes each [k, v] pair, reverses it into [v, k], and uses Array#<=> to compare it. Since you need to perform this same operation on each [k, v] pair compared, you can shortcut it even further with #sort_by

这将获取每个[k, v]对,并将其转换为[v, k],并使用数组#<=>对其进行比较。由于您需要对每个[k, v]对执行相同的操作,所以您可以使用#sort_by进一步简化它

pets_ages.sort_by {|k, v| [v, k] }.to_h

What this does is for each hash entry, it passes the key and value to the block, and the return result of the block is what is used to compare this [k, v] pair to other entries. Since comparing [v, k] to another [v, k] pair will give us the result we want, we just return an array consisting of [v, k], which sort_by collects and sorts the original [k, v] pairs by.

对于每个散列条目,它将键和值传递给块,块的返回结果就是用来将这个[k, v]对与其他条目进行比较的结果。由于将[v, k]与另一个[v, k]对进行比较会得到我们想要的结果,所以我们只返回一个由[v, k]组成的数组,sort_by收集并对原始的[k, v]对进行排序。



As Philip pointed out, hashes were not meant to preserve order, though I think in the latest Ruby they might. But let's say they don't. Here's an array based solution that could then be re-hashed:


Edit here it is in a one-liner:


 new_pets_ages = Hash[pets_ages.sort.sort_by {|a| a[1]}]

previous answer:


pets_ages = {"Eric" => 6, "Harry" => 3, "Georgie" => 12, "Bogart" => 4, "Poly" => 4,
    "Annie" => 1, "Dot" => 3}

arr = pets_ages.sort

# [["Annie", 1], ["Bogart", 4], ["Dot", 3], ["Eric", 6], ["Georgie", 12],
#    ["Harry", 3], ["Poly", 4]]

new_arr = arr.sort_by {|a| a[1]}

#[["Annie", 1], ["Dot", 3], ["Harry", 3], ["Bogart", 4], ["Poly", 4], ["Eric", 6],
#    ["Georgie", 12]]

And finally to get a hash back:


h = Hash[new_arr]

#{"Annie"=>1, "Dot"=>3, "Harry"=>3, "Bogart"=>4, "Poly"=>4, "Eric"=>6, 
#   "Georgie"=>12}

So when we sort a hash, it gives us an array of arrays with the items sorted by the original keys. Then we sort that array of arrays by the second value of each, and since it's a lazy sort, it only shifts them if need be. Then we can send it back to a hash. I'm sure there's a trick way to do a two-pass sort in one line but this seems pretty simple.




As you already know few methods of ruby for sorting that you have used. So I would not explain it you in detail rather keep it very simple one liner for you. Here is your answer:


pets_ages.sort.sort_by{|pets| pets[1]}.to_h

