
时间:2022-11-03 09:49:27

I am using the WP-Polls plugin for WordPress which is an AJAX polling system and I'm trying to append an initially hidden div (.comment-block) to a new div (.voted) which will be dynamically inserted into the DOM by the WP-Polls plugin upon AJAX success. Once the user has voted and clicked on the vote button (.Buttons), the DOM updates to reflect the addition of the new (empty) div with a class of .voted. I put up a similar question earlier but thought I'd open a new more relevant thread.


Note: The .voted div was created through the templates that WP-Polls offers in the dashboard. The plugin offers templates for "before the user has voted" and "after the user has voted" and what I did was insert a div into the latter like this: <div class="voted"></div>. The reason why I can't just add content inside that div directly is because the content in the div to be appended (.comment-block) is a contact form created by the plugin Contact Form 7 and it requires a PHP statement. Only HTML is allowed in the templates.

注意:.voted div是通过WP-Polls在仪表板中提供的模板创建的。该插件提供“在用户投票之前”和“在用户投票之后”的模板,我所做的是在后者中插入一个div:

。我不能直接在div中添加内容的原因是因为要附加的div中的内容(.comment-block)是由插件Contact Form 7创建的联系表单,它需要PHP语句。模板中只允许使用HTML。

Among other various failed attempts, I have tried to use .on so that clicking on .Buttons would activate the function. However, nothing was changed in the DOM.


$(document).on('click', '.Buttons', function() {

Below is the HTML. This is before the user has voted:


<div id="poll">
    (poll here) + .Buttons vote button                  <-- in here----------| 
</div>                                                                       |
<div class="comment-block" style="display:none">        <-- I want this div  |
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[contact-form-7]'); ?>

And this is how I want it to look after the user has voted:


<div id="poll">
    <div class="voted">                                 <-- dynamically created div
        <div class="comment-block" style="display:block">
            <?php echo do_shortcode('[contact-form-7]'); ?>

If anyone can show me the way, I'd appreciate it. I've been racking my brain with this one for hours.


Edit: I am not up to speed with AJAX so I'm unable to provide exactly the code that is needed, but here is a list of the files for the plugin: https://github.com/lesterchan/wp-polls


3 个解决方案



$('button.Buttons').click(function ()
    $('#poll').empty().append('<div class="voted"></div>');

You can also change the '.show()' to actually set the style specifically to display:block if you need to.




If I understand your question correctly, this should work:


$('.Buttons').on('click', function () {
  setTimeout(function () {
    var commentBlock = $('.comment-block'),
      cloneComment = commentBlock.clone();
    cloneComment.wrap('<div class="voted">').show();
  }, 1000);

First, bind the 'click' to the '.Buttons' element. Then, create a clone of the '.comment-block' element so you can .remove() the original '.comment-block' and .append() or .prepend() the cloned element to the '#poll' element. Lastly, .wrap() the clone with a <div class="voted"> and call .show() to display the clone.





You need to trigger an event from the ajax call:


The button onclick function fires the ajax call. The ajax success fires event(s) on the targeted elements to be changed and passes it's response as a parameter.

按钮onclick函数触发ajax调用。 ajax成功触发要更改的目标元素上的事件,并将其响应作为参数传递。

example: html

<div id="foo">bar</div>
<button onclick="ajaxCall();" />


var ajaxCall = function() {
    success: function(response) {
      $("#foo").trigger("ajsuccess", response);
  "ajsuccess" : function(e, response) {



$('button.Buttons').click(function ()
    $('#poll').empty().append('<div class="voted"></div>');

You can also change the '.show()' to actually set the style specifically to display:block if you need to.




If I understand your question correctly, this should work:


$('.Buttons').on('click', function () {
  setTimeout(function () {
    var commentBlock = $('.comment-block'),
      cloneComment = commentBlock.clone();
    cloneComment.wrap('<div class="voted">').show();
  }, 1000);

First, bind the 'click' to the '.Buttons' element. Then, create a clone of the '.comment-block' element so you can .remove() the original '.comment-block' and .append() or .prepend() the cloned element to the '#poll' element. Lastly, .wrap() the clone with a <div class="voted"> and call .show() to display the clone.





You need to trigger an event from the ajax call:


The button onclick function fires the ajax call. The ajax success fires event(s) on the targeted elements to be changed and passes it's response as a parameter.

按钮onclick函数触发ajax调用。 ajax成功触发要更改的目标元素上的事件,并将其响应作为参数传递。

example: html

<div id="foo">bar</div>
<button onclick="ajaxCall();" />


var ajaxCall = function() {
    success: function(response) {
      $("#foo").trigger("ajsuccess", response);
  "ajsuccess" : function(e, response) {