
时间:2022-09-20 09:48:55

I have a quite common problem, as I saw in the various user groups but could not find a suitable answer.


What I want to do is generate an ASP.NET page in my website which will have the option of being exported into Microsoft Word .doc format.

我想要做的是在我的网站中生成一个ASP.NET页面,该页面可以选择导出为Microsoft Word .doc格式。

The method I have used is this:


Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=Test.doc");
Response.Charset = "";
Response.ContentType = "application/msword";

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter htmlWrite = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);

However this eventhough it generates a word doc, the images are note embedded in the document, rather they are placed as links. I have looked for a way to do this, but have not found something that actually worked.


I would appreciate any help I can get, since this as "last minute" requirement (talk about typical)



1 个解决方案



Short Answer: You need to provide absolute URLs for the source of the images in your page.


Longer Answer:

Microsoft Word will open an HTML document if you rename it with a *.doc extension. This is what the code that you provided is doing. In this case, the images are not embedded in the document like they would be if you created a document in actual Word format. If your images are using relative URLs then Word will not know where to look for them, hence the need for absolute URLs.

如果您使用* .doc扩展名重命名,Microsoft Word将打开HTML文档。这就是您提供的代码所做的事情。在这种情况下,图像不会像在您以实际Word格式创建文档时那样嵌入到文档中。如果您的图像使用相对URL,则Word将不知道在哪里查找它们,因此需要绝对URL。

NOTE: This means that anyone viewing the document without an internet connection will not see the images, as they are requested from the server every time the document is opened.


A more elegant solution would be to create the document in the real Word format. A great library for this is Aspose.Words. Using this library you would be able to embed the images directly into the document so that they do not rely on the server.




Short Answer: You need to provide absolute URLs for the source of the images in your page.


Longer Answer:

Microsoft Word will open an HTML document if you rename it with a *.doc extension. This is what the code that you provided is doing. In this case, the images are not embedded in the document like they would be if you created a document in actual Word format. If your images are using relative URLs then Word will not know where to look for them, hence the need for absolute URLs.

如果您使用* .doc扩展名重命名,Microsoft Word将打开HTML文档。这就是您提供的代码所做的事情。在这种情况下,图像不会像在您以实际Word格式创建文档时那样嵌入到文档中。如果您的图像使用相对URL,则Word将不知道在哪里查找它们,因此需要绝对URL。

NOTE: This means that anyone viewing the document without an internet connection will not see the images, as they are requested from the server every time the document is opened.


A more elegant solution would be to create the document in the real Word format. A great library for this is Aspose.Words. Using this library you would be able to embed the images directly into the document so that they do not rely on the server.
